We have a mouse.


"Hey Look it's Masterman"
Haha, ime being serious here. We was cleaning up last week and found mouse droppings in are house, they were behind the couch's mostly, and some behind other bit and bobs. Then the same night my girlfriend seen one in the kitchen, and then 2 days later I seen one in the bedroom . We have actually been staying with her parents for the past 5 nights, sounds stupid but ime terrified of them. Anyway, I have just came home and had a look around. I set 5 traps which have caught nothing. An exterminator has came out and placed poison around are home aswell. Anyway there are no new droppings anywhere. I've looked everywhere and can't find any, do you think it's gone???.

They're probably gone -- Miss Vicky probably came and got them.

Be glad it's not a rat in your house! had a mouse in a previous house once when I was younger and it found its way into the oven and well... I was very upset at the time.

We use to have a rat in our garden of that house, had its home under the shed and it lived there for a while fine and dandy, I came out and found it dying on the grass in our back garden because some arse somewhere else had poisoned it. So dying rat, waiting for it to die and then I had to get rid of the body! More upset.

The People's Republic of Clogher
Most houses have mice, I reckon.

I remember once one running across my face while I was in bed. The little bugger wasn't a mouse for very long afterwards.
"Critics are like eunuchs in a harem; they know how the Tatty 100 is done, they've seen it done every day, but they're unable to do it themselves." - Brendan Behan

"Hey Look it's Masterman"
Most houses have mice, I reckon.

I remember once one running across my face while I was in bed. The little bugger wasn't a mouse for very long afterwards.
Thanks for that, now I won't sleep tonight .

I had mice running in my kitchen and later found out they got there through a hole from the basement. After the hole has been filled, no more mice have been seen inside my house, but sometimes there are rats and mice running around outside. Some of them very big.
Preserving the sanctity of cinema. Subtitles preferred, mainstream dismissed, and always in search of yet another film you have never heard of. I speak fluent French New Wave.

Chappie doesn't like the real world
They may be gone, but if you have a food supply in your house, they will be back. Put everything you have in cardboard boxes in airtight containers and refrigerate bread, so that you don't have anything for mice to munch on.

I knew this woman who spent a fortune on exterminators, but the mice kept coming back. The reason being that the kids used under their beds as a place to store half eaten food and half drank soda.

Not to suggest you're messy, mice come to the cleanest of homes, but I'd highly suggest containers. Or, how do you feel about cats?

The Adventure Starts Here!
We used those poison pellets (good for mice and rats) in the little dishes. Assuming you don't have other pets or kids to worry about getting into the little dishes, I can honestly say they work wonders. They apparently make the animals thirsty, so they end up heading outside for a water source, and then pass away out there.

At our old house, we had mice that showed up in the kitchen (as Godoggo mentioned, it was due to half-opened boxes of crackers, etc., in the pantry). Put a little tray of those pellets right near the pantry door, and within a day or so, no more mice or droppings.

So, because we didn't have little kids or loose pets, we made sure to have those little trays of pellets also in the basement (where they were likely getting in). If we saw that the pellets had been disturbed or eaten at all, we knew mice had come in. But within a day or so again, the pellets would stay as they were.

When we moved here, we put those trays down in the basement and up on the third floor/attic area right away, not knowing the issues this old Victorian house would have. We've never seen any of the pellets disturbed, never seen evidence of a mouse or other critter anywhere (well, except for the two BATS that showed up that first summer, but we managed to coax them out the front door)... so I've decided I like those pellets as a preventative measure.

Sorry Harmonica.......I got to stay here.
This might sound a bit odd, but I use a combination of cats and a blowgun. My cats usually trap a mouse in a corner somewhere, and when the kids start yelling, I grab my blowgun, skewer the little fellow with a 10" bamboo dart, knock him on the head for a quick humane kill, and pick up the dart w mouse still attached and chuck the whole thing the garbage.

This is very effective and avoids the problem of an injured mouse crawling into the ductwork and stinking up the place.
Under-the-radar Movie Awesomeness.

Chappie doesn't like the real world
My dog has them for lunch.
We had a wonderful mouser dog, but unfortunately she passed not long ago. Of the two dogs I have now one would probably think they were icky and run from them and the other would probably let them sleep in his bed with him. Thank god we don't have mice in this house.

Young Skywalker. Missed you, I have...
I saw a mouse run across our floor in here the other day, first I had seen in this house. I think the cats brought it in to play with.... We have really good cats. There are always dead creatures on our porch. Anyway, my guess is that the exterminator probably took care of it with the spray. My suggestion would be to get a cat.

Saw one today too. At a job we were doing in a pub that had a leak in the post mix syrup machine, the syrup had pooled on the floor and a mouse was lying struggling in it. Don't think it was trapped, just OD'd on the sugar content!

You'll prob be ok now Masterman. Just leave the trays of poison in place and inspect them for disturbance. There's mice everywhere like Taccy says. If they don't find much to eat at yours then they'll go elsewhere. They can even go from house to house under the floorboards or in the attic . As mentioned keep food covered. It's not great when you have them but it's not the end of the world. Make sure you disinfect your work surfaces and wherever else you think they've been.
I've caught most of mine in the past with traps with chocolate as bait.

I had a mouse in my place once and I ended up killing it with a broom. It was running around the kitchen and I chased it and swatted it. I'm a good mouse killer.

I thought everyone liked Rodents.

I may have to summon more of them so they can sneak up on all of you when you're asleep.