The MoFo Top 100 of the 2010s Countdown

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I think it is pretty tight, so I would be curious to hear your thoughts on possible improvements. Maybe a bit too on the nose with its message in the final scene perhaps?

My ranking

Hell or High Water

Wind River

Liz Olsen
It's close for me too...

Hell or High Water


Wind River

You can check out my review on Wind River on the link above. I just thought the characters needed a bit more polish.
Check out my podcast: The Movie Loot!

A system of cells interlinked
It's close for me too...

Hell or High Water


Wind River

You can check out my review on Wind River on the link above. I just thought the characters needed a bit more polish.
Ah OK, fair points, especially about Olsen's character, hence her not not really putting it over the top for me. I would have targeted the exposition as my only other niggle, I guess. I love the vibe of the film, and Renner's character didn't bother in the same way - he just came across as a mensch to me: a man of the land who respected nature and genuinely felt for the plight of those around him, while channeling his loss and anger into his work and eventually into retribution for a heinous crime.
“It takes considerable knowledge just to realize the extent of your own ignorance.” ― Thomas Sowell

256 points, 18 lists

Denis Villeneuve, 2016


Amy Adams, Jeremy Renner, Forest Whitaker, Michael Stuhlbarg

261 points, 21 lists
The Wolf of Wall Street

Martin Scorsese, 2013


Leonardo DiCaprio, Jonah Hill, Margot Robbie, Matthew McConaughey


Arrival - Director Denis Villeneuve and screenwriter Eric Heisserer created a fully functioning, visual, alien language. Heisserer, Villeneuve and their teams managed to create a "logogram bible," which included over a hundred different completely operative logo-grams, seventy-one of which are actually featured in the movie.
The Wolf of Wall Street - The actors snorted crushed B vitamins for scenes that involved cocaine. Jonah Hill claimed that he eventually became sick with bronchitis after so much inhaling and had to be hospitalized.

MoFo Reviewers


Overall Arrival is my favourite Alien movie I have seen. I’m a big fan of this genre, and I have watched a long list of Alien/space movies over the past few month’s and this is hands down my favourite. It’s a beautiful movie with some fantastic soundtracks. It has a great cast, a great story, and it’s a very fascinating and interesting movie that really grips you from the get go. Absolutely flawless movie.
Read the full review here.

The Wolf of Wall Street

The Wolf Of Wall Street is fresh on my mind, and straight into my top 10 favourite movies. Maybe it will change, maybe it will not, but Scorsese has delivered yet again. Martin Scorsese is close.., if not my favourite directer out there, he's one of the best in the business, and I don't think I've seen a bad movie from him yet. The Wolf On Wall Street showcases his talent. It's funny, it's sexy, and it's pure entertainment. From the start of its 180 minute running time (which by the way flows nicely) It never once leaves you bored, never once did it seem to drag out, in fact I wanted more.
Read the full review here.

mark f

Arrival (Denis Villeneuve, 2016)

Linguist Amy Adams is a member of one of twelve teams worldwide which tries to communicate with aliens when they arrive on earth in order to try to learn their intentions.
The Wolf of Wall Street (Martin Scorsese, 2013)
Neither film made mark f's ballot.

The Wolf of Wall Street is a whole lot of really profane fun and it features one of my absolute favorite DiCaprio performances. I'd always respected his talent but never thought he could be funny, but he proved himself here. I crack up just thinking about that Lemmon scene. I voted for it at #9.

I watched Arrival after it was recommended by several people and described as a "masterpiece" in my countdown preparation thread. I was not impressed.

Seen: 53/90
My Ballot:
7. Joker (#60)
8. Django Unchained (#27)
9. The Wolf of Wall Street (#11)
11. The Man From Nowhere (#95)
14. Inside Out (#59)
20. Jojo Rabbit (#89)
25. Kitbull (One Pointer)

Reviews in My 2010s Countdown Preparation Thread

My Most Recent Review For The Wolf of Wall Street:

The Wolf of Wall Street (Martin Scorsese, 2013)

Aside from the fact that it stars Leonardo DiCaprio, my love of this movie is something of an anomaly for me. I like movies about kind and sensitive men, I like movies about noble and heroic men, and I like movies about bad guys who redeem themselves with noble and heroic acts. Jordan Belfort is none of those things. He's a greedy, materialistic, self-centered, abusive, ruthless, and misogynistic sack of shit.

