New Individual Movie Pages


So, this is something I've wanted to do forever, and with the release of Clubs, its release was imminent. Clubs meant filmographies for each director, which meant letting people check individual films off of those even if they weren't on Lists, and the ability to mark any film seen was one of the hurdles to: individual movie pages.

They look like this:

12 Angry Men

At the moment, it's mostly just putting a bunch of existing stuff in one place: reviews of the film, anyone who's favorited it, links to a quiz (if there is one), and it adds some basic information like cast & crew, runtime, and release date.

Before long, I'd like to add the lists it's on (once that section has been expanded, since that doesn't apply to too many films yet), as well as things like box office information. And I'll probably try to add a search of this section pretty quickly, too.

And, of course, if anyone has any suggestions, let me know.

EDIT: just want to note, in case anyone was going to suggest this, that letting people rate the films is pretty high on the list. Just one of those things I want to be really smooth, quick, and easy/intuitive, like the Mark Seen button, before I make it available.

You can't win an argument just by being right!
I really like how you have the ratings by the reviewers there when you open the whole page. When I'm checking out a movie I like to get a general handle on opposing PoVs without reading the reviews before I see it. If a movie has thumbs up and thumbs down equally, I know I'm going to have some fun.

Trouble with a capital "T"
And, of course, if anyone has any suggestions, let me know.
You know me, I'm sure I will have a few suggestions...I'll check it out in detail latter today, I have to run right now, so I will just say....

I like it!.
..You're sure doing a lot of neat upgrades!

Trouble with a capital "T"
I really like how you have the ratings by the reviewers there when you open the whole page. When I'm checking out a movie I like to get a general handle on opposing PoVs without reading the reviews before I see it. If a movie has thumbs up and thumbs down equally, I know I'm going to have some fun.
Always make sure and believe my reviews over the other reviewers

Is the goal going to be for every movie (which sounds daunting) or just for MoFo's more popular titles?
With enough persistence and sledgehammering, I'm sure they'll eventually make pages for Quills and Hedwig and the Angry Inch.

You can't win an argument just by being right!
Always make sure and believe my reviews over the other reviewers
Oh my, ofcourse I will, my friend.

I take notice of reviewers on a small board like this because I can get a handle on their general film outlook after a while. Not so much on the other board. Just no, not taking notice of that misused function.

My two favourite film critics of all time were a man and woman team in Aus that had a movie review show. Brilliant brilliant couple. They fought like an old married couple when they disagreed but they obviously had a deep respect for each other. Sadly, they retired recently. Total movie critic icons down here. Film geek gods.

Is the goal going to be for every movie (which sounds daunting) or just for MoFo's more popular titles?
It should already be every title, since it's semi-automated. We store some local data on each movie from our data source (TMDB) to help things run smoother, and any time you try to view information about a film we don't have any local data on, it just adds it as you're loading the page. So in theory, anything TMDB has listed, you'll automatically find here.

In the OP I mention a search. That shouldn't be too long from now. Maybe even today/tomorrow. But for now, every movie linked in a profile (or under your Favorites star on each post) takes you to that movie's page.

In the OP I mention a search.
What, did you expect me to read that or something?

A system of cells interlinked
Of course I have known about the clubs for some time now, which is why i just joined my first three clubs now.... *Whistles*

Cool feature!
“It takes considerable knowledge just to realize the extent of your own ignorance.” ― Thomas Sowell

Little Devil's Avatar
MC for the Great Underground Circus
You're more advanced than a cockroach, have you ever tried explaining yourself to one of them?

In the OP I mention a search. That shouldn't be too long from now. Maybe even today/tomorrow. But for now, every movie linked in a profile (or under your Favorites star on each post) takes you to that movie's page.
Will it be possible to see all movies a member has seen if he wished to mark all of them as seen? Or otherwise, what is the purpose of "seen" mark?

It should already be every title, since it's semi-automated. We store some local data on each movie from our data source (TMDB) to help things run smoother, and any time you try to view information about a film we don't have any local data on, it just adds it as you're loading the page. So in theory, anything TMDB has listed, you'll automatically find here.
The page looks great, and if it's automated to pull existing data from elsewhere, win/win.