Rate The Last Movie You Saw


Running Scared(1986) 10/10

Running Scared (2006)

I don't think I've ever seen an indie film try so damn hard, just to fail. This movie has multiple personality disorder. It's all over the place, from beginning to end. The casting was good, except for Walker, who does not stray far from his one and only comfort zone. I only enjoyed half the scenes, half the ideas. The other half were far-fetched, played out, forced, unoriginal and out of place, while occasionally bordering on the hilarious and ridiculous. Plenty of gratuitous swearing.

The t&a were appreciated.
I love that movie

Strange seeing both Running Scared movies on the same page.

"I smell sex and candy here" - Marcy Playground
I love that movie
Great, now we have 3 we disagree on.
"I may be rancid butter, but I'm on your side of the bread."
E. K. Hornbeck

I got some serious catching up to do with rating flicks. Here are the flicks I just watched recently.

I was pleasantly surprised by this movie. I was expecting 80's high school Natural Born Killers, but that was not the case, Winona's character was not a sociopath and was traumatized by the killing. It gave her character depth. Christian Slater was a sociopath and he was actually a lot of fun. Way more fun then Woody in NBK. I liked it.

Cusack plays a neurotic hitman who is having issues with his profession. His next job takes him to his home town just in time for his 10 year high school reunion. Hi-jinx ensue with a hitman union trying to be formed by Dan Akroyd, a hitman after Cusack for a botched hit, and Cusack trying to win back his high school sweetheart. Also Alan Arkin is hilarious as the therapist.

Been on my to watch list forever. Found it on Netflix so why the hell not. Two high school grads travel to a beach with an older woman (who is also the wife to one of their cousins). It is a very well done film that is one part having the boys grow from teenagers to men, exploring the two male leads relationships, sex, and life experience. All the while set in the backdrop of the politics of an upcoming election and showing the very polar differences of richie riche Mexico and the very common poor rural Mexico. All before one of the leads eventually joins the Rebellion and becomes an assassin who will die on the planet Scarif in Rogue One. The movie is pretty explicit and has rampant drug us. This got the film in hot water in Mexico, but ignore that. The film is actually really good and quite touching. I mean emotionally. Though there is plenty of other touching too.

Hey I now know what Hitler was screaming about in all those YouTube parody videos! It shows Hitler's final days towards the end of the war and how the Nazi regime began to crumble. Only disappointment was there was no where near as much showing of the Red Army invading and decimating Berlin for my liking. Still a very good film though. That being said, Sexy Hitler's rant about the MoFo 90's List was still better.

Thursday Next's Avatar
I never could get the hang of Thursdays.
Independence Day: Regurgitated (2016)

They had 20 years to prepare... and this is the best they could come up with.

I didn't have high hopes or expectations for this movie, and I'm not sure even those were met. It starts off OK, but it's all downhill from there. Too many characters, most of whom are bland, too many coincidences, a lack of humour, warmth or even the cheesy charm of the original. It just all fell flat for me.

Thursday Next's Avatar
I never could get the hang of Thursdays.
I That being said, Sexy Hitler's rant about the MoFo 90's List was still better.
Remains the funniest thing I have ever seen ever.

Get Out (2017)

I went into this film without having seen a single trailer for it. I saw some screencaps, and heard it was a horror film directed by Jordan Peele so I decided to give it a shot and boy was I glad I did. Get Out is easily one of the best thrillers I've seen in years. Yes most call it a horror film but it wasn't that particularly scary.Despite it not really being that "scary" this film will make you feel very uncomfortable. It had a few jump scares but it mostly relies on the creep factor and building up the tension as the main character puts clues together towards the beginning of the film. This movie is cleverly done and the overall theme of liberal racism is genius. Plus there were some funny moments throughout this film to relieve some of the tension and slow burn involving the character played by Lil Rel Howery that I loved because it isn't just added in it actually fits into the story being told. The ending is a unpredictable thrill ride with a few fake outs and last minutes reveals that I absolutely loved. The best way to describe this film off the top of my head is it's-

WARNING: "Potential Hints towards spoilers of Get Out in comparison with other films" spoilers below
-Invasion of the Body Snatchers meets 12 Years a Slave, which are two films I never thought I'd be mentioning in the same sentence.

