The Movie Forums Top 100 of All-Time Refresh: Countdown

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It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
I like Vincent & Theo a lot. It got so overshadowed by the subsequent back-to-back triumphs of The Player and Short Cuts, but at the time it was widely heralded as a return to form after spending much of the '80s dabbling in television projects like "Tanner '88" and "The Cain Mutiny Court-Martial", The Laundromat", and "Basements", the first hint of that 1970s genius in many a moon.
I started Tanner 88 earlier in the year, but it didn't hold my interest. I had every intention of going back, but just didn't. Maybe next election cycle

I started Tanner 88 earlier in the year, but it didn't hold my interest. I had every intention of going back, but just didn't. Maybe next election cycle
"Tanner '88" is very dated, of course. What it had to say in the Gary Hart election cycle was nicely done and a relatively subtle satire, but politics have become so much of a circus now that it seems quaint and dull by comparison. Gary Hart having an extra-marital affair these days would barely register on the 24-hour news cycle unless it was with a Kardashian and it was live-streamed or TikToked. Any episode of "Veep" is eight times as caustic and funnier than "Tanner '88".
"Film is a disease. When it infects your bloodstream it takes over as the number one hormone. It bosses the enzymes, directs the pineal gland, plays Iago to your psyche. As with heroin, the antidote to Film is more Film." - Frank Capra

Spirited Away only got to #95 in 2010, would be quite a leap.

No chance for Sonatine or Quills this time around?

I think there will be a few surprises yet. And I'm still betting on Guardians of the Galaxy.
I know Spirited Away is a favorite of several of my fellow RT/Corrie refugees, so I think it has a chance.
Check out my podcast: The Movie Loot!

I have three clear favorite Hitchcock films, and since I wanted to limit my list to one film per director (with one notable exception), I had to choose which Hitch film to go with, and after going back and forth multiple times I finally decided to go with the notably lighter and funner film, North by Northwest, which I had at #3. It could have been Rear Window just as easily, or even Shadow of a Doubt. North by Northwest is a film I grew up on. It was on television a lot in the 70s when I was a young kid and if I saw it was on, I never failed to watch it, whether it was just starting or had only a half-hour left. And obviously, it's where I got my username from.

My List:
3. North by Northwest (#57)
15. Metropolis (#73)
21. Enter the Dragon (#97)
24. There Will Be Blood (#60)
I may go back to hating you. It was more fun.

2022 Mofo Fantasy Football Champ
I know Spirited Away is a favorite of several of my fellow RT/Corrie refugees, so I think it has a chance.
I think it's gained following since 10 years ago too. We will see

The Night of the Hunter - 7/10
Is there a movie where Shelley Winters does NOT drown?

Never saw "North by Northwest" - I can't watch Cary Grant...
Odds Against Tomorrow

WARNING: "" spoilers below
She actually lives at the end of that one.

I started Tanner 88 earlier in the year, but it didn't hold my interest. I had every intention of going back, but just didn't. Maybe next election cycle
I liked Tanner '88, but I do fear that it's of its time. Michael Murphy and Pamela Reed were fine. The use of various cameos never felt over the top.

Tomorrow's hint:

In our next two films, a stiff breeze blows.
But in different ways, for each of those.

In the first he comes, and will return.
While the second goes, and passions churn.

At different ends, they get down low.
Both looking forward, to tomorrow.

It's just like having our very own Keats in the house innit

Gone With The Wind

. . . . . . . and

. . . Kaze tachinu

Tomorrow's hint:

In our next two films, a stiff breeze blows.
But in different ways, for each of those.

In the first he comes, and will return.
While the second goes, and passions churn.

At different ends, they get down low.
Both looking forward, to tomorrow.
Weirdly I'm thinking The Passion Of The Christ and The Day After Tomorrow but doubt either of those is gonna show.

From the clue I'd love one of them to be La Petomane but somehow I doubt it

Since he was brought up, I've only seen 3 Robert Altman films (Gosford Park, The Player, and The Gingerbread Man). I really enjoyed the first two, even if they didn't make it to my list. I should really rewatch The Player also. It's been a long, long time. As for Gingerbread Man, that was obviously a studio work and, although it's been a while, I seem to recall it being a serviceable 90's thriller, whatever that means.

What should I prioritize? And if you say M*A*S*H, tell me if I should watch the show also, and which should I watch first

Three Women!