President Trump


A system of cells interlinked
Ah yes, Tim Pool the half Korean nazi. Just look out!
“It takes considerable knowledge just to realize the extent of your own ignorance.” ― Thomas Sowell

Ah yes, Tim Pool the half Korean nazi. Just look out!
I suggest checking out Matt Christiansen and Styxhexenhammer666.
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"Well, at least your intentions behind the UTTERLY DEVASTATING FAULTS IN YOUR LOGIC are good." - Captain Steel

I saw something the other day about America creating the Nazi's. I thought to myself. Hey.... one more thing.
We are both the source of the problem and the solution, yet we do not see ourselves in this light...

A system of cells interlinked
I suggest checking out Matt Christiansen and Styxhexenhammer666.
A bit too far to the right for me. I know Southern also qualifies in this regard, but she tends to hold more libertarian views (I'm a libertarian, btw). She is also pretty damned funny. I disagree with Southern on about 50% of what she says, while the guys you list above tip too far into far-right for my taste. I tend to agree more with guys like Rubin, who consider themselves classical liberals, which are now right wing, apparently. (?!?!)

A quick scan of Christiansen's vids show that he sometimes teams up with Blonde in the Belly of the Beast. My wife liked some of her red pill stuff (my wife is a red pill), but she sometimes says some pretty cringe-worthy stuff.

I saw something the other day about black-shirt communists creating the Nazi's. I thought to myself. Hey.... one more thing.
I fixed that for you, PW.

I'm not old, you're just 12.
I don't think he'll be impeached either, everyone calling for Obama's impeachment was just as sure he would be over Fast and Furious or Benghazi or whatever. Think it would take something really, really big and i just can't see whatever that could be coming out, and even if it does the Republicans control the House and the Senate. Think the best these things are going to do is make him unelectable in 2020.
The problem with Impeaching Obama was that he'd not committed an impeachable offense. Trump has worked with a hostile foreign power to manipulate the US election. Big difference. And I think that should an indictment come down, and Trump is headed to prison for treason, then yeah, they'll have to impeach, republicans in control or not. I feel like they'd rather have Pence as president anyways.
"You, me, everyone...we are all made of star stuff." - Neil Degrasse Tyson

The problem with Impeaching Obama was that he'd not committed an impeachable offense. Trump has worked with a hostile foreign power to manipulate the US election.'s_razor

A bit too far to the right for me.
I specifically recommended them because they're not. What outstanding right-wing views do you think they hold that deviate from classical liberal/libertarian views?

As much as I don't like the guy, and believe he's unfit for being president... at least he doesn't look like a Nasty Gross Orange in this recent photo:

Good on ya Donald!

Trump is what the US needs in it's natural transition away from global power status. As China rises as the world's dominant power the rest of the world needs to back down or WW3 might erupt. Last time such a thing happened with Germany's rise it lead to WW1 and WW2, as the UK was unable to accommodate the new rising power, Trump, by making US leadership much weaker allows for the peaceful accommodation of China's rising power.

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
That post sounds like a Trump spin.

"Amazingly I single handedly prevented WWIII, believe me. I had to appear weak to stop the war. You are welcome America."

Indeed. Trump might be the most important leader the US will produce in the 21st century, actually by reducing the US international role and allowing China to take over these roles in a peaceful fashion. By removing the US from the transpacific partnership he allowed China space to consolidate it's hegemony of Asia while by mishandling North Korea he made China intervene and solve the situation (why do you think North Korea stopped saber rattling? Because China made then do so), hence China's international influence and reputation increases while US's influence decreases.

Trumps historical importance to the US might be comparable to FDR in the 20th century, when FDR basically made the US take over the UK's position as global leader and Lincoln in the 19th century who held the country together. Let's see what happens over the next 7 years of his presidency (yes he is probably going to get reelected). Although his incompetence increased the risk of war with North Korea it decreases the risk of war with Russia and China which are the really dangerous ones.

I'm not old, you're just 12.
Yeah, but with Trump supporters, that's just a joke. Unless said proof comes from Breitbart or Infowars or Fox News, they'll just shout "fake news" til you just give up talking to them. Been there, done that.

