Film Review For Halloween On YouTube


Halloween Review
3 votes
Tales From The Crypt (1972 Film)
2 votes
Netflix Horror Films (3 Random Picks)
2 votes
Joker (2019)
7 votes. You may not vote on this poll

Ami-Scythe's Avatar
A bucket of anxiety
I've been having a terrible month so it's been hard for me to motivate myself. What's making it harder to do anything is that I'm not sure what I should be pushing myself to do. My YouTube channel did its first video on Halloween so I've been wanting to put up a Halloween video for this year. At first I was going to talk about Tales From The Hood 2, but it is WAY too bad to sit through. So I've come down to these three options.

A system of cells interlinked
I choose door #2!
“It takes considerable knowledge just to realize the extent of your own ignorance.” ― Thomas Sowell

Trouble with a capital "T"
Joker would seem to me to be the most relevant. If you could give your video review an attention grabbing title, you might get more viewers that way. Something flamboyant or with a twist, I noticed on YouTube the video titles that seem real intriguing are the ones I might click play on, just to found out what it's all about.

I'd advise against reviewing Joker considering how your month has been. Sure, it could get you a lot of views, but if that happens it will also get you a lot of negative feedback.

I've watched a number of Joker reviews on YouTube and I can immediately tell what the reviewer thought of the movie just by the likes to dislikes ratio (and don't even get me started on the comments section). I don't even have to watch a second of the actual review to know.

Ami-Scythe's Avatar
A bucket of anxiety
I would watch a Tales From The Crypt review..
I'm asking some friends on Facebook too so maybe. If not this year, it'll be next year because I recorded our reactions to the film. It's just a matter of editing.

Ami-Scythe's Avatar
A bucket of anxiety
So this poll was to accompany votes from my friends so collectively, Joker won. I decided to do Tales From The Crypt and Vault of Horror next year and this year, I'm doing a Tales From The Crypt parody while talking about Netflix horrors and Joker on Halloween. The Joker review is finished but it's a day late because I uploaded it to the wrong channel. With that, I have a review of Netflix original, The Perfection. My review of the Netflix horror is very raunchy due to the material in the film so I'm not going to post it here. My YouTube name is the same as my MoFo name. (Also, disclaimer: the beginning is sarcastic)

Bit harsh. Didn't you at least enjoy the score? Or the colour pallette?

And you found Taxi Driver boring? wtf? It's one of the most influential films of all time. You've seen that a million times because Taxi Driver inspired it!!!

Are you sure you watched this movie? Like, actually watched it?

Seems to me this review is little more than a misguided rant based on half-remembered scenes clouded by the effects of personal trauma unrelated to the movie. And not only misguided, but self-aggrandizing because - yet again - you claim that all the people raving about the movie are just mindless sheep and only you have the ability to think for yourself.

"I imagine most people giving this film raving reviews simply feel like they have to because it has an important message in it."

Yeah, no.

Also you clearly don't understand the definition of cinematography - which is concerning for someone who touts herself as a filmmaker.

Ami-Scythe's Avatar
A bucket of anxiety
Bit harsh. Didn't you at least enjoy the score? Or the colour pallette?

And you found Taxi Driver boring? wtf? It's one of the most influential films of all time. You've seen that a million times because Taxi Driver inspired it!!!
I mean, the copyrighted songs had a habit of coming out of nowhere but it was in the nitpick category so I didn't mention it. Other than that, I guess the music was okay. When I say that it's an average film, I do mean everything is okay.
As far as Taxi Driver goes, I only saw the first 10 minutes. That was what bored me. After all, I did say that I didn't finish it. (as in, it's not my overall opinion of the movie because I haven't actually seen it) Plus, I'm not sure what the importance of seeing what started this string of really boring movies about sulking in a car, on a train, in your room etc. is. My point is that the idea is 43 years old and it hasn't changed for the better. Even when you're watching the OG, 43 years is still plenty of time to realize that we just might need something stronger than someone saying "we live in a society" for 2 hours.

Ami-Scythe's Avatar
A bucket of anxiety
Are you sure you watched this movie? Like, actually watched it?

Seems to me this review is little more than a misguided rant based on half-remembered scenes clouded by the effects of personal trauma unrelated to the movie. And not only misguided, but self-aggrandizing because - yet again - you claim that all the people raving about the movie are just mindless sheep and only you have the ability to think for yourself.

"I imagine most people giving this film raving reviews simply feel like they have to because it has an important message in it."

Yeah, no.

Also you clearly don't understand the definition of cinematography - which is concerning for someone who touts herself as a filmmaker.
I'm pretty sure I also said that there could be other legitimate reasons for people to like the film and included two examples of that and I explained why the reasons other people liked it weren't reasons I liked it. I'm not saying I'm better than anyone. I tried to establish that it is my personal opinion, which is why I mentioned the grief at all. And I said that I let the movie set. It was boring. I don't know about you, but I wouldn't put grief in the same boat as boredom. And I stated that I used the word the way I typically heard the word being used, as a means to describe camera work, which is...a part of film making, no?
And at this point, I honestly fail to see why you watch any of my reviews when you dislike just about every video I've ever done.

I tried to establish that it is my personal opinion, which is why I mentioned the grief at all.
You offered zero support for this opinion except to say that you hated the film's message and the way it handled Arthur's illness. The implication being that this somehow means other people only claim to love it because it has a message.

And I said that I let the movie set. It was boring. I don't know about you, but I wouldn't put grief in the same boat as boredom.
Considering I didn't put grief in the same boat as boredom, I'm not sure what you're trying to say here.

