The Movie Forums Top 100 of All-Time Refresh: Countdown

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Sorry if I'm rude but I'm right
like catching French chef Joël Robuchon orgasmically chowing down on a McRib.
Hey, I ain't no gourmet. I love film fast food, too. It's just that on such a level there is no fast food good enough.
Look, I'm not judging you - after all, I'm posting here myself, but maybe, just maybe, if you spent less time here and more time watching films, maybe, and I stress, maybe your taste would be of some value. Just a thought, ya know.

Are we sure that only legal votes were counted????

In another year The Godfather could make my list as I do think it's one of the best movies ever made.

The first 3 or 4 times, 2001 was terrible for me to get through, and I'm not really a Sci-Fi fan anyway. The last time I watched it I finally enjoyed it, but more than that I understood the love.

Seen 98/100 as expected, just missing The Lord of the Rings sequels.

Also as expected was the great work done by Yoda and TUS. It's a lot to take on and it is very much appreciated. I enjoyed the podcast as well and was surprised by the lack of cuss words.

A system of cells interlinked
I was quickly scrolling the page back up to the top and for just a second I thought you had not Zhang Yimou's The Road Home on your list but instead the Patrick Swayze "classic" Road House
Road House is extremely underrated, and is a film everyone should see at least fifty times once. Try to catch the academy award winning turn by whoever that guy is that plays the overweight bouncer.

“It takes considerable knowledge just to realize the extent of your own ignorance.” ― Thomas Sowell

Are we sure that only legal votes were counted????

In another year The Godfather could make my list as I do think it's one of the best movies ever made.

The first 3 or 4 times, 2001 was terrible for me to get through, and I'm not really a Sci-Fi fan anyway. The last time I watched it I finally enjoyed it, but more than that I understood the love.

Seen 98/100 as expected, just missing The Lord of the Rings sequels.

Also as expected was the great work done by Yoda and TUS. It's a lot to take on and it is very much appreciated. I enjoyed the podcast as well and was surprised by the lack of cuss words.
"Are we sure that only legal votes were counted????"

Nope the banned and users that have been gone for years were counted too, voter fraud in deed!, damn that would be alot of points lol
Moviefan1988's Favorite Movies<br />

Welcome to the Dance: My Favorite 20 High School Movies

my list, in all its glory:

1. Lord the Rings: The Return of the King
2. Lord the Rings: The Two Towers
3. Lord of the Rings: Fellowship of the Ring
4. A Woman Under the Influence
5. Mulholland Drive
6. Pulp Fiction
7. The Shining
8. Goodbye to Language
9. Spring Breakers
10. Singin' in the Rain
11. The Night of the Hunter
12. Stalker
13. No Country for Old Men
14. Before Midnight
15. The Shop Around the Corner
16. Bigger than Life
17. Apocalypse Now
18. Vertigo
19. Life, and Nothing More
20. Before Sunrise
21. 2001: A Space Odyssey
22. Citizen Kane
23. Before Sunset
24. Full Metal Jacket
25. Good Manners (2018)
Most Biblical movies were long If I Recall.
seen A Clockwork Orange. In all honesty, the movie was weird and silly

1.Magnolia (74) My favorite PTA, my favorite film…until I rewatch The Master, which should have been here.
Nice list sean, quite a few similarities to mine (not least our #1, for which we were responsible for well over half its points ), especially nice to see some love for Woody. Some I love but didn't include (Fargo, Rear Window, Cuckoo's Nest, The Social Network) and a couple I really want to get to soon (Children of Paradise most of all).

100/100 seen. May not seem much to some of you mofos but it’s the first time I have hit all seen before list was over. Shoot, I printed up the AFI 100 in ’94 to watch them all and I still have half a dozen to see.

