The Personal Recommendation Hall of Fame


Trouble with a capital "T"
Dial M for Murder
Directed by Alfred Hitchcock
Glad you liked it, that was my choice for you. I seen that you liked Hitch and Grace Kelly so it seemed like a good movie choice.

Good to know, since I was already thinking of nominating it for you if we do this again.
Or maybe that's a good reason to choose a movie with interconnected stories for me. Who knows, I might end up loving it. Yes, we do need to do this again!

The thing isolated becomes incomprehensible
Good to know, since I was already thinking of nominating it for you if we do this again.

Nice to see Fredrick enjoyed my second favorite Hitchcock after Rebecca. Does that mean I nominated it? I don't recall.
This thing should become a regular HoF!

Women will be your undoing, Pépé
This thing should become a regular HoF!
What I actually said to win MovieGal's heart:
- I might not be a real King of Kinkiness, but I make good pancakes
~Mr Minio

Women will be your undoing, Pépé
Well, yes, but it's also one of my favorite movies.
Well, I took the "hint" an went searching for your 100 Favorite Movies Thread and it could very well be that @ahwell guess it: A Town Called Panic.
That was one I thought: Wouldn't it be funny if that was it. . . naw, couldn't be.

Trouble with a capital "T"

The 39 Steps (1935)
Genre: Proto Noir / Thriller
Who do I think nominated it: edarsenal
My reaction: Enthusiastic

I've seen a lot of Hitchcock's films, not all of them and only 1 of his silent films...but I've seen most all of his American made films except for: Under Capricorn & Saboteur. On the other hand I haven't seen many of Hitch's earlier sound films made in England, only:
Jamaica Inn, The Lady Vanishes & The Man Who Knew Too Much, and now I can say I've seen The 39 Steps and I liked it too!

This had all of Hitch's hallmark style and was quite riveting and at only 90 minutes zips along. The leads were OK, not the greatest but they worked fine. Besides being entertained I got to see an early form of a airplane helicopter and a 1930s bra. Who knew that women's lingerie would look similar to today's style, well not the corsets! Those look like a medieval torture device.

Thanks to whoever chose this for me, good choosing

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.

Dial M for Murder
Directed by Alfred Hitchcock

A husband wants to murder his cheating wife because she's a cheating wife and she's rich so he concots "the perfect murder." At least he thinks it's the perfect murder. Of course when planning the perfect murder you never plan for the unexpected, like your wife killing the dude you hired to murder her. Well, that's exactly what happens in Dial M for Murder.

Great review. Dial M for Murder is one of my favorite Hitchcock movies.

It's interesting that you talk about "the perfect murder" in your review because there was a remake of Dial M for Murder that was called A Perfect Murder (1998).

If I answer a game thread correctly, just skip my turn and continue with the game.

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
Dial M for Murder
Directed by Alfred Hitchcock
No matter how many times I watch it, I always get completely confused by the scene where the cop uses keys to determine the main guy's guilt.

Did you ever figure out about the keys, or are you asking for an explanation?

A History of Violence (David Cronenberg, 2005)

Date Watched: 03/25/2020
Cinema or Home: Home
Reason For Watching: The Personal Recommendation Hall of Fame, I'm guessing Cricket?
Rewatch: No.

*Possible Spoilers Ahead*

Before yesterday, I had only ever seen one David Cronenberg film: Maps to the Stars. That film is bizarre, unsettling, and darkly funny but in ways that are quite different from The Fly. So going into A History of Violence - and knowing next to nothing about it other than that it is also a Cronenberg film, I was kind of expecting something that was also bizarre and darkly funny.

That's not what I got. Instead I got a taut drama about a family man whose unsavory, secret past catches up with him when an act of heroism brings him unwanted media attention and he is recognized by people he'd long left behind. There's no humor in this film and the story is fairly straight forward, but - like the other two Cronenberg films I've seen - it is an unsettling watch. Viggo Mortensen turns in a strong performance the film's protagonist, Tom - a man who is at once a dedicated family man and a brutal, skilled killer with ties to the mob. He is complex and colored in many shades of gray and that's how I like my characters to be.