Running Scared (2006)

Vera Farmiga

even present day Vera Farmiga is bangable...

O Brother Where Art Thou (2000) -

Collateral (2004) -

Originally Posted by Iroquois
To be fair, you have to have a fairly high IQ to understand MovieForums.com.

Legend in my own mind

RoboCop 2014

After watching the original on Tuesday I watched this again to see if my original disdain for the film was justified.

It was

This is dreadful.

I even tried to watch it as a stand alone film. That was difficult because some of the names and aspects of the story are the same.

Everything that makes the original so good is lacking from this film.

I can find few endearing qualities about it. He looks ok. Some of the CGI is good and Michael Kenneth Williams is a decent addition.

Should never have been made and then when they did, it should have been better.

"I don't want to be a product of my environment, I want my environment to be a product of me" (Frank Costello)

"I smell sex and candy here" - Marcy Playground
At a $1.63 per movie, I figured I'd stock-up on rewatch material. They get worse and worse, gradually. Part 2 is still pretty awesome, part 3 is great, part 4 is good enough. Not really interested in seeing part 5.

Death Wish 2 (1982)
Death Wish 3 (1985)

Death Wish 4 (1987)
Click image for larger version

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The Hateful Eight (Tarantino, 2015)

I fully expected to enjoy this a bit more the second time around. A review in ReverseShot talked about the identity politis and how misogyny being the factor that finally bridges the racial divide. Maybe that would be a refreshingly lens to view the picture with. Unfortunately, those elements seemed to take a back seat to some awfully questionable filmmaking.

Samuel Jackson and Channing Tatum pretty much **** the bed when it comes to immersive performance. Lots of inconsistent accents. Moronic humor in the "black dingus" and "diabolical bitch" parts. An absolutely baffling pace towards the end with monologues stretching every syllable. The expository flashback after the intermission feels rather unnecessary and tedious.

I just did not enjoy very much about this movie when revisiting it. Walton Goggins and Jennifer Jason Leigh still shine in their roles, but that can't salvage the three hour experience as a whole. I remember being so excited that Tarantino was returning to a bottled setting like that of Reservoir Dogs. I think I was expecting it to restrain the indulgent impulses that have made me disengage with some of his work. Boy, was I wrong.

Oh, and fack him for pushing so hard for that 70mm wide release with such a visually underwhelming movie. What a wasted opportunity to resurrect analog media. PTA did it better.
Letterboxd | ReverseShot | SlantMagazine

Resident Evil...whatever we're on now. All the points to Mila because well...look at her in this. STILL GOT IT, GUUUURL!

Hey what do you want from me...not much story to Resident Evils.

On the Occasion of Remembering the Turning Gate (2002, Sang-soo Hong)

Throughout its running time, this utterly stripped down, minimalistic film misleads you into a false sense of suspense where you foolishly expect some sort of final eye-opening revelation to make things clear in the end - but none ever comes. The only outbursts of action shaking up the narrative are a couple of highly intense sexual intercourses involving the self-absorbed, unintentionally callous main protagonist, who helplessly moves from one failed affair to another with no sense of purpose. Mundane to the core and very realistic in its cinematic approach, the film depicts painfully relatable situations "as they are", without resorting to forced confrontations or melodrama to spice things up. Sang-soo Hong captures life as a series of boring, trivial events with moments of beauty scattered too few and far between - a pessimistic but fairly down to earth approach, which I'm sure many will find truly insightful.

Logan (2017)

Wow, what a great movie and an equally great performance from Hugh Jackman. Here, he gives his best job as Logan/Wolverine/James Howlett, whoever you feel he is. Although he couldn't have known when he first played Wolverine, it's as if he saved up his best work for his last go-round as Logan. You really get the feeling that he is weary, hurting, fed-up, etc. He's not healing as quickly as he used to, he's graying, showing aging instead of his seemingly eternal young man looks. And he has to take care of a sick Charles Xavier, played again by an excellent Patrick Stewart. Logan has Xavier stashed near the Mexican border, with mutant Caliban (Stephen Merchant) helping to take care of him, giving him meds that will help Xavier control his mental seizures. These seizures cause massive quaking that effects everyone near Charles, both physically and mentally. There is a mention of a tragedy/event in the past that startled me with its implications. Logan has a part-time gig as a limo driver to make money for him and his two compatriots to live on, and buy the needed medicine for Charles. But not all goes as planned, naturally.

