The Cinephile Test


I found this list on Letterboxd. Sadly I've only seen 4/150.

150 Films for Cinephiles

I'm sure there are some cinephiles on the forum (especially mark f) who would score quite highly on this one. (You're gonna have to count your total manually, as you have to be a member for the site to do it for you.)

Holy Criterion Collection !

seen 5 / 150

edit: Eyes Wide Shut, Harakiri, Taxi Driver, Apocalypse Now, & Suspiria
got about 30 minutes into L'Atalante once, & didn't finish, so not counting it

Lord High Filmquisitor
Wow, that was pretty disheartening. I have heard of the vast majority of them, and most of them are additionally on my list of movies to watch, but I have only actually seen five of them: Persona (one of my favorites), Suspiria (so-so film, but m favorite film soundtrack), The 400 Blows (great film), Taxi Driver (good, but I need to rewatch it) and Apocalypse Now (one of my favorites).
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Finished here. It's been fun.
I am rather curious as to who will pull the highest number. I'm guessing either Mr.Minio,Bluedeed, or maybe Mark F.

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
12 and most since I joined the site. I think I would have only been at 3 just over a year ago.

Bright light. Bright light. Uh oh.
That list kicked my ass. I've seen 106. I'm guessing Minio and maybe a few others have seen more.
It's what you learn after you know it all that counts. - John Wooden
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There's quite a lot of films I've not heard of too, but I've seen 53. Funny it's supposed to be a list of the more obscure films yet it had Taxi Driver and Apocalypse Now on there.

Well done Mark for seeing 106!

I counted them before. 41 movies and out of the rest, most are already in my "to watch" list. This list is just a personal -not official- one, right? It looks pretty good overall, but I can't help but see it as a little disjointed. Like random picks, mostly excellent ones, but... For instance Apocalypse Now or Taxi Driver don't quite make the cut in a list apparently devoted to discover hidden gems.

I, too, have only seen 4 films on the list, and there may have been half a dozen more that I have heard there were about 140 films on the list that I have never even heard of.

That's okay. Nobody's perfect!
I've seen 32/150. Many films I haven't heard of.
You have to think like a hero merely to behave like a decent human being.

Sorry if I'm rude but I'm right
That list kicked my ass. I've seen 106. I'm guessing Minio and maybe a few others have seen more.
You overestimated me. Only 95, but I have a lot of these on my hard-drive ready to watch, even more of them on my watchlist and haven't heard maybe about two or three of them.
Look, I'm not judging you - after all, I'm posting here myself, but maybe, just maybe, if you spent less time here and more time watching films, maybe, and I stress, maybe your taste would be of some value. Just a thought, ya know.

19 with another 12 that I started but didn't finish for one reason or another. There's another 2 or 3 that I have but haven't seen.
5-time MoFo Award winner.