The Shoutbox
Originally Posted by Sedai
at least the Russo brothers tried to map out a giant story arc with at least a modicum of vision.
The big story arc wasn't really their idea, though. They were just hired hands.
Speaking or worse and worse copies...I just saw the Alien: Romulus thread float to the top of the sidebar.

Cinema is probably doomed.
Originally Posted by Mr Minio
Originally Posted by Sedai
I would say many of the recent Disney live action remakes of their animated films usurp Marvel as the worst shit out there recently.
The exact same thing, only a different name/studio/producers/whatever. It's the exact same non-cinema.
I think it sinks even lower, as at least the Russo brothers tried to map out a giant story arc with at least a modicum of vision. It ended up spiraling out of control and becoming worse and worse copies of itself, but I count at least a few decent flicks in the bunch. The Winter Soldier is a pretty good spy thriller, for better or for worse.

The live-action remakes are nothing more than creatively bankrupt business decisions meant to secure rights to properties that are about to fall into the public domain.
Originally Posted by John McClane
Being a cinephile means whatever you want it to mean.

Originally Posted by Sedai
I would say many of the recent Disney live action remakes of their animated films usurp Marvel as the worst shit out there recently.
The exact same thing, only a different name/studio/producers/whatever. It's the exact same non-cinema.
Originally Posted by Mr Minio
One last note about popularity. Marvel spends millions, billions on marketing. If you advertise something long enough and hard enough, people will want it.
Except for musicals, nobody wants musicals.
Being a cinephile means whatever you want it to mean.

I would say many of the recent Disney live action remakes of their animated films usurp Marvel as the worst shit out there recently.
I get where you're coming from, of course. I used to be like that for years, too. But it's vain, empty, and, frankly, just silly. I one is a cinephile, this requires a superior look at the art of cinema than that of a Sunday movie lover. Being a cinephile is an obligation of first feeling, then understanding, and then responding to that feeling and understanding with apt assessment of a work of film. If a film doesn't fulfill your artistic virtues (here's where subjectivity comes into play), it's a failure of a film and has to be treated as such. Of course, this is still nowhere close to where Marvel movies fall. They're the worst of the worst safe for maybe James Gunn. The dude is not very talented but at least he tries to do something more.
Originally Posted by FilmBuff
The majority of people in this world don't pay good money to watch art - they pay money to have a good time. And a movie that delivers a good time is seen as a wise investment of one's time and money.
Bemoaningly, this is true. People also pay good money to go clubbing or eat at a fast-food place. Marvel equals cinema with such activities.

If there's nothing you hate in film, there's a good reason to be suspect of your opinions. The very idea of having a taste includes the idea that there are some things you cannot stand.