MoFo Fantasy Baseball 2014 - The Regular Season


Could you imagine if I was general manager of an actual team? The players would all live out their suitcases no matter if they were rookies or stars or even at home. I think, I think, I have 2 moves left and should soon be done.

A system of cells interlinked
Already sick of this downtime - bring on the games!!
“It takes considerable knowledge just to realize the extent of your own ignorance.” ― Thomas Sowell

Oy. I need 26-30 points in 60 some games. I dont know if its possible. I cant think or foresee another trade or group of moves that would help me though. Gotta let this crew now take wing and fly.

Oh I sooo hope Encarnacion comes back in the 15 day minimum just to DH. Grade 2 sprain, Im relieved it wasnt worse, and initial reports it sounded WAY worse. Even with all these "stars" its a sizable amount of points in a short time.

If its not Adam or Mark that win this thing this year then it will definitely be considered an upset. If Mikeys team from last year was any indicator in Roto, dominance from the beginning is usually a constant criteria for victory. Thats Roto though! No frills, no comebacks, no flukes. Just plain point totals from all players added up and compared. Done.

One last bit of randomness. After all the times Ive had, dropped, and regrabbed him, if James Paxton comes back and gets blown up for 8-9 earned his first game Ill bang my head on the table

No game till Friday? Must be rough having a day job!
We are both the source of the problem and the solution, yet we do not see ourselves in this light...

The People's Republic of Clogher

*ahem* I come to this strange land bearing gifts. I mean no harm.

Basically, Out Of The Park Baseball 2014 is yours for (at least) $1 in the Humble weekly sale. Some of you regular basers might dig it - If it's anything like Football Manager expect crack and heroin rolled into one. I believe that's called a curveball.

For those of you not familiar with Humble, it's a legit site and a percentage of each sale goes to charity, in this case the Electronic Frontier Foundation (whatever that is) and the American Red Cross.


Erm ... Lets baseball! Yeah.
"Critics are like eunuchs in a harem; they know how the Tatty 100 is done, they've seen it done every day, but they're unable to do it themselves." - Brendan Behan

Well I think I made a great waiver grab, and its a grab a few of us made this year hoping he'd break out... "After going 0 for 9 in his first two games at leadoff, Austin Jackson has hit .386 (22 of 57) with a .429 on-base percentage over his last 14 games.

He went 2 for 3 with a double and a walk in Sunday's 5-1 win.

"It really wasn’t something that was hard for me to do, just because I’ve been in that position before and it’s something about getting the offense started," Jackson told the paper. "You have a different mindset and you’re more aggressive. It’s a mental thing that I really enjoy."

Hopefully this will ease any possible pains from losing Polanco.

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
Finally, Cliff Lee's back.

Should be a lot of fun running Kershaw and Lee out there the rest of the year.
Not as fun as Zimmerman and Kuroda.

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
My season has come down to just trying to crawl into the top half of the standings. Injuries will probably prevent even that pathetic goal from happening. Brutal!

Have you guys seen the new feature on the Yahoo teampage!? Its awesome, Look at your players, click the symbol to the left of the normal info box, and you get video highlights on all your team.

Will that make my team better?
No, but it does make everything better. I feel you on this as Im a bottom half tredder too this year. I would love to surge the rest of the season, I dont have to win, just something, anything!

After years in the league, today is the day that I, Tim/Suicide Squeeze/Banknotes Harper, made an account on here. It's been long overdue, I'd say.

But why today? Well, I'm glad I asked.

I'd like to make the case to vote down the CarGo for David Price trade because I think it's terribly lopsided. By ranking, Price is the 20th best player in our league and CarGo sits at 336th, sandwiched between David Murphy and Eric Young. It's important to note that the rankings aren't going to be kind to CarGo since he missed about 40 games. That said, he's still been a below-average hitter in the games that he's actually played in - pretty much across the board, but the advance stats, in particular, aren't kind to him. The rest of the way, FanGraphs projects him to bounce back and accrue 9 HR, 25 R, 28 RBI, 6 SB, and hit .277, which is pretty good over 40+ games.

David Price, on the other hand, projects to continue his elite season and they expect him to continue throwing 3.00 ERA ball over his final 11ish starts.

I think there's a case to be made for the trade - CarGo can surely bounce back - but with his current performance and very high injury risk it's far from a sure thing that he will bounce back. There are about two dozen hitters available as free agents that have put up better seasons than CarGo to date. They certainly all lack the upside that CarGo does, but none of them would require giving up the 6th best pitcher in our league.

As it is, I don't think this is a fair trade and am voting against it as it is.

2022 Mofo Fantasy Football Champ
I disagree. Cargo is a talented player in a slump. I can see why the trade makes sense. Cargo was a top 30 player last year and he even missed 1-2 months of games.