Stranger Things


That elusive hide-and-seek cow is at it again
Strange how that works, eh?
OMG OK, I'm stopping now. I've littered the forums enough this morning.
"My Dionne Warwick understanding of your dream indicates that you are ambivalent on how you want life to eventually screw you." - Joel

"Ever try to forcibly pin down a house cat? It's not easy." - Captain Steel

"I just can't get pass sticking a finger up a dog's butt." - John Dumbear

A system of cells interlinked
Loved season 1, thought season 2 was pretty good. Looking forward to season 3!
“It takes considerable knowledge just to realize the extent of your own ignorance.” ― Thomas Sowell

The New Coke tie-in really has me worried. That aside, this season looks like a return to the form of S1. Ima put S2 right there with S2 of Carnivale. Yea, I sed it. Exact same feels. A show that went from a pinnacle to a afterthought in 1 season.

28 days...6 hours...42 minutes...12 seconds
Loved season 1, thought season 2 was pretty good. Looking forward to season 3!
I thought season 2 was on par with the first.
"A laugh can be a very powerful thing. Why, sometimes in life, it's the only weapon we have."

Suspect's Reviews

I can't remember what really stood out in S2, the memorable moments. Will came back, there was a guy with a mullet, E11ven went on a sidequest, the same monster kinda... I dunno, it just seemed like a rehash of sorts. Throw in some of the comments the Duffer's made about how they weren't really ready to do another season and had to get it out because the kids are in a small window where they can do these roles.

I enjoyed S2 because it was more of the characters, not because of any moments.

That elusive hide-and-seek cow is at it again
S3 up. And judging by the opening scene, it looks as though they've found Optimus' Matrix of Leadership!

Hellloooo Cindy - Scary Movie (2000)
Loved season 1 and two. Thought all episodes were great except for one in season two where the girl goes off on a tangent with a group of misfits. Have now watched 2 episodes of season three. It's been over 9 months since I had seen season 1 and 2....Season 3 feels different, was it always trying to be a comedy? Every scene or near to every scene there is some attempt at humour. I remember stranger things being a bit more chill or cool. Hopefully things improve.

Watched the first two eps last night. It has the same appealing "Spielberg-with-horror" allure as did the first two seasons. To me it's a pretty clever blend of good-natured Americana-- more like a contemporary reflexion of Andy Hardy juxtaposed with scary horror elements.

Should be a good season. Love the atmospheric '80s music.


Three episodes in, good stuff so far. I'm at the point where the actual supernatural stuff feels like a distraction from the character stuff. Good place for a show to be this early, I expect, and there's a lot of plot movement already.

Characters are what really make this show. Maybe I shouldn't be so hard on S2, because I still love these little stinkfaces and Hopper. In light of the lack of momentum for S2 as a whole, there are shining moments like the Snowball Dance.

Hap and Leonard is an extreme example. The show is borderline garbini, but the characters are great.

Loved season 1 and two. Thought all episodes were great except for one in season two where the girl goes off on a tangent with a group of misfits. Have now watched 2 episodes of season three. It's been over 9 months since I had seen season 1 and 2....Season 3 feels different, was it always trying to be a comedy? Every scene or near to every scene there is some attempt at humour. I remember stranger things being a bit more chill or cool. Hopefully things improve.
It felt very different to me too. Not only the non-stop comedy but the constant "tributes" to 80s films felt rather cheap. First two seasons had the 80s feel to them but they didn't force countless references down your throat. Even the scope of the story felt wrong (and while it certainly was the stuff of the 80s it was clearly from the different corner of the decade's B-movie box).

To me season 3 was clearly the worst of the three and while I kinda see where they're going (sequels usually meant bigger) I don't personally like the direction the show has taken. It's not bad by any means but pretty far from the glory of season 1.

Season 1 -

Season 2 -

Season 3 -

The problem with Stranger Things is that it doesn't get the Game of Thrones philosophy of killing off characters and reducing the cast. Having three separate plot points running throughout the series killed the momentum for me.

It was fine for an 8 episode run, I enjoyed it a bit more than season 2. They needed something different this season than the CGI monster, they needed to do a better job with the Body Snatchers idea.

Hellloooo Cindy - Scary Movie (2000)
It felt very different to me too. Not only the non-stop comedy but the constant "tributes" to 80s films felt rather cheap. First two seasons had the 80s feel to them but they didn't force countless references down your throat. Even the scope of the story felt wrong (and while it certainly was the stuff of the 80s it was clearly from the different corner of the decade's B-movie box).

To me season 3 was clearly the worst of the three and while I kinda see where they're going (sequels usually meant bigger) I don't personally like the direction the show has taken. It's not bad by any means but pretty far from the glory of season 1.

Season 1 -

Season 2 -

Season 3 -
Glad I’m not alone. I’m shocked that people are liking it so much. I’d say the episodes are around 40 to 60 % good where as the last two seasons Imo, where on the 90% mark. This season is full of those lazy story writing coincidences that progress plot points. There is absolutely not tension or thrill when characters are joking non stop in dramatic situations. Not happy at all with it, two episodes to go, I’ll finish it though.

Hellloooo Cindy - Scary Movie (2000)
Characters are what really make this show. Maybe I shouldn't be so hard on S2, because I still love these little stinkfaces and Hopper. In light of the lack of momentum for S2 as a whole, there are shining moments like the Snowball Dance.

Hap and Leonard is an extreme example. The show is borderline garbini, but the characters are great.
Thought Hopper was likeable in season 1 and 2. This season he’s a big, loud, slob character.

The New Coke tie-in really has me worried. That aside, this season looks like a return to the form of S1. Ima put S2 right there with S2 of Carnivale. Yea, I sed it. Exact same feels. A show that went from a pinnacle to a afterthought in 1 season.
Ha! You're so right. Talk about "product placement".. I was shocked at how much air time Coke got. Surely the Coca-Cola Co. paid big bucks for the blatant advertising. Maybe that's how the producers could afford so much CGI and special effects.

There were several others too, for example Curad bandages.

We finished the series last night. My wife enjoyed it more than I, probably because of all the '80s nostalgia. I thought it was watchable, mostly enjoyable; sort of a good natured Spielberg-esque portrait of adolescents with a penchant for potty mouth. The many appearances of the monster got a little long in the tooth. And we're assured of a 4th season to see what happens with Hopper and Joyce Byers.. They'll have to make some serious changes with the kids, and also the supernatural stuff.


Hellloooo Cindy - Scary Movie (2000)
Finished it last night also. I found the last episode to be the most enjoyable. It was almost ruined by the incessant bickering of Hopper and Byers, which I didn't find humorous. Also the duet scene was a terrible inclusion - it however made the dark small girl seems less annoying when compared to the new girlfriend, Samantha?

I've already commented on the humour being a problem - I did however find the Russian interpreter from the previous season(s) genuinely funny in this. I'm really hoping they tune it down in the future. I'd also say the multitude of characters is getting too much. We now have additions (sorry I'm terrible with names), ice cream store girl and black guys sister, plus what seems like more Hopper and Joyce. It's getting very crowded with three distinct groups that are growing plus villains.

What I did like was the CGI, thought they nailed it. And they didn't necessarily destroy the bond they had created with the first two seasons re the main characters, with the exception of Hopper, who I think is a loud, boorish, obnoxious, slob character now. I had liked him previously.

Anyway these are just my thoughts, my expectations were high given my fandom of the first two seasons but clearly I've been disappointed. My hope for season 4 would be new writers or the hiring of old writers and Duffer brothers but maybe its just the case that not much more can be done with this small down story without diminishing returns. Maybe S2 should have ended it all?