The Shoutbox
500 Light-years is a smidge compared to the Universe. Our Galaxy is 100,000 light-years across.

In scale terms, if you squished our entire Galaxy to 100 miles across, our entire solar system from the Sun to Pluto would be smaller of a grain of sand.


Squish the Sun down to a 1 inch ball...

Mercury would be 3ft away. And would be invisible.
Venus would be 6ft away. And would be 0.02mm across.
Earth 8ft away. And would be 0.02mm across.
Mars 13ft away. And would be 0.1mm across.
Jupiter 46ft (14 metres) away. And would be 2.6mm across.
Saturn 85ft (26 metres) away. 2.1mm across.
Uranus 171ft (52 metres) away. 0.8mm across.
Neptune 269ft (82 metres) away. 0.8mm across.
Pluto 354ft (107 metres) away. And would be invisible.
"only 500," which means that even if the place is full of aliens, it'd take at least 500 years for any of our shit to reach them
Here's another one...

The Kepler Telescope was built to find Exoplanets, planets outside our Solar System... they've found hundreds of Exoplanets so far but nothing that could support life.
However, Kepler has discovered a Planet, within what is known as the "Goldilocks Belt".
The Goldilocks Belt is the distance from a Sun that is the right temperature. Not too hot, not too cold. Our Earth is inside our own Solar System's Goldilocks Belt, which is why life has flourished on our planet...

The planet they found is a rocky planet, has an atmosphere, and is the same size as Earth.

It's only 500 Light-years away. The discovery was made a week or two ago.
A new Planet has been discovered on our Solar System.
Discovery was made official last month.

It's the size of Pluto, meaning it is a "Dwarf Planet" rather than a full blown Planet, and orbits much farther out than Pluto does.

A few years ago the discovery of a another icy-rocky lump was seen as "just another icy-rocky lump" that was simply part of the Kuiper Belt and Oort Cloud as it was much smaller than Pluto and orbited within those areas...

... but this new one, called 2012-VP113, has thrown Astronomers into disarray as they now believe that our Solar System has the potential to contain hundreds, if not thousands of Dwarf Planets and even some full blown Planets made up of ice and rock, the size of Mars, Venus and Earth, and possibly even bigger.

Spotting them has become a new challenge for Astronomers as being so far away, they have little light hitting them and take thousands of our years to orbit once around the Sun, but Astronomers are taking up the challenge and are scouring the skies as we speak.

I've done some reading up and they reckon a possibility is that there's a planet out there whose gravitational pull is moving these two new Dwarf Planets into a certain orbit...

They reckon it could be anything up to 10 times the size of Earth.
Originally Posted by Yoda
And a chilly marnin' it is.

But not too bad. I'm still pretty giddy about the weather in general.
I'll be giddy about the weather in 28 days when I head west to some warmth.
And a chilly marnin' it is.

But not too bad. I'm still pretty giddy about the weather in general.
Morning, everyone!
DIY movie for me now is Don Jon. Do not know why I like it so much.
Originally Posted by The Rodent
It's gotten to the pojnt for me these days where I no longer have a "Default Movie".

Aliens was one of my defaults, for a while it was Stake Land... these days though, nothing seems to work and I end up watching DIY shows on TV.
Oh Rodent, get help.
Originally Posted by Powdered Water
I wish my name were Ukraine, so the U.S. could give me 50 million dollars. What a friggin' joke.
As my auntie used to say: No man is an island. Except Fred Madagascar.