Am I the only one who views people's avatar as them?


MV will always be Joaquin specifically the one she has now which i hope she changes soon because it's becoming nauseating.

Joaquin would have to turn in a new performance that absolutely blows me away - like he did in Her - for me to change it. He's playing Jesus Christ in his next movie. Pretty sure I ain't changing anytime soon.

Apparently i'm thought of as a black, murdering psychopath thanks to my avatar. Which offends me to my core since only two of them are true.
I've only seen one movie where Idris Elba was a murdering psychopath (No Good Deed (2014)).

That is your avatar, yes? He's got my favorite actor name. I just like to say it. It sounds like the name of a river in some enchanted land!

Imagine if he married Jessica Alba. She'd be Jessica Alba Elba! (Then maybe she could star in one of those musical bio-pics about ABBA!)

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
Apparently i'm thought of as a black, murdering psychopath thanks to my avatar. Which offends me to my core since only two of them are true.

That guy is a murdering psychopath? He looks bored in that pic.
If I answer a game thread correctly, just skip my turn and continue with the game.

Apparently i'm thought of as a black, murdering psychopath thanks to my avatar. Which offends me to my core since only two of them are true.

On confusing people and/or yourself, i've done both but neither here i don't think. There was a message board i used to go on that allowed name changes every few months; most confusing thing ever, imagine SC with his avatar changes and the ability to change his username like five times a year; that was most of the active users Actually members like Cricket or Swan would be alot more confusing, they don't change their avs as much as SC but they are always to completely different things, at least he has a Jake theme going on On the confusing myself part: i swear i started reading Preacher and started using my Preacher avatar before i had heard about the show; i've still not watched any of it, but yah i kept seeing Jesse Custer avatars on other sites which is the main reason i changed mine haha.

And yeah i see all of you as your avatars, even after i've seen pictures of you. MV will always be Joaquin specifically the one she has now which i hope she changes soon because it's becoming nauseating, HK will always be some Drew Barrymore av and same with SC and Jake and Citizen and Orson. Also Cricket should get that Homer as a trucker av back because i only found out that's what he does for a living months after he had it and it's really brilliant.
I thought your avatar was a pic from the Office. He has that expression on his face like "Whatever...Michael"

28 days...6 hours...42 minutes...12 seconds
That guy is a murdering psychopath? He looks bored in that pic.
“You have any idea what I had to do to get where I am today? When I say I’m ready, you best believe it.”

"A laugh can be a very powerful thing. Why, sometimes in life, it's the only weapon we have."

Suspect's Reviews

I think their should be a male/female distinction on everyone's profiles to clear up confusion.

Trouble with a capital "T"
I thought your [Camo] avatar was a pic from the Office. He has that expression on his face like "Whatever...Michael"
I though his avatar was some sort of rebellious, jr business executive, being bored by the BS from the management.

I though his avatar was some sort of rebellious, jr business executive, being bored by the BS from the management.
On the Office, Michael's character better fits that description. He's a rebellious manager rebelling against higher management.

So like, you guys think I am actually a Superman diamond sitting typing on a keyboard?
No, but that's how I think of you.

You mean me? Kei's cousin?
So you see me as Craig T. Nelson? I'm perfectly okay with that.
Look, Dr. Lesh, we don't care about the disturbances, the pounding and the flashing, the screaming, the music. We just want you to find our little girl.

Welcome to the human race...
For all I know, he's actually playing a character called Steve Freeling.
I really just want you all angry and confused the whole time.
Iro's Top 100 Movies v3.0

So you see me as Craig T. Nelson? I'm perfectly okay with that.
Steve's is one of my favorites. I always read his posts like Coach is bringing it.

TUS makes me think of this guy. Always. And then there is his avatar.

Not in my mind. In my mind, you look exactly like your avatar. (And Christopher Reeve will always be alive in my heart.)
My Mom had a crush on Chris Reeve. She had her picture taken with his wax figure at the Orlando museum.

Damn that guy was a way better actor than ever given opportunity to be - stupid Hollywood.

Mine is pretty accurate right now

For a half year or so I was the camel man
Yeah, there's no body mutilation in it