1.Magnolia (74) My favorite PTA, my favorite film…until I rewatch The Master, which should have been here.
2.The Tree Of Life (62) Better every time, especially for my soul.
3.Once Upon A Time In The West (31) Perfect storytelling on every level.
4.Annie Hall (-) I guess Woody got canceled on mofo too. All his best impulses on display in, by far, his best.
5.Pulp Fiction (5) Love Basterds but this is THE Tarantino.
6.Rushmore (-) I was hoping it had a chance on the back end. Love the Wes Anderson sensibility.
7.Persona (45) I think this is the movie that taught me I don’t have to “get” it. I never stop thinking about this film.
8.Le Cercle Rouge (-) Really didn’t expect it to make the cut, but it should have, because it influenced every crime film you love.
9.The Godfather (2) There are two movies on my list that define cinema visually for me, and that I think the word masterpiece applies to. Stay tuned.
10.Goodfellas (3) Super cool to see this shoe-in make it so high.
11.Lawrence Of Arabia (15) They don’t make them like…you get the point.
12.The Long Goodbye (-) Didn’t plan on this one showing. No Altman love is a shame.
13.The Magnificent Ambersons (-) The Welles cinephiles are afraid to love because they may get haunted.
14.The Social Network (-) Thought this had enough love to make it. Holds up amazingly well. I love it more every time.
15.Anatomy Of A Murder (-) My favorite Stewart. Underrated flick.
16.The Apartment (84) MacLaine is adorable. Never liked Lemmon more.
17.Rear Window (40) A couple Hitch could have made my list, but I think this is my fave.
18.Vivre Sa Vie (-) Godard probably a little too niche for this kind of list. I’m not his biggest fan but this one has been a favorite since my first watch. Probably my favorite female performance ever
19.One Flew Over The Cuckoo’s Nest (33) One of my most watched of my 25. Started my love for Nicholson and 70’s flicks way back when.
20.Rocky (59) It’s greatness has been overshadowed by the sequels. THE underdog movie.
21.Star Wars (78) I refuse to use the new title because I’m an old coot these days.
22.Solaris (-) Favorite Tarkovsky, Stalker is close. Very spiritual director, probably only second to Malick.
23.Fargo (-) Was super shocked this didn’t make the cut. I put it this low because I thought it was a lock. My bad.
24.Children Of Paradise (-) See The Godfather. This was watched a lot around mofo a few years back and got a ton of love. Not enough apparently.
25.A Man For All Seasons (-) Planned on this being a one pointer. You heathen mofos didn’t disappoint.
I remember when you saw that and you mentioned you watched it based on a post of mine. When I watched it I hadn't heard a thing about it beforehand. There are definitely other members who have seen it but I don't think there's a lot of them. It would make my list of top 10 best movies.

The Godfather was my number 16. Another one that took forever getting around to see but it was worth the wait. It's the second best mob movie I have ever seen.

2001: A Space Odyssey was my number 7. I just watched it again last week for the umpteenth time and I still don't know what the f___ that ending is about. It just makes me pay more attention to it every time I see it to try and figure it out (this time I'll get it!) but I never do and I'm past the point of caring. I know it's a slow movie to some but it flies by for me.

Thank you Yoda and TUS! Great job!

My List:
1. One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest (#33)
2. Dr. Strangelove or How I learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb (#12)
3. Jaws (#6)
4. Goodfellas (#3)
5. The Exorcist (#47)
6. Raiders of the Lost Ark (#8)
7. 2001: A Space Odyssey (#1)
8. The Thing (#20)
9. The Usual Suspects (DNP)
10. Ben-Hur (1959 not the f'n remake)(DNP)
11. The Empire Strikes Back (#30)
12. The Sting (DNP)
13. Citizen Kane (#10)
14. Amadeus (#50)
15. The Wizard of Oz (#36)
16. The Godfather (#2)
17. Rear Window (#40)
18. Gone With the Wind (#55)
19. Metropolis (#73)
20. Shindler's List (#41)
21. Rashomon (DNP)
22. Sunset Boulevard (#53)
23. The Karate Kid (DNP)
24. Se7en (#29)
25. Planes, Trains and Automobiles (DNP)

Spielberg leads my list with 3. What can I say - I'm edgy. Milos Forman, Victor Fleming and Stanley Kubrick with 2 each.

Biggest surprises not making the list: The Princess Bride, Double Indemnity, All About Eve, Fargo, The Dark Knight, No Documentary's (not that big of a surprise, really), no Chaplin or Buster and none of the "classic" Disney.

