Rate The Last Movie You Saw


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Race (2016) -

Eddie the Eagle (2016) -
"This is that human freedom, which all boast that they possess, and which consists solely in the fact, that men are conscious of their own desire, but are ignorant of the causes whereby that desire has been determined." -Baruch Spinoza

28 days...6 hours...42 minutes...12 seconds

Same director and the only Seagal movie that I really like.
Some of this was filmed in my hometown. You can see a Tim Hortons in the background, one I would frequent often. It's during the motorcycle chase scene.

Too funny.
"A laugh can be a very powerful thing. Why, sometimes in life, it's the only weapon we have."

Suspect's Reviews

Finished here. It's been fun.
La La Land

It ain't all that good.

I don't think that anything in the film is inherently *bad* - but there's nothing here that's great or noteworthy. The Goose and Stone have little chemistry, the music/dancing isn't memorable (repetitive, yes), and Chazelle's attempts at emulating Demy fall flat. There's nothing below the surface; it's an empty, albeit pretty, film which leaves no lasting impact.

La La Land

It ain't all that good.

I don't think that anything in the film is inherently *bad* - but there's nothing here that's great or noteworthy. The Goose and Stone have little chemistry, the music/dancing isn't memorable (repetitive, yes), and Chazelle's attempts at emulating Demy fall flat. There's nothing below the surface; it's an empty, albeit pretty, film which leaves no lasting impact.
Lucas my man!

2022 Mofo Fantasy Football Champ
Disagree completely, mainly on the chemistry and that the songs aren't memorable. But if we all liked and hated the same films, things would be pretty boring.

28 days...6 hours...42 minutes...12 seconds
Arrival -

Liked this one a lot, pleasantly surprised by the direction of the ending. It was refreshing to see a sci/fi alien film that went for a more realistic approach than something like Independence Day. Adams gave a grounded performance and it's a shame that Streep essentially took her spot at the Oscars.

The Bunny Game (2011)

A hooker gets abducted by a sadistic truck driver. So it has an excellent plot. The movie was made on a 13k budget, and I think they did a great job. Filming in black and white hides a lot of flaws, and it gives this movie a realistic feel. I would just have preferred if the little camera tricks were left out. Everything in the movie, besides the drug use, is completely unsimulated. The actress performed sex acts, got branded, and endured intense physical abuse. She and the actor who played the trucker were quite convincing. I would say it's unusual for a movie to be so nasty and brutal without containing any gore. This movie is a very unpleasant watch.

Let the night air cool you off
The Bunny Game (2011)

A hooker gets abducted by a sadistic truck driver. So it has an excellent plot. .

Everybody tries so hard to come out with the next big story to tell, but they should stick to the basics.

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
La La Land

It ain't all that good.

I don't think that anything in the film is inherently *bad* - but there's nothing here that's great or noteworthy. The Goose and Stone have little chemistry, the music/dancing isn't memorable (repetitive, yes), and Chazelle's attempts at emulating Demy fall flat. There's nothing below the surface; it's an empty, albeit pretty, film which leaves no lasting impact.
I completely disagree. Chazelle's movie has actual characters to go on a journey with. I would call Umbrellas a movie that is style over substance long before LaLa Land. I do think both fims are concerned with being pretty though. Nothing wrong with that as they both are.

This is one of only two movies ive been really looking forward to ,sadly it seems I had my expectations a bit high.The story follows a man who is trying to piece his life back together after serving in the war- he wants to be alone so he gets a job at the light house-but soon falls in love with someone at the mainland.They marry and everything seems perfect untill she suffers several miscarriges-soon after a boat comes in with a dead man and a baby and they have to make the choice as to keep the baby or look for its parents.

Everything about this made it seem like it would be a perfect match for me,but i found the movie to be very choppy and underwhelming-i dont like it when theres constant time jumps,there were some editing issues and even though I like Michael & Alicia,i was a bit disappointed-i was expecting them to kill it,insted i thought they were merely okay.
I was a bit underwhelmed by their chemistry,and even though they`re dating in real life,Alicia looks incredibly young for her age..whilst michael looks his age-he looks too old for her on screen.Also theres minor things that annoyed me-like her running down the hill full force right after giving birth
Several of the decisions made by several of the characters were hard for me to understand,the lack of explanation was also annoying,and I thought the reactions or lack of from some was unrealistic.

so yeah,all in all: a let down for me.

Britney is my favorite

That's perfect, but, in comparison, factoring in the crap to crap ratio , what would you give Escape from LA?
Just to join in... I'm around 3/5 for that one.

And Transformers, the first one is solid. The second I remember to be a good stepdown, but not awful. That said I haven't rewatched it in ages. The third it went downhill fast. Really bad. The fourth... well.... rock f*cking bottom.

Women will be your undoing, Pépé

(REWATCH) Assassination (Korean)
I just need to find this and BUY IT
What I actually said to win MovieGal's heart:
- I might not be a real King of Kinkiness, but I make good pancakes
~Mr Minio

I don't know why but I've been on an early 2010s binge....mostly catching up on Felicity Jones & Anton Yelchin films. Need to watch Like Crazy still but its not on netflix.

The Beaver (2011)

I gotta watch Hacksaw Ridge. This movie was pretty decent. Mel Gibson is really good along with Anton Yelchin, Jodie Foster, & even Jennifer Lawrence. I did not realize until the credits that Jodie Foster also directed this. Good on her.

Chalet Girl (2011)

Much funnier than I was expecting it to be, but its mostly because Felicity Jones, Bill Bailey & Bill Nighy bring the comedy the rest of the cast is sub-par at best. Was kind of surprised how funny Felicity Jones could be, my intro to her was that mediocre Jonah Hill-James Franco film True Story from a few years ago and the only other thing I saw her in was Rogue One. People have been saying she's great in Theory of Everything with Redmayne I'll get around to seeing it. And I did not expect to see Sophia Bush just pop up in a British film. She doesn't use an accent but it took me off guard.

Finished here. It's been fun.
I completely disagree. Chazelle's movie has actual characters to go on a journey with. I would call Umbrellas a movie that is style over substance long before LaLa Land. I do think both fims are concerned with being pretty though. Nothing wrong with that as they both are.
Film is subjective, and you aren't wrong for defending La La Land. But I respectfully disagree with the statement that there were any 'actual characters.' Stone and Gosling are nothing more than paper-thin, shallow characters (not their fault, mind you), due to the lackluster script. The movie is afraid of being a musical - as not to offend the *cool kids* who aren't 'into musicals.' Bad dancing, too. This movie rests on the fact that the two people are attractive; so does Cherbourg, for that matter, but there's subtext beneath the surface of that film.

From a filmmaking standpoint, Demy's work is superior. Demy's entire film has the actors singing - and it works. There's chemistry between the actors, the colors are gorgeous (while Chazelle's borders on the garish), and the characters are placed into actually serious positions; the young man goes off to war, the young woman is pregnant, and unsure of whether wait for her lover, of find a comfortable life with another man who loves her.