Is Die Hard (1988) overrated?


Movie Forums Squirrel Jumper
I guess I never really thought of Die Hard as a Christmas film cause it has no Christmas themes I don't think, unless it doesn't need any to be a Christmas movie .

"""" Hulk Smashhhh."""
I guess I never really thought of Die Hard as a Christmas film cause it has no Christmas themes I don't think, unless it doesn't need any to be a Christmas movie .
It’s not a Christmas movie.
It’s not overrated.
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"Banshee is the greatest thing ever. "

The "Die Hard as a Christmas movie" is the only thing that makes me crazy in this world.

Die Hard=Properly Rated

Welcome to the human race...
I've heard of Christmas in July, but staging "is Die Hard a Christmas movie" discourse in July is taking it too far.
I really just want you all angry and confused the whole time.
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Actual conversation I had at softball yesterday:

Mike: "Chris."
Me: "Yes?"
Mike: "Is a hot dog a sandwich?"
Me: "Tacos are cereal."
Other Mike: "Is Die Hard a Christmas movie?"

A system of cells interlinked
Actual conversation I had at softball yesterday:

Mike: "Chris."
Me: "Yes?"
Mike: "Is a hot dog a sandwich?"
Me: "Tacos are cereal."
Other Mike: "Is Die Hard a Christmas movie?"
I am neither Mike, nor am I Other Mike.

I like tacos.
“It takes considerable knowledge just to realize the extent of your own ignorance.” ― Thomas Sowell

ask Peralta (Brooklyn 99) about it

I guess I never really thought of Die Hard as a Christmas film cause it has no Christmas themes I don't think, unless it doesn't need any to be a Christmas movie .
The movie takes place at Christmas time.

mattiasflgrtll6's Avatar
The truth is in here
I don't consider it a Christmas movie either. I get why people do, but besides taking place on Christmas Eve and a holiday-themed party in the building that gets attacked, the story is completely based around John McClane matching wits with the sophisticated villain Hans Gruber. It could take place on Thanksgiving and it wouldn't really change anything. You could even keep that classic line where John berates not getting to taste that delicious turkey.

Welcome to the human race...
On the other hand, consider that the film's true emotional arc centres on the conflict between John and Holly. So many other Christmas movies centre around the interpersonal tensions that develop between family members during an especially stressful season - this one merely takes it to a new extreme with the introduction of terrorists, and it is risking life and limb against these terrorists that makes John realise how much he's taken Holly for granted.

Also, do Thanksgiving office parties exist?

Movie Forums Squirrel Jumper
I suppose a good comparison is, would Halloween count as a Halloween movie? It takes place on Halloween, and is therefore titled Halloween, but you could put the story of a serial killer targeting teenagers on any other day and it would still be the same story, right?

I don't consider it a Christmas movie either. I get why people do, but besides taking place on Christmas Eve and a holiday-themed party in the building that gets attacked, the story is completely based around John McClane matching wits with the sophisticated villain Hans Gruber. It could take place on Thanksgiving and it wouldn't really change anything. You could even keep that classic line where John berates not getting to taste that delicious turkey.
let it snow , let it snow, let it snow XD

Movie Forums Squirrel Jumper
I was wonderng, one of my complaints about Die Hard 1 and 2 is that Thornberg is an unnecessary character I thought. However, what if for Die Hard 2, instead of John McClane seaking out the Coleman reporter to help him defeat the villains by letting him use the news chopper to catch up to the plain, what if instead, McClaine used Thornberg to help him helicopter wise... would that have been better and given Thornberg more of a necessary role in the plot?

Legend in my own mind
"I don't want to be a product of my environment, I want my environment to be a product of me" (Frank Costello)

The "Die Hard as a Christmas movie" is the only thing that makes me crazy in this world.

Die Hard=Properly Rated
It is the best christmas action movie

For me the most atmospheric part in the film is when john meets Al powel on the radio, and the part where they head to kill him up in the computer office area...i felt like i was in that building being chased down, for me nothing can top this action film, i can rewatch it with no remorse

Movie Forums Squirrel Jumper
The action itself is pretty good, it's just some of the non-action moments that kind of slow down the pacing for me, such as the reporter subplot, and the deputy chief being a drama queen a little too much perhaps.

I am the Watcher in the Night
It is a truly great film and one of the greatest action movies ever made.

I think most would agree with that but I can see someone who does not enjoy that type of movie not liking it.
"Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn"

"I need your clothes, your boots and your motorcycle"

If anyone has netflix would highly recommend the series, 'The Films That Made Us'.

One of the episodes is dedicated the Die Hard and well worth the watch.