The Shoutbox
Yoda it's coming up couldn't load plugin for me. Gatsbys comments give me hope, but is this just a tablet problem?
All I see is a curtain.
Why can't I chat in the room?
Either way, though, I'm pretty sure next year is the year I finally break down and choose new chat software. Seems like a lot of people would naturally want to participate on mobile devices and the support for this is sketchy on them (and non-existent for Apple products).
I forgot to add a template for the chat page on the mobile style, so if you were using that, it might be worth trying again.
Doesn't work on my Android phone, either. Oh, well. See ya all on the flip side.
Yeah, it's Flash based. iPhones and iPads refuse to support embedded Flash applications.
Doesn't work for me either, but I'm assuming it's not compatible with my iPad or my phone. Not that I could chat for long anyways
Picks are closed.

Chat is open.
Originally Posted by Sexy Celebrity
Why do all the women around here call their husbands "hubby?"
I called my wife "wifey" and she didn't like it.
Might be down to the usage.

"Where's my dinner, wifey" and "Where's my beer, wifey" doesn't often go down well.

Doesn't often make the wifey go down either.
Alright, last chance on those picks. 10 more minutes, and then everyone out of the (picks) pool.