Happy Birthday Austruck and Holden Pike


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Colour out of Time
5th May

Happy B'day to Austruck and Holden Pike

Light a fuse and fire up the sky for these two MoFo'ers

That is not dead which can eternal lie, And with strange aeons even death may die.
The Call of Cthulhu - H.P.Lovecraft

I just want to know why there is mayo in my sink this time every year?

Happy B'Day MOFO elites!!!!!!
“The gladdest moment in human life, methinks, is a departure into unknown lands.” – Sir Richard Burton

So, I got a tad carried away. If I were smart, no comment please, I would have had you list some of Clint Eastwood's music. Music from his movies. Something instrumental, would have been just dandy. So I try to figure this out by myself, and I find out that Clint sang a country song with Merle Haggard. You probably already knew this. I doubt you like it, but too bad, I made it into a You-tube video, anyway!

Clint Eastwood & Merle Haggard ~ Bar Room Buddies

Then I searched, once again, for something instrumental. I didn't find what I was hoping for, so here we have a real purdy song, where the words don't match the photos. Once again, it's Clint, so who cares!?!

Diana Krall ~ Why Should I Care?

So, to Clint Eastwood's biggest fan, a couple of videos, that I doubt you want to watch.

Oh, and . . .

I hope you have a wonderful year of being 38, with many more to follow. Love ya, sweetie!

A system of cells interlinked
Holden: You are, IMO, one of the best sources of film knowledge, tid-bits, anecdotes, recommendations, and overall film fun on the web. I have learned a TON from you, and for that, I thank you. Happy Birthday, partner.

Austruck - Ah, my fellow shoutbox dweller. Thanks for helping the workday pass by that much easier with good conversation/discussion. Have a great fracking birthday!
“It takes considerable knowledge just to realize the extent of your own ignorance.” ― Thomas Sowell

I never realized you two shared a birthday.

But Austruck, how old are you today?!??

Happy Birthday, MoFos.

Welcome to the human race...
I never realized you two shared a birthday.

But Austruck, how old are you today?!??

Happy Birthday, MoFos.
The little feature at the bottom says 38 - eerily enough, that's the same age as Holden...
I really just want you all angry and confused the whole time.
Iro's Top 100 Movies v3.0

Happy Birthday, you two polar opposites you. But really, is there that much which separates you? You may be of different genders, heights, political orientations and general dispositions, but you were both born on Cinco de Mayo. So, clearly, what unites you is greater than what divides you.

Happy Birthday to both of you. One for being an endless font of cinematic information, and the other for giving birth to me. I shall leave it to you, discerning reader, to decide which is which.

The little feature at the bottom says 38 - eerily enough, that's the same age as Holden...
No, I don't believe that she's 38 - my guess would be 27 - she left her year of birth out. Check her profile page. But hey, she's a lady, she doesn't have to put it.

Happy Birthday Austruck!!

Happy Birthday Holden!!

Hope you two have a great one!!
Separately... together... or whatever....

You never know what is enough, until you know what is more than enough.
~William Blake ~

AiSv Nv wa do hi ya do...
(Walk in Peace)

Holden's beer sucks. It has too many flaming candles in the way.

The Adventure Starts Here!
I'm pretty sure my name on the birthday box here doesn't have any age after it. But I'll confess it anyway: At 8:22 p.m. I'll be exactly 47. Yay me.

SC, nice try on the 27 thing -- double snaps to you for that one. (Did you know about the inside joke among Weird Al fans that he throws the number 27 into every album and nearly every appearance just for us?)