Things change when a Mexican woman presents Logan with a young mutant girl, Laura (played to perfection by Dafne Keen). The girl has very similar powers to Wolverine. Hmm. He is asked to take her to the Canadian border, where supposedly there is a safe haven for other mutants waiting. He doesn't want this burden, already being saddled with Xavier and his own pain. But events started by evil government men change all that. Thus begins a cross-country, violent, epic chase, with all the things I've mentioned beforehand coming together for a brilliant, bloody, savage finale. As mentioned by others here, the film Shane is referenced quite a bit, especially and touchingly by Laura near the film's end. At the beginning of the film it is stated that "no new mutants" have been born for several decades, but Laura and her young mutant refugee friends were indeed born, although enhanced with mutant DNA, and some, mainly Laura, augmented with needed man-made weaponry that will be familiar to X-Men fans.

The pacing is perfect, taking its time to play out the characterization of all the main individuals and giving the film a great sense of the pain and loss suffered by our protagonists every time the violence breaks out. I can't imagine a more fitting farewell to Jackman as Wolverine, as he has firmly said this will be his last ride as the famous mutant. And a great swan song it is.

"Miss Jean Louise, Mr. Arthur Radley."

The Hateful Eight (Tarantino, 2015)

I fully expected to enjoy this a bit more the second time around. A review in ReverseShot talked about the identity politis and how misogyny being the factor that finally bridges the racial divide. Maybe that would be a refreshingly lens to view the picture with. Unfortunately, those elements seemed to take a back seat to some awfully questionable filmmaking.

Samuel Jackson and Channing Tatum pretty much **** the bed when it comes to immersive performance. Lots of inconsistent accents. Moronic humor in the "black dingus" and "diabolical bitch" parts. An absolutely baffling pace towards the end with monologues stretching every syllable. The expository flashback after the intermission feels rather unnecessary and tedious.

I just did not enjoy very much about this movie when revisiting it. Walton Goggins and Jennifer Jason Leigh still shine in their roles, but that can't salvage the three hour experience as a whole. I remember being so excited that Tarantino was returning to a bottled setting like that of Reservoir Dogs. I think I was expecting it to restrain the indulgent impulses that have made me disengage with some of his work. Boy, was I wrong.

Oh, and fack him for pushing so hard for that 70mm wide release with such a visually underwhelming movie. What a wasted opportunity to resurrect analog media. PTA did it better.
Totally agree. It's an average movie at best. Samuel L Jackson really is not a very good actor.

All Nighter (Wilson, 2017)

"Life goes by really fast. If you half-ass it now, you're going to feel it later."

Compared to what I've seen of the utterly vile Why Him? (thankfully little) this is an inoffensive, good-intentioned, little movie. It's not comedic genius, but J.K. Simmons and Emile Hirsch are likeable by default. Acceptable background noise for a date night. Nobody is reinventing the wheel here.

Boyhood (2014)

I so dislike Linklater's blah-blah-blah trilogy so I was really skeptic to this film. But Boyhood was a pleasant surprise for me. It is nicely executed drama concentrated on a single mother family and ups and downs that life brings to any of us. The dialogues, and situations displayed were real and well acted. I was really enjoying this. Good job Mr. Linklater this time!

You can call it the art of fighting without fighting.

"Honor is not in the Weapon. It is in the Man"

The Blackcoat's Daughter (2017) - directed by Oz Perkins (son of Anthony), two boarding school girls on winter break are stuck at the school awaiting their parents and one is slowly getting possessed. Meanwhile, a young woman dropped off at a bus terminal is trying to get to the school at the same time as these events. Emma Roberts, Kiernan Shipka, and Lucy Boynton give out wonderful performances and the connection between the two stories becomes one that is shocking and completely unexpected...and I say that is a good way!

Final Rating: B+
It's All About the Movies