But he's also funny as hell and in this role Leonardo DiCaprio gives what is probably my favorite performance of his career. As much as I admire his talent, I'd never even considered him as being anything of a comedic actor until this role and he is astonishingly good here. It's hard for any actor to be funny for three hours but he pulls it off and had me absolutely rolling (especially as he did a little rolling of his own with that Lemmon scene). But his is not the only really strong performance here (actually, I can't think of a weak one among the bunch), Jonah Hill is absolutely hilarious as Belfort's vice president Donnie Azoff, and Matthew McConaughey is great in the brief but memorable chest-bumping role of Belfort's mentor Mark Hanna.

It is an absolute blast of a movie to watch and if I were ranking the movies of the decade by pure entertainment value alone, it would no doubt be among my top three. It'll fall a little lower than that on my ballot because I am considering other factors, but there's no way it doesn't make top ten.

My Review For Arrival:

Arrival (Denis Villeneuve, 2016)
(Recommended by @SpelingError @Tugg @Yoda and @PumaMan)

Arrival has some really interesting ideas on our existence, the significance of time, and the importance of true communication and cooperation. And it presents its ideas using beautiful cinematography and effects and strong performances from a solid cast.

Here's the problem I have with it: Despite all its ideas, the movie is boring. I never cared anything for its characters or for their story and I was left completely detached from the whole thing. About the closest thing I felt to emotion was mild amusement at how the barrier and the aliens resembled something I might see at the Monterey Bay Aquarium's "Tentacles" exhibit, how Squidward and Zoidberg would've been more apt names for them than Abbott and Costello, and how closely the ship resembled a giant bar of stainless steel soap.

Like some of the other films I've seen labelled as "masterpiece," I can see why other people hold them in high regard, but this just isn't for me.

2022 Mofo Fantasy Football Champ
I had Arrival at 17. Admittedly I had it a bit lower than it should have been, but I knew it would place high and figured other films needed more points from me. It probably would land somewhere around 10ish.

And back to 'seen both, voted for neither' for me.
Actually neither Arrival nor The Wolf Of Wall Street even made my long-list. No surprise to see them up this high though as I know plenty of others think far more of them than I do.

Seen: 72/90 (Own: 42/90)
My ballot:  


Arrival was #33 on the MoFo Top 100 Science Fiction Films.
"Film is a disease. When it infects your bloodstream it takes over as the number one hormone. It bosses the enzymes, directs the pineal gland, plays Iago to your psyche. As with heroin, the antidote to Film is more Film." - Frank Capra

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
I think Arrival looks awesome. I love Adams and Renner. I have watched it twice and give it a 3.5 both times but written nothing. So obviously something is keeping me from loving it. Needs another watch to nail down exactly what that is.

Wolf is awesome but I voted for another Scorsese I love much more. There are a couple things that keep me from ranking it with the Goodfellas of the world. One big thing is that quaalude scene that everyone seems to love. Kind of a bridge too far for me. Great movie though, and we knew it would be super high, even if it’s about 25 spots too high for me.

Arrival was #8 on my ballot. Not sure I have a formal write-up of it anywhere, but its concept, the execution of its premise, as well as its central question of
WARNING: spoilers below
whether you would live your life in a way, even if you know the outcome of it
, makes for an emotionally affecting film. When I first watched it, I thought it was pretty good, but not great. However, after I rewatched the film, it went up for me by a lot once I figured out what the film meant. In fact, I was struck by how the opening scene instantly got me into the wavelength of the final act when I first watched the film in the theaters.

WARNING: spoilers below
I think the only issue I vaguely remember with the final act was that the romantic connection between Adams' and Renner's character seemed to come out of nowhere. Or at least, I didn't get the impression that either of them felt any feelings for each other up until the final scene where they suddenly pledged themselves to each other. However, it's been some time since I've seen the film, so I may be misremembering.

The Wolf of Wall Street is fun, but it didn't make my ballot.

Updated ballot:

2. Holy Motors (#51)
4. Moonlight (#62)
5. The Florida Project (#14)
6. Inside Llewyn Davis (#22)
8. Arrival (#12)
10. Burning (#35)
12. Take Shelter (#67)
13. Certified Copy (#84)
14. Under the Skin (#54)
20. A Separation (#90)
21. It's Such a Beautiful Day (#16)
23. Hereditary (#96)

Unfortunately, Arrival didn't do much for me, and Wolf of Wall Street was little better. DiCaprio is a good actor but he's miscast here.

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