Johnny Depp vs Amber Heard


We've gone on holiday by mistake
What are peoples thoughts on this?

They've been all over the news this week as Depp seeks damages against the UKs Sun newspaper for reporting that he was a "wife beater".

The media still appears to be pro Heard but there seems to be a lot of evidence and witness accounts that it was in fact Heard who abused Depp.

Public opinion seems to have shifted to support for Depp.

Next year they will be in court again for a $50 million suit that Depp has filed against Heard for damages against harm to his career/earnings due to her allegations.

After hearing the leaked audio of Heard berating Depp for complaining about her hitting him and for leaving the house when she hits him, I think it's pretty clear that either she is the abuser or that the relationship was mutually abusive.

The trick is not minding
I think it *might* have been mutually abusive, but I may need more evidence to support that.
We have the video of him smashing things and then his reaction to her recording him. I can’t recall, but were there texts where he admitted to harming her? I seem to recall something about it. Either way, his temper was an issue if that recording is any indication.
In Heards case, we have clearly seen her texts. Not a pretty picture.
I’m sure more will be revealed and it’s like a train wreck you can’t look away from.

I don't think the media's on her side. They might have been out of reflex, initially, but the stuff that came out awhile back flipped that pretty quick. Of course, Depp comes out looking horrible because now we have all this evidence of him being an absolute train wreck of a person, which might not make him abusive but certainly doesn't help him.

This just in: movie stars can be pretty messed up.

I think it *might* have been mutually abusive, but I may need more evidence to support that.
We have the video of him smashing things and then his reaction to her recording him. I can’t recall, but were there texts where he admitted to harming her? I seem to recall something about it. Either way, his temper was an issue if that recording is any indication.
In Heards case, we have clearly seen her texts. Not a pretty picture.
I’m sure more will be revealed and it’s like a train wreck you can’t look away from.
I felt it was pretty clear that she wanted to piss him off and since they were a couple she knew him well and therefore knew exactly what to do and say to set him off.

Now should anybody react like Depp did? Probably not. But we have no idea what led to that recording. How long she has been going hard on him mentally and done everything she could just to get that recording.

Depp has always been a freaking weirdo. Nothing new there. And Amber seems like a bully more than everything. And a serious one at that. Willing to do everything to get some money. To truly **** up someone’s live. I also heard that she said “what about my reputation? My career?” and Depp was like “what about my son? His college friends are asking him if his dad is a wife beater” ... shows who has their priorities right.

Trouble with a capital "T"
I haven't watched the video and could care less. Sounds like a case for the courts, it's of no concern to me. If Depp makes a movie I'm interested in, which is doubtful these days, I'd watch it...otherwise I think of him in the past tense.

We've gone on holiday by mistake
I think that's Depps point though, I was messed up, I just wasn't an abuser and was in fact the abused.

The trick is not minding
I felt it was pretty clear that she wanted to piss him off and since they were a couple she knew him well and therefore knew exactly what to do and say to set him off.
I wouldn’t say it’s pretty clear, and the latter is speculation. I will admit it is suspicious considering what we now know.*
Watching the video she’s asking what’s wrong? What happened? While recording his reactions. It does seem like she was instigating him, hoping for a specific reaction.
On the other hand, He was drunk and smashing things and she could have been legitimately concerned for her well being. Hence the recording.
It’s either her being manipulative or her showing his abusive patterns.
He definitely was not in a good state of mind. She should have left well enough alone, because it could seem manipulated. Not saying she shouldn’t record other incidents, but it’s a fine line between manipulation and genuine responses. But those actions do no warrant his response regardless.
Like I said earlier, both seem guilty of abuse in some form. But I will wait until further evidence comes to light before rendering a verdict of my own.

We've gone on holiday by mistake
I think that's the key point ^^^ in all this. Amber Heard could have left it alone, I think Depp wanted to move on, especially after some of the more embarrassing revelations this week.