And I stated that I used the word the way I typically heard the word being used, as a means to describe camera work, which is...a part of film making, no?
Where exactly have you heard "cinematography" used to describe what happens when you "put a camera on a tripod"? I've read and watched a whole lot of reviews and yours is the only one that mentions cinematography without actually seeming to grasp at least the basics of the word's definition.

And at this point, I honestly fail to see why you watch any of my reviews when you dislike just about every video I've ever done.
I "dislike just about every video [you've] ever done"? Um, okay. I think I've watched 3 of your videos - two of which somehow seem to have mysteriously disappeared. Hmmm....

As for your reviews: I watched the Her review because you were asking for opinions about your videos and how to improve them and at the time Her was the only movie you'd reviewed that I'd even seen. I watched the Joker review because it's about Joker.

Not that I need to have any justification for watching any publicly posted YouTube video. Funny how you claim to want views without actually wanting views.

I mean, the copyrighted songs had a habit of coming out of nowhere but it was in the nitpick category so I didn't mention it. Other than that, I guess the music was okay. When I say that it's an average film, I do mean everything is okay.
As far as Taxi Driver goes, I only saw the first 10 minutes. That was what bored me. After all, I did say that I didn't finish it. (as in, it's not my overall opinion of the movie because I haven't actually seen it) Plus, I'm not sure what the importance of seeing what started this string of really boring movies about sulking in a car, on a train, in your room etc. is. My point is that the idea is 43 years old and it hasn't changed for the better. Even when you're watching the OG, 43 years is still plenty of time to realize that we just might need something stronger than someone saying "we live in a society" for 2 hours.
You saw ten minutes of a movie and judged it?? That's not fair at all. I would at least wait until an hour through before making your judgements about a movie, especially Taxi Driver. There are more themes in that movie than just tired messages about society and socialism, many more. I would suggest watching it all the way through before calling it boring.

Ami-Scythe's Avatar
A bucket of anxiety
You offered zero support for this opinion except to say that you hated the film's message and the way it handled Arthur's illness. The implication being that this somehow means other people only claim to love it because it has a message.
I still didn't say that was the only reason anyone would like the movie. I said that my friends liked it because they identified with the character, which is fine. I never said it wasn't fine. I said I couldn't identify with the character. That wasn't to say that they were wrong for identifying with a character they liked. I also said that people might've liked the twist ending, which, again, is completely fine. I proceeded to say that I didn't care for it. Again, that wasn't to say I was ahead of the game or better than everyone else. It's fine to like the movie for whatever reason. I'm just guessing that there's a probably people out there who liked it out of obligation, which is also an opinion. It's the same as anyone else would guess that people use their phones to go on social media, excluding people who use it for games or for phone calls. It's not a call out to ALL people.
You keep saying that I'm allowing my loss to affect my opinion of the film but I said it was boring. I fail to see how grief in anyway translates to being bored. I've let the film sink in for 3 weeks. It's what I got out of it.
I'm pretty sure I've heard others use the word to describe camera work on channels that are similar to mine.
They disappeared because I didn't like them in the first place and no one else seemed to like them. They're being reworked for my views to be communicated better.
I was just thinking that after Her and the vlog that you wouldn't be interested in my type of work. (Again, that's not saying that my work is better than everyone else's, it's as in, "the stuff I do")

Ami-Scythe's Avatar
A bucket of anxiety
You saw ten minutes of a movie and judged it?? That's not fair at all. I would at least wait until an hour through before making your judgements about a movie, especially Taxi Driver. There are more themes in that movie than just tired messages about society and socialism, many more. I would suggest watching it all the way through before calling it boring.
I mean fair enough. It's actually unlike me to talk about a film I haven't seen from start to finish online. I should've noted that I didn't see it all just to be clear. Luckily, it's still on Netflix and I can give it a full blown watch.

I opened a notepad to write what you were saying and later can make a comment about it. I stopped at 3:40, and I wanted to stop the video earlier. I'm not even going to start by how ordinary you seem to think Joaquin's performance was, and how you see movies as something you have to wait for the good part. You never saw Taxi Driver until some days ago, and I'm suppose to spend time writing an opinion on your opinion of a movie? Think again honey, just think again. By the way, you're probably perfect for the guy that watched the movie with you. 'It's Taxi Driver, but with the Joker', 'Taxi Driver is boring'? Learn how to appreciate and then think about creating something. You're far, very far. You don't even know why you don't like something.

Ami-Scythe's Avatar
A bucket of anxiety
I opened a notepad to write what you were saying and later can make a comment about it. I stopped at 3:40, and I wanted to stop the video earlier. I'm not even going to start by how ordinary you seem to think Joaquin's performance was, and how you see movies as something you have to wait for the good part. You never saw Taxi Driver until some days ago, and I'm suppose to spend time writing an opinion on your opinion of a movie? Think again honey, just think again. By the way, you're probably perfect for the guy that watched the movie with you. 'It's Taxi Driver, but with the Joker', 'Taxi Driver is boring'? Learn how to appreciate and then think about creating something. You're far, very far. You don't even know why you don't like something.
You can judge the video without talking down to me. I didn't tell you to "take notes." You're going to assume that I don't understand my own thoughts and opinions based on a single film I didn't watch? One can read a million books and manage to never pick up any new information so saying that I don't know what I'm talking about because I haven't seen that many "deep" movies is ridiculous.