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In the Beginning...
Anyone have an input on Halo Wars?
I liked it until I ran into an Escort mission, which is unfortunately like the third or fourth one. It's a stellar RTS, but the poor design on that one mission was enough to make me hang it up. I shouldn't have to repeat a mission several times just so I can understand what's going on.

I've also heard that once the Flood show up, player interest tends to dwindle. But I can't speak to that.

Registered User
Eugh. I really hate the flood.

A system of cells interlinked
Mikey play Wowie
“It takes considerable knowledge just to realize the extent of your own ignorance.” ― Thomas Sowell

Registered User
I've not played WoW myself tidy for around 4 weeks, had no net for 2 weeks or so. I've not had the urge to go back to it. Though I am going to tonight, I need to do Easter stuff I need to do all achievements for all events for a Proto-Drake.

\m/ Fade To Black \m/
At the moment im loving Batman Arkham Asylum and Modern Warfare 2.

Jrs Yes Deadrising 2 looks awesome, and my son loves Crackdown and he is looking forward to Crackdown 2.
~In the event of a Zombie Uprising, remember to sever the head or destroy the brain!~

A system of cells interlinked
I've not played WoW myself tidy for around 4 weeks, had no net for 2 weeks or so. I've not had the urge to go back to it. Though I am going to tonight, I need to do Easter stuff I need to do all achievements for all events for a Proto-Drake.

For What a Long Strange Trip It's Been? To me it seems like it's easier to get a proto-drake by completing Glory of the Hero during the Heroic runs. Without even paying attention, I have just 10-12 achievements left in the Heroics to get the drake, and I wasn't even paying attention to the progression. I think a player focusing on this achievement set could get the drake in a much shorter period of time that attempting that massive year long meta you mentioned.

Me? No thanks. I am one of he people that feels Epic Flying is sort of a waste of time and gold - I run Shaman, a class that can Hearth every 7.5 minutes (glyphed) or every 15 minutes (unglyphed). A toon can spend 2.5 gold per day on flights for five years and still come out less than the cost of Epic Flying. Sure, the epic mounts look nice, but 5k is WAY too much for a new skin and a bit of speed on my flying mount.

Registered User
For What a Long Strange Trip It's Been? To me it seems like it's easier to get a proto-drake by completing Glory of the Hero during the Heroic runs. Without even paying attention, I have just 10-12 achievements left in the Heroics to get the drake, and I wasn't even paying attention to the progression. I think a player focusing on this achievement set could get the drake in a much shorter period of time that attempting that massive year long meta you mentioned.

Me? No thanks. I am one of he people that feels Epic Flying is sort of a waste of time and gold - I run Shaman, a class that can Hearth every 7.5 minutes (glyphed) or every 15 minutes (unglyphed). A toon can spend 2.5 gold per day on flights for five years and still come out less than the cost of Epic Flying. Sure, the epic mounts look nice, but 5k is WAY too much for a new skin and a bit of speed on my flying mount.
I have a Proto-Drake, it's quite rare (in a sense) I got it from an egg, my very first egg from the Oracles, very cool to have. It's green.

N3wt, Didn't think you'd be really into MW2. I got it cheap, and haven't bothered very much. I personally just don't find it that interesting. Batman is awesome. I got it just after Christmas for around Ł15 new and Loved it. I also got Borderlands at the same time, and really like that, but have yet to finish it. I ain't playing games like I used to and it's rare for me to buy any anymore.

I have bought Perfect Dark recently, loved it back in the day, but just can't get used to the controls.

28 days...6 hours...42 minutes...12 seconds
I've got one Platinum and it's for MW2, it was fairly easy, if you have a partner for spec ops.

I'm not one to dig and dig for trophies, but I will try at least a few times to get certain ones. A game like Warhawk or Far Cry 2 I would never bother trying since those games are ridiculous.

Beat the Labyrinth and now fighting cerberus.
"A laugh can be a very powerful thing. Why, sometimes in life, it's the only weapon we have."

Suspect's Reviews

\m/ Fade To Black \m/
N3wt, Didn't think you'd be really into MW2. I got it cheap, and haven't bothered very much. I personally just don't find it that interesting. Batman is awesome. I got it just after Christmas for around Ł15 new and Loved it. I also got Borderlands at the same time, and really like that, but have yet to finish it. I ain't playing games like I used to and it's rare for me to buy any anymore.
Pedz Im pretty sue I borrowed the MW off you back when I lived in Porth and loved the game lol Harry likes playing MW2 with me and we should be getting live in the next few days so look out to have your ass handed to you I really love Batman it is a truely astonishing game I have just passed the "Nightmare" part with the scarecrow, that really looked stunning on my tv I was looking into getting Borderlads but I didnt know if it was any good as I havent really looked into it, but if I see it cheap Ill more than likely pick it up. Its crazy since Harry has got into the 360 he has gotten me into playing games more than I had been in the past.

The People's Republic of Clogher
I've got one Platinum and it's for MW2, it was fairly easy, if you have a partner for spec ops.

I'm not one to dig and dig for trophies, but I will try at least a few times to get certain ones. A game like Warhawk or Far Cry 2 I would never bother trying since those games are ridiculous.

Beat the Labyrinth and now fighting cerberus.
I've got a couple of guys on my friends list who freely admit to enjoying 100%-ing games more than playing the games themselves. There's one in particular who won't attempt games if he hears that the platinum is near impossible, no mater how good it's supposed to be, because he doesn't want to ruin his stats. Weird.

Prefer Trophies to the M$ Achievements though - It's much nicer having a little gold or silver medal flash up than 20 or 50 points being added to the huge, bloated Gamerscore vat.
"Critics are like eunuchs in a harem; they know how the Tatty 100 is done, they've seen it done every day, but they're unable to do it themselves." - Brendan Behan

Registered User
Pedz Im pretty sue I borrowed the MW off you back when I lived in Porth and loved the game lol Harry likes playing MW2 with me and we should be getting live in the next few days so look out to have your ass handed to you I really love Batman it is a truely astonishing game I have just passed the "Nightmare" part with the scarecrow, that really looked stunning on my tv I was looking into getting Borderlads but I didnt know if it was any good as I havent really looked into it, but if I see it cheap Ill more than likely pick it up. Its crazy since Harry has got into the 360 he has gotten me into playing games more than I had been in the past.
Oh yeah, I completely forgot you borrowed that.

I suppose if you like Fallout 3 you'll like Borderlands. They are very similar.

\m/ Fade To Black \m/
Ive only played Fallout 3 abit I didnt eally get into it but some of the stuff ive seen on there like making the different types of guns and bombs etc was very cool. I love the slow motion kill cam.

Registered User
Hmm... I think you should try borderlands before you buy then. I'd lend you it, but you live way to far away now.

Registered User
They are very alike in my eyes. There's not V.A.T.S in Borderlands though. Sh*t? I think a little bit of me just died

The People's Republic of Clogher
Settings-wise they're similar I suppose but one is a free roaming first person RPG with a basic shooter mechanic while the other is an FPS for kleptomaniacs with a very basic RPG sheen, hugely geared towards co-op play.

Sorry, I didn't like Borderlands at all. The art direction is great but I found everything very clunky.