However Heard had to give interviews talking about abuse and aligning herself to the MeToo movement, costing Depp lucrative roles Inc POTC,and a considerable reputation hit.

He was forced to fight for his name.

Difficult to say who would win without knowing the stipulations of the match. Depp looked very frail the last time I saw a picture of him, so I think Heard could probably take him in a normal one-on-one battle. If weapons are sanctioned, however, the scale tips in Depp's favor. We know he's quite adept with a sword from his days as a pirate. And if he can find his scissor hands, that'd be a huge factor for Heard to overcome. Let's hope they choose the ocean as their battleground. Depp brings the Black Pearl, Heard brings her warrior seahorses from Aquaman. I'll save up money for the Pay-Per-View.

We've gone on holiday by mistake
Amber Heard made an interesting claim today, that Johny Depp pushed Kate Moss down some stairs, she had heard about it from 2 different people.

Gonna be interesting to see what Kate Moss herself says about it.

Amber also admitted to hitting Depp today, which she claims was to prevent Depp throwing her sister down some stairs.

Very bizarre, there has never been any mention of Kate Moss or this incident.

Trouble with a capital "T"
Amber Heard made an interesting claim today, that Johny Depp pushed Kate Moss down some stairs, she had heard about it from 2 different people.

Gonna be interesting to see what Kate Moss herself says about it.

Amber also admitted to hitting Depp today, which she claims was to prevent Depp throwing her sister down some stairs.

Very bizarre, there has never been any mention of Kate Moss or this incident.
Hitting somebody to prevent an imagined act, is still a crime. One point to Depp.

We've gone on holiday by mistake
Yea she had to come up with some nonsense. Wonder what the sister has to say about any of that.

We've gone on holiday by mistake
Here's a 2 minute recording of Amber and Johny talking about the bathroom incident where according to Amber, Johny was beating her up and she had to retreat to the bathroom to hide.

28 days...6 hours...42 minutes...12 seconds
Didn't she record the video of him freaking out after his mother passed? I was under the impression he was depressed about that and some financial woes and she basically antagonized him to the point we see, which is when she started recording it.

If she is crazy enough to put make-up bruises on, I wouldn't put it passed her to do this.
"A laugh can be a very powerful thing. Why, sometimes in life, it's the only weapon we have."

Suspect's Reviews

Apart from a cameo in Zombieland, 11 years ago, I genuinely couldn't tell you anything that Heard has been in.
And Depp hasn't been relevant since 2003.

Eccentric Millionaire vs Spoiled Psychopath... amazing media making money machine that.

28 days...6 hours...42 minutes...12 seconds
Apart from a cameo in Zombieland, 11 years ago, I genuinely couldn't tell you anything that Heard has been in.
And Depp hasn't been relevant since 2003.

Eccentric Millionaire vs Spoiled Psychopath... amazing media making money machine that.
I really like Aquaman, but she is easily replaceable in that film.

We've gone on holiday by mistake
Apart from a cameo in Zombieland, 11 years ago, I genuinely couldn't tell you anything that Heard has been in.
And Depp hasn't been relevant since 2003.

Eccentric Millionaire vs Spoiled Psychopath... amazing media making money machine that.
Probably why this is all happening. She tries to further her career by marrying Depp, it doesn't really work.

She then tries to attach herself to the MeToo movement and seeks attention as an "abused woman", only she forgot(didn't care) that she was the abuser and now it's coming back to bite her. Her career is effectively over at this point.

We've gone on holiday by mistake
So Amber Heard's sister has been on the stand, yesterday and today, and she claimed that Amber has never been violent toward her.

However, Depp's team were passed a video from a confidential source which shows Amber battering her sister and the aftermath with people commenting on the bruises to her face and body. I'm not clear whether it shows the violence or just the aftermath.

The judge will rule today if the video can be shown in court.

It's basically proof that her sister is lying for her.

Amber Heard also has supposedly been texting her sister whilst she(sister) was in the witness stand and has had to be banned from using her mobile in court by the judge.