Have you ever wanted to see a director do something unexpected?


It worked with Martin Scorsese when he directed his first family film: Hugo. Are there any directors in particular you want to see try something new as well?

I want to see Michael Bay make a romantic drama movie without any explosions or racial stereotypes, and go Fault in our Stars on us for once.
My favorite movies:

Na, I'm not a fan of originality. I just hope they keep pumping out X-Men movies and remakes of old classics that I haven't and am never going to see. I just can't wait to watch Godzilla, I'm sure it will be as typical as I hope it will. I don't like surprises, so I'm more of a fan of generic run-of-the-mill movies if you catch my drift. Also, I don't really care for the subtleties of cinema, so what I look for in movies is stylistic over-the-top melodrama and epicness. I can't wait for This Is Sparta 3!

Tarantino. I'd like to see him be genuinely creative instead of just reinventing the wheel.
#31 on SC's Top 100 Mofos list!!

And when I'm all alone I feel I don't wanna hide
James Cameron, being the impressive visual filmmaker that he is, working on a project where he had absolutely no impact in the writing process would be nice.

Paul WS Anderson... I'm still waiting for him to make something decent.

I'd like to see Spielberg make something daring. Something not toned down for family viewing. With exception to Private Ryan and Schindler, his films are all kid friendly.

Spielberg making a full on horror, now that would be spectacular.

And when I'm all alone I feel I don't wanna hide
I'd like to see Spielberg make something daring. Something not toned down for family viewing. With exception to Private Ryan and Schindler, his films are all kid friendly.
Munich rang up and disagreed.

I would like to see Paul Thomas Anderson make an action movie. It would be really dark and well made.
Through the darkness of future past
The magician longs to see
One chants out between two worlds:
Fire walk with me.

Na, I'm not a fan of originality. I just hope they keep pumping out X-Men movies and remakes of old classics that I haven't and am never going to see. I just can't wait to watch Godzilla, I'm sure it will be as typical as I hope it will. I don't like surprises, so I'm more of a fan of generic run-of-the-mill movies if you catch my drift. Also, I don't really care for the subtleties of cinema, so what I look for in movies is stylistic over-the-top melodrama and epicness. I can't wait for This Is Sparta 3!
I was going to give some thumbs up until you made fun of Godzilla. It's not a perfect film, but it's tons of fun. I'm sorry it's not Fellini, but sometimes remakes are *GASP* good.

I'd like to see Tarantino make a science fiction film and a film where no one dies.

I'd like to see Fincher make a science fiction/action film.

I'd like to see Nolan make a comedy.

I'd like to second the idea of P. T. Anderson making an action film.

I was going to give some thumbs up until you made fun of Godzilla. It's not a perfect film, but it's tons of fun. I'm sorry it's not Fellini, but sometimes remakes are *GASP* good.

I'd like to see Tarantino make a science fiction film and a film where no one dies.

I'd like to see Fincher make a science fiction/action film.

I'd like to see Nolan make a comedy.

I'd like to second the idea of P. T. Anderson making an action film.
Fincher did do that and it wasn't that great it was Alien 3 which was his first movie

Fincher did do that and it wasn't that great it was Alien 3 which was his first movie
I haven't seen Alien 3 and David Fincher is my favorite director. The reason I haven't seen it is because the studio took advantage of Fincher and screwed him over. I'm pretty sure that even Fincher is ashamed of it.

Go Agead, Make My Day
David Fincher to make a Mafia flick
“Violence is one of the most fun things to watch” Quentin Tarantino

Sometimes. But it is far, far more common for a good director to make a disappointing film by trying to "step outside their comfort zone" than it is for directors to overstay their welcome making awesome films in a similar vein.

When someone gets famous making a certain kind of film, the odds that they'll be as good making a completely different kind of film are obviously going to be lower. Same with bands. When I love a band, or a director, and I hear they're "trying to go in a new direction," I steel myself for disappointment, because they're usually trying to hold their own interest and/or prove something, rather than just doing what they do best.

It worked with Martin Scorsese when he directed his first family film: Hugo. Are there any directors in particular you want to see try something new as well?

I want to see Michael Bay make a romantic drama movie without any explosions or racial stereotypes, and go Fault in our Stars on us for once.
Maybe you've forgotten because I have a hard time remembering too, but way back in 1974, Scorcese directed Ellen Burstyn to an Oscar in Alice Doesn't Live Here Anymore, maybe not a family film in the purist sense of the word, but absolutely nothing like the work we expect from him, not to mention the 1977 musical New York New York.

Maybe you've forgotten because I have a hard time remembering too, but way back in 1974, Scorcese directed Ellen Burstyn to an Oscar in Alice Doesn't Live Here Anymore, maybe not a family film in the purist sense of the word, but absolutely nothing like the work we expect from him, not to mention the 1977 musical New York New York.
Age of Innocence
After Hours too.

Fincher did do that and it wasn't that great it was Alien 3 which was his first movie
Fincher was just a "director for hire" at the time. That film was completely stepped on by the producers and not his film. I want to see him make a science fiction film, not see the studios version of a sci-fi film.

I'd like to see Michael Bay jump off of a really tall building. It would be unexpected. Welcome, but unexpected.
"Film is a disease. When it infects your bloodstream it takes over as the number one hormone. It bosses the enzymes, directs the pineal gland, plays Iago to your psyche. As with heroin, the antidote to Film is more Film." - Frank Capra