My just missed - Boogie Nights, Memento, Fargo/Raising Arizona/Blood Simple (couldn't pick just one), Apollo 13, Beauty and the Beast (1991), Whiplash, Short Cuts, Sin City and Dogville.

I think this is a very good list and much better than the 2010 list. There's maybe two or three movies that seem a little, eh, but none in the top 70.

Damn it. Godfather got 2.

Godfather was my number 1. It's got an incredibly tense atmosphere to it and it doesn't try to hard, much like Love Deluxe by Sade but of a different type. The personal touch is exquisite if not minimal, so the less-is-more approach allows for the actors and cinematographer to take control of the story.

2001 probably got number one because it's one of the most thematic films in existence. The special effects are decades ahead of its time as well, so it manages to make a five-star rating. However, I'm addicted to character development, and the only one who got character development was the robot and everybody else was a robot. I understand it wasn't a very character driven film, but it should have been considering its human topics.

*09: Léon: The Professional (1994)
*I was really surprised that none of these three made it.
Me too! I wanted to include it on my list, but I had way too many and had to cut a lot of great and beloved films.

my list, in all its glory:

1. Lord the Rings: The Return of the King
2. Lord the Rings: The Two Towers
3. Lord of the Rings: Fellowship of the Ring
Hell of a coincidence that your three greatest films ever are all part of the same franchise! What are the odds?

Got a question for all you guys

Which movie surprised you the most when it appeared on the list?

I say Halloween for me as it's one of my ballots, I never thought it would make it on here especially making it to the top 50

Which movie surprised you the most when it appeared on the list?
American History X. Not sure how that thing is still hanging around? A decent little movie with one indelibly brutal scene, but I wouldn't even put it in the top ten for 1998, much less one of the hundred greatest films ever made.

Maybe by 2030 it'll drop off?
"Film is a disease. When it infects your bloodstream it takes over as the number one hormone. It bosses the enzymes, directs the pineal gland, plays Iago to your psyche. As with heroin, the antidote to Film is more Film." - Frank Capra

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
Got a question for all you guys

Which movie surprised you the most when it appeared on the list?

I say Halloween for me as it's one of my ballots, I never thought it would make it on here especially making it to the top 50
Top 50, I think Amadeus was biggest surprise for me. Ecoected The Thing, but top 20 was higher than I expected.

Overall, Suspiria, Akira, Dazed And Confused probably most surprised to see.

The trick is not minding
I've seen 87/100

What I haven't seen:

The Godfather
Once Upon a Time in the West
The Godfather: Part II
The Third Man
Gone With the Wind
Stand By Me
The Apartment
Dazed and Confused
Toy Story
You can’t see my face right now, but if you could, it would be one of disappointment.

2022 Mofo Fantasy Football Champ
Here's the list with English titles:

1. The Whispering Star (2015)
2. Sansho the Bailiff (1954)
3. Red Beard (1965)
4. The Human Condition III: A Soldier's Prayer (1961)
5. Pastoral: To Die in the Country (1974)
6. August in the Water (1995)
7. Fe (1994)
8. Cafe Noir (2009)
9. Romancing in Thin Air II (2012)
10. Hanagatami (2017)
11. The Long Darkness (1972)
12. The Road Home (1999)
13. Postman Blues (1997)
14. Tomorrow I Will Date With Yesterday's You (2016)
15. Letter From the Mountain (2002)
16. Tokyo Twilight (1957)
17. Dying at a hospital (1993)
18. Hibiscus Town (1986)
19. March Comes In Like Lion (1991)
20. My Sons (1991)
21. Juliet in Love (2000)
22. She Was Like a Wild Chrysanthemum (1955)
23. Happy Hour (2015)
24. 0.5 mm (2014)
25. Lolita Vibrator Torture (1987)
Like I told you earlier, Sansho was robbed!

2022 Mofo Fantasy Football Champ
Got a question for all you guys

Which movie surprised you the most when it appeared on the list?

I say Halloween for me as it's one of my ballots, I never thought it would make it on here especially making it to the top 50
Halloween probably because I wrote it off. Was even talking to Catbsaying how disappointed I was that it missed.

Shocked as hell All About Eve and Dark Knight missed