But just to be clear, it's been proven that Trump's campaign HAS colluded with the Russians, including his own son, and several key members of his staff. Trump and Putin are best buds, and he's willing to trust Vlad over intelligence from his own country. So the writing is on the wall. Just not on Right Wing News sites that I'm sure Trumpsters read.

Just remember, as Trumps own lawyers have been happy to inform us, collusion is not a crime. So unless antitrust laws have been broken which is unlikely, Trump could openly brag about colluding with the Russians and it wouldnt result in impeachment necessarily. Where he could get himself in trouble is when and if he starts pardoning Manafort and those scum bags and/or fires Mueller. Then all hell will break loose.
Farewell and adieu to you fair Spanish ladies...

Please Quote/Tag Or I'll Miss Your Responses
Indeed. Trump might be the most important leader the US will produce in the 21st century, actually by reducing the US international role and allowing China to take over these roles in a peaceful fashion. By removing the US from the transpacific partnership he allowed China space to consolidate it's hegemony of Asia while by mishandling North Korea he made China intervene and solve the situation (why do you think North Korea stopped saber rattling? Because China made then do so), hence China's international influence and reputation increases while US's influence decreases.

Trumps historical importance to the US might be comparable to FDR in the 20th century, when FDR basically made the US take over the UK's position as global leader and Lincoln in the 19th century who held the country together. Let's see what happens over the next 7 years of his presidency (yes he is probably going to get reelected). Although his incompetence increased the risk of war with North Korea it decreases the risk of war with Russia and China which are the really dangerous ones.
Trump isn't going to bring us a "New Deal" or "Bretton-Woods".... FDR saved the US, became THE superpower under him after people got jobs, even starting the WPA, Federal Theater, so that EVERYONE could make a living doing what they do.

28 days...6 hours...42 minutes...12 seconds
What I don't understand is that if it is proven that he colluded with Russians to influence the election and he won...why that doesn't immediately demand a re-vote of some kind. Even if he were impeached and Pence takes over....Pence was part of his team which colluded with Russians.

I honestly see the whole situation as 'people complain about it (if true) and do nothing about it.'
"A laugh can be a very powerful thing. Why, sometimes in life, it's the only weapon we have."

Suspect's Reviews

What I don't understand is that if it is proven that he colluded with Russians to influence the election and he won...why that doesn't immediately demand a re-vote of some kind.
Because, to my knowledge, nothing meaningful has actually been proven. There's plenty of sketchy stuff connected to people around him, but the "collusion" case is often dramatically overstated by his critics. And I say this as someone who thinks very little of him, obviously.

28 days...6 hours...42 minutes...12 seconds
Because, to my knowledge, nothing meaningful has actually been proven. There's plenty of sketchy stuff connected to people around him, but the "collusion" case is often dramatically overstated by his critics. And I say this as someone who thinks very little of him, obviously.
My question is IF it is indeed 100% proven. What steps are taken.

Well, there are currently several ongoing investigations into possible foreign collusion. One of them (the Mueller investigation) has already charged two aides. So, if and when they find proof, those are the steps that are taken.

But it's important to establish what people are even looking for proof of. For example, you asked why there wouldn't be a re-vote, which makes it sound like this "collusion" would involve something like vote tampering. But as far as I can tell, Russian involvement has basically just consisted of releasing embarrassing information about Democrats. I'm not comfortable with any foreign power getting involved, but that obviously doesn't render an election illegitimate.

If any laws were broken, it seems like they'd be laws relating to whether they were assisted or coordinated with in doing this.

Yeah, but with Trump supporters, that's just a joke. Unless said proof comes from Breitbart or Infowars or Fox News, they'll just shout "fake news" til you just give up talking to them. Been there, done that.
That's an uncharitable deflection, I'll accept no alleged "proof" from any mass media organization, whether it's CNN or Fox, MSNBC or Breitbart, Huffington Post or Infowars.

Originally Posted by Monkeypunch
But just to be clear, it's been proven that Trump's campaign HAS colluded with the Russians,
So prove it.

Inb4 you backpedal from "proof" to "evidence".