The Shoutbox
Either that or it'll get broken...

I've seen cue get bust half way down.

She's a good kid though and her Dad knows what the cue means to me.

Still nervous though.
Feeling nervous...

I leant my cue to a14 year old girl who has had leaps and bounds in her game and I know the family really, really well..

Her Dad is within the top 150 in the world but she needed a skinny tipped cu e and mine is an 8mm tip.

And the cue I leant her is the one I learned to play with... it's older than she is lol!
So I'd be lying if I said I could remember last week. That's not good.
Asker: "I'm thinking of a movie... something happens in it. Can't remember much more. May have had an action scene though. Possibly some drugs, may have had an actress in it as well."
Mark: "I know that one. It's *insert title here*"
Asker: "Wow! Thanks!"

mark f... The MoFo encyclopaedia.
Originally Posted by bluedeed
Originally Posted by linespalsy
gonna go see a better tomorrow on the big screen in a couple hours. tsui hark's gonna be there.
At MoMI? I wanted to go but couldn't make it this weekend
Late night (where I am, anyway) sneak attack for the next two on the '70s countdown. #34 is definitely not on the ACLU's top ten, and #33 may have adversely effected the sale of beans for generations.
I've been on my feet all day. Holy crap, tired!
Okay, thanks.
It'll show up as a link on the shout that will slide into view for you when you submit it, but try refreshing after.
Doesn't work for me. The link shows not the video.
just post the youtube link... it will appear..