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there's a frog in my snake oil
Yeah not a fair comparison on that front. Think it was just that it evoked a Euro-style forest so well. And the idea of a melee-heavy non-magical romp sandbox sounds tempting if done right. Like you say though, the chances of the translated tour and lore matching the landscape or normally slim
Virtual Reality chatter on a movie site? Got endless amounts of it here. Reviews over here

The People's Republic of Clogher
It reminded me of Oblivion, actually. For all the flak that game got about its 'boring' setting I found it stunning to look at in 2005 and still pretty good today. Seeing as Cyrodiil is basically Middle Ages England I think they nailed the aesthetic.

In other news, would anyone like a $199 Android box? Even though it's made by Nvidia and is pretty darn powerful for what it is, I'd say this will be a hard sell.

I don't know anyone who has one of these mini-consoles.
"Critics are like eunuchs in a harem; they know how the Tatty 100 is done, they've seen it done every day, but they're unable to do it themselves." - Brendan Behan

The Long Dark update!

I last posted about two weeks ago, at which point I was 70 days in and still sitting in the Camp Office. I've roughly tripled that--I'm over 200 days now. The old mark on the previous run was 162, and I've been thinking 200 is possible for awhile, mainly because I found all that ammo.

I forget how long I ended up staying at the Camp Office, but it was the sewing kit of all things that made me decide to leave! I only brought one, I think, and somehow didn't find any in Mystery Lake, so I wasn't able to repair my clothes any more. Consolidated the supplies (which meant harvesting and repairing some tools at less-than-optimal points) and trekked back. No serious problems. Home sweet home.

Still not out of ammo. I actually thought I was getting close and then remembered I wasn't counting the 8 bullets I accidentally loaded into a second rifle. I'm down to 13, though, so I'm using them all pretty efficiently. I try to use the deer/wolf trick so that pretty much every shot I take results in around 30 lbs of meat, and as long as I'm reasonably patient and willing to try a few times (and I start while I still have at least several days' worth of food from the last success), it always works eventually.

It's hard to say what strategy is optimal at this point. Staying inside and just eating, drinking, and sleeping, carries no risk with it and does very little to degrade clothing. On the other hand, if I supplemented all that meat by camping out in a fishing shack, the food would last longer, but the clothes would need more repairing and there'd be a much greater chance of death. And fishing lines snap, which costs scrap metal, which is finite and needed to keep the hatchet and knife in good repair, which I need for taking the meat off of any kills. So, lots of variables.

At this point it kinda feels like the only mark ahead of me really worth shooting for is a full year, but that'd probably be tough. If I get 30 lbs. of meat from each bullet, my remaining ammo translates into roughly 65 days' worth of food. After that, I can still pull the same trick and induce the wolf to attack me and fight them off, and then just wrap up my wound. I still have enough antiseptic and crafted natural remedy bandages to survive dozens of attacks without risking infection, and I've got a lot of antibiotics to fend off infection after that.

My matches, however, are degrading pretty fast. I left a pack in an adjacent house (I think), because they don't degrade until you pick them up. And I do have two firestrikers, though I don't think those can be repaired (still, together they should give me 15-20 fires, and I always make a point to keep fires going to get the most out of each one). And after that I have the magnifying glass, which has to be used outside (risky) and only on sunny days.

And the scrap metal, which could be a problem, should still last a long while if I only use it to improve the knife and hatchet. So maybe a year's plausible in this run, if I'm willing to grind it out after the bullets are gone.

Either way, I broke my old mark and hit 200 days, which was my goal through most of this run. I'll keep going and probably decide, based on how things go, if I think I have a good chance of hitting 300 or beyond.

Ok. I may have started playing games again.

I have a PS4 (but hardly ever use it). I now PC game with Steam and a half decent laptop.

Winter Calls Thy Name
I've roughly tripled that--I'm over 200 days now. The old mark on the previous run was 162, and I've been thinking 200 is possible for awhile, mainly because I found all that ammo.

The People's Republic of Clogher
Do you guys share your user-names here or not? I'll play any game on my library that has multi-player.
Sure, my username is greenspagbol. Don't have a huge number of multiplayer games but I've been meaning to try and get good at Robot Roller-Derby Disco Dodgeball.

EDIT - I see EA has been up to their old tricks again, shutting down Maxis. The Sim City reboot was hot garbage but it's sad to see one of the old studios go under.

there's a frog in my snake oil
Heya yep, I'm golgot4 on there.

Intrigued by Payday 2 but don't own a copy. In fact, don't have many windows for multiplay on the whole. Might be around for some Nidhogg tho

Heya yep, I'm golgot4 on there.

Intrigued by Payday 2 but don't own a copy. In fact, don't have many windows for multiplay on the whole. Might be around for some Nidhogg tho
Well the Payday Spring Sale has started so the game is 80% off! Well worth it!

I'll add you both when I get on next.

there's a frog in my snake oil
Well the Payday Spring Sale has started so the game is 80% off! Well worth it!

I'll add you both when I get on next.
Arg, holy crap. That is tempting

*EDIT* Too tempting Although ironically I'll mainly have to play it offline.

Is the text chat for online workable? A quick look suggests the in game voice chat is kinda borked unless you turn music/sfx right down anyway, so maybe I'm not missing too much. Do prefer it when possible though.

A system of cells interlinked
I think I am Sedai99 on Steam...I think...
“It takes considerable knowledge just to realize the extent of your own ignorance.” ― Thomas Sowell

Arg, holy crap. That is tempting

*EDIT* Too tempting Although ironically I'll mainly have to play it offline.

Is the text chat for online workable? A quick look suggests the in game voice chat is kinda borked unless you turn music/sfx right down anyway, so maybe I'm not missing too much. Do prefer it when possible though.
I use text chat mainly. It is really good and works very well. But people do use voice chat, I have done it before too and that does work you just have to turn down a few settings which takes a minute. On stealth missions (which most people do) its not so bad its just when you're using the non-silent weapons you'll have to change some settings.

there's a frog in my snake oil
Ah ok cool, that could work for me then

(My household also complain about my raucous typing, but they can go buy me a silent keyboard )

there's a frog in my snake oil
Gah, Witcher 2 is 80% off too...

Ok that's it. No more for me. I'm full. Not even some flaming goat simulator. Done.

Gah, Witcher 2 is 80% off too...

Ok that's it. No more for me. I'm full. Not even some flaming goat simulator. Done.
What games did you get? Haha. Yeah some of the titles are tempting but I have enough for now.