Rob Zombie's Halloween Sequel


I'm surprised at all the massive love the Zombie version of Halloween is getting. While I was entertained I found the typical ultra messed up Rob Zombie family nothing new or exciting and the rest was just a rehash of what John Carpenter had already done better.

It was a fun remake but overall forgettable
"A good film is when the price of the dinner, the theater admission and the babysitter were worth it."
- Alfred Hitchcock

i like rob zombie's visions in house of 1000 corps and Devil's Rejects. i'm not to sure about the halloween remake but i don't think it will be bad.

i like rob zombie's visions in house of 1000 corps and Devil's Rejects. i'm not to sure about the halloween remake but i don't think it will be bad.
My Ratings:

House of 1000 Corpses -

The Devil's Rejects -

And of course...

Halloween -

I would HATE to see a 2nd Halloween.

remake has more t**s

therefor it is better

plus the orgin story is cool

\m/ Fade To Black \m/
I loved the remake and I would love another one by Rob Zombie I like all his movies!
~In the event of a Zombie Uprising, remember to sever the head or destroy the brain!~

I thought most considered the remake inferior.
I do! I think the bulk of those who prefer the remake are people who love more gore.
What he did with Michael Myers was a crime. Not only did I not want to know what was going on in his mind, why he was the way he was, but I sure didn't want to know Rob Zombie's version of it.

The maquette of the new mask that Michael Myers will be wearing in H2: Halloween 2. The photo comes from Rob Zombie's own MySpace blog.

This poster is not fan made. It is an actual poster, and by the looks of it, the movie is going to be called H2.

Looks great if you ask me, I am a huge fan of the original series and the remake.

Not only did I not want to know what was going on in his mind, why he was the way he was, but I sure didn't want to know Rob Zombie's version of it.
I liked the way they were going in the original. Evil was born on main street, for no particular reason. Why do we (the collective we) always feel compelled to blame something external when one of us short circuits? That Zombie would use the childhood abuse scenario was cliche of the highest order and precisely what I've come to expect from him.

He does occasionally emit a small flash of wisdom and probably Devil's Rejects has the most copious aggregation of such, but still, I keep watching in the hopes that he'll quit trying to be edgy and just be edgy. I might have to give up soon though.

A system of cells interlinked
This poster is not fan made. It is an actual poster, and by the looks of it, the movie is going to be called H2.

Looks great if you ask me, I am a huge fan of the original series and the remake.
I don't believe you.

Why, do you ask? Because you just posted this last month:

My Ratings:

Halloween -

I would HATE to see a 2nd Halloween.

Shortly after you had posted this:


And I thought the first one (Rob Zombie remake) sucked!!!
So...It would HATE to see a second film in the current remake series, but you are a HUGE fan of the original series and the remake?

Start making sense, please.

You contradict yourself incessantly, dude.

“It takes considerable knowledge just to realize the extent of your own ignorance.” ― Thomas Sowell

Will your system be alright, when you dream of home tonight?
Sedai, I officially love you.
I used to be addicted to crystal meth, now I'm just addicted to Breaking Bad.
Originally Posted by Yoda
If I were buying a laser gun I'd definitely take the XF-3800 before I took the "Pew Pew Pew Fun Gun."

Kudos to Sedai for continuing to be awesome.

As for the film, I'm skeptical. As Sir Toose said, the back-story was great but it started going downhill after he got into the actual escape and onward. That said, perhaps Zombie has taken feedback and can improve. Perhaps I'm being optimistic, but I'll be giving him the benefit of the doubt. Admittedly, I'd probably go see it even if I was sure it would be awful.

\m/ Fade To Black \m/
Sedai makes me rofl quite regular

If there is going to be a sequel to Rob Zombie's Halloween then IMO it is going to be awesome I really like his direction and thought all his movies ive seen are great.

\m/ Fade To Black \m/
I hope there is a sequel maybe set about 10-15 years later and Michael just appears and the killings start again.

Also I definatly would love to see Michael in the next Freddy Vs Jason.