The Movie Forums Top 100 of All-Time Refresh

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Very exciting.

I think personally the balance leans towards favourite over "best" - it's a fine line because nobody wants to see a carbon copy of the AFI lists.

I think we've managed to strike a good balance between credibility and personality in previous lists without making an official ruling one way or another about how people should approach their list-making.

We want to see a list of the movies that mean the most to us as a community and I think there is always naturally a lot of crossover there between the movies considered the best and those that we love.

Having run two of these it's not usually about what gets the most number one votes but rather the film that gets the most top tens and is on the most total ballots. Jaws and Taxi Driver both had more 25-point votes, but The Godfather was on sixty-six out of ninety-nine ballots with FIFTY top tens. Once Upon a Time in the West and Unforgiven had more first place votes but The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly was on fifty out of sixty-seven ballots with FORTY top tens.
"Film is a disease. When it infects your bloodstream it takes over as the number one hormone. It bosses the enzymes, directs the pineal gland, plays Iago to your psyche. As with heroin, the antidote to Film is more Film." - Frank Capra

I'm really excited for this. However, I've got a quick question: is this a list of our favourite films or what we think are the best films? My list will be completely different depending on which it is.
Personally, I always go for favourites. Otherwise, why bother? I think most/all of us know enough about films to say what the best films are. If that's the case then we're just arguing about the order.

However (sadly) it's each to their own.
5-time MoFo Award winner.

the samoan lawyer's Avatar
Unregistered User
Personally, I always go for favourites. Otherwise, why bother? I think most/all of us know enough about films to say what the best films are. If that's the case then we're just arguing about the order.

However (sadly) it's each to their own.

100% agree. Can never understand why not vote for your own favourite films.
Too weird to live, and too rare to die.

I don't think it should be that perplexing: some people see the list as a way to advance films they personally like, others see it as a way to show the world what this community thinks is the pinnacle of the art form. Both are totally reasonable!

Heck no. That movie is horrid
Brave Little Toaster? Yes, absolutely. Horrid.

I think I'll leave out films that have no shot personally. Call it a cop out for me if you wish.
Sounds more like a self-fulfilling prophecy. You don't know which films have a shot and which don't. With the pool for this being so broad and diverse, the threshold for how many points a film needs to get in order to make the cut will have to be lowered from what it has been in other countdowns.

I sure as hell didn't think Quills had any shot of making it ten years ago, but there was no way I was leaving it off my ballot. It made it at #78.

That elusive hide-and-seek cow is at it again
^I read that as more a subtle hint to the movie he would post, but likely wouldn't make the the list. Cop Out, the little 2010 gem of a comedy cop romp pairing Bruce Willis with SNL's ever glorious Tracy Morgan. I'm with you, RDC. Band of brothers to the end. Band of the Hand. The Rock of Gibraltar. No retreat, no surrender!
"My Dionne Warwick understanding of your dream indicates that you are ambivalent on how you want life to eventually screw you." - Joel

"Ever try to forcibly pin down a house cat? It's not easy." - Captain Steel

"I just can't get pass sticking a finger up a dog's butt." - John Dumbear

This will also depend entirely on how many ballots are turned in. If we top out around fifty or sixty I can almost guarantee the bottom twelve-or-so titles are going to hover around the 30-point threshhold, which I never like. If one person giving something 25-points gets it within a hair of cracking the Top 100 that's not such a great list.

But this will also be difficult because it is so incredibly wide open. The top twenty will be a true consensus, a big chunk of the bottom of the list may be comprised of movies that only two or three MoFos voted for.

But such is the nature of this particular beast. The only solution is to get over a hundred ballots, which we have never done. First time for everything, though!

There should be NO need for partial ballots this time, which will also help fatten out the bottom part of the list. If you can't name twenty-five movies you like regardless of timeframe or genre, why are you here?

That elusive hide-and-seek cow is at it again
May be motive to recruit new users? I have a few friends that I keep nudging to join. Maybe something like this could be the straw to shatter their spinal columns so I can drag them in, kicking and screaming. Well. Obviously not kicking, I guess.

Maybe host a free corndog night? I can see it all playing out like the brainwashing scene of A Clockwork Orange. 1 month minimum? hmmm....

Trouble with a capital "T"
...There should be NO need for partial ballots this time, which will also help fatten out the bottom part of the list.
Agreed. I can't see any MoFo not having at least 25 favorite/best movies, but if they come up short I can loan them one of mine

The only solution is to get over a hundred ballots, which we have never done. First time for everything, though!
Yoda will set the bar for most ballots received! He can do it too

For other lists I understand the use of partial ballots. If one has only seen a dozen or so Westerns in their life or has only seen a few movies from the 1930s but can add to their queue to get it up to ten or fifteen titles, I am for that, for including their taste and input, even with a caveat. But if any and every movie ever made is eligible even the youngest, newest member here with the narrowest taste in movies can list twenty-five favorites. If you have seen fewer than twenty-five movies in your life I think you should be excluded from participating. EVERYBODY else can make a full list and for 95% of us the torture is keeping it at such a low total as twenty-five.

Yeah, agreed. I don't think it's at all elitist to say that for this list, the broadest possible, anyone who wants to participate should be able to come up with 25.

Welcome to the human race...
Hell, no. If this site ever did a "bottom 100" list, I'd have to consider voting for Sausage Party.
I really just want you all angry and confused the whole time.
Iro's Top 100 Movies v3.0

28 days...6 hours...42 minutes...12 seconds
Hell, no. If this site ever did a "bottom 100" list, I'd have to consider voting for Sausage Party.
I'd have to refer to my old list to see what would make that.
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