But as much as this film has going for it - and it has a lot going for it - I did not love it. For all Mortensen's efforts, his character came across as little too stoic for me to develop a strong connection and thereby become truly invested in his fate. But, however tenuous it may have been, there was some connection for me here and I'll probably revisit this at some point.


28 days...6 hours...42 minutes...12 seconds
No matter how many times I watch it, I always get completely confused by the scene where the cop uses keys to determine the main guy's guilt.
"A laugh can be a very powerful thing. Why, sometimes in life, it's the only weapon we have."

Suspect's Reviews

The trick is not minding
No matter how many times I watch it, I always get completely confused by the scene where the cop uses keys to determine the main guy's guilt.
I think it had something to do with the fact that only the person who planned it would have had prior knowledge of the keys existence. His wife was unaware of them as I recall.

A History of Violence (David Cronenberg, 2005)

Date Watched: 03/25/2020
Cinema or Home: Home
Reason For Watching: The Personal Recommendation Hall of Fame, I'm guessing Cricket?
Rewatch: No.

*Possible Spoilers Ahead*

Before yesterday, I had only ever seen one David Cronenberg film: Maps to the Stars. That film is bizarre, unsettling, and darkly funny but in ways that are quite different from The Fly. So going into A History of Violence - and knowing next to nothing about it other than that it is also a Cronenberg film, I was kind of expecting something that was also bizarre and darkly funny.

That's not what I got. Instead I got a taut drama about a family man whose unsavory, secret past catches up with him when an act of heroism brings him unwanted media attention and he is recognized by people he'd long left behind. There's no humor in this film and the story is fairly straight forward, but - like the other two Cronenberg films I've seen - it is an unsettling watch. Viggo Mortensen turns in a strong performance the film's protagonist, Tom - a man who is at once a dedicated family man and a brutal, skilled killer with ties to the mob. He is complex and colored in many shades of gray and that's how I like my characters to be.

But as much as this film has going for it - and it has a lot going for it - I did not love it. For all Mortensen's efforts, his character came across as little too stoic for me to develop a strong connection and thereby become truly invested in his fate. But, however tenuous it may have been, there was some connection for me here and I'll probably revisit this at some point.

History of Violence is another favorite comic book based movie of mine. Viggo and Harris are great in it. Good choice for MV I believe, should have nominated this one myself argh..

The thing isolated becomes incomprehensible
I always have the same problem with Cronenberg. He has the most amazing premises but fails at their executions. That being said, hoping that the Cronenberg that was picked for me changes my mind.

A History of Violence[/size] (David Cronenberg, 2005)

Date Watched: 03/25/2020
Cinema or Home: Home
Reason For Watching: The Personal Recommendation Hall of Fame, I'm guessing Cricket?

Pink Flamingos
Directed by John Waters

I have seen Desperate Living and Polyester so I am familiar with some of John Waters' early work. Pink Flamingos...This is a terrible movie. The acting is terrible, the script is terrible, the direction....I don't know. It's an ugly film from start to disgusting finish. Everyone and everything associated with this "film" is hideous. It's about Divine, hiding out in a trailer as Babs Johnson, who holds the title of filthiest person alive. Another couple in the town wants that title so a sort of Hatfield-McCoy thing gets going on who is the REALLY the filthiest person alive. It's offensive, disgusting and I wouldn't recommend this to anyone. It completely ruined one of my favorite songs, Surfin Bird, FOREVER because of some stupid butthole! Whoever nominated this (I know who you are!) yeesh! It takes brass to nominate something like this to some random person on the internet. THIS MOVIE IS PURE TRASH! It's graphic. Very...graphic! Nothing is left to the imagination. Nothing! I don't recommend this to anyone and if you don't plan watching this then stop. The review is finished. Don't go any further. Please.

having said that: