The Shoutbox
Still though, I'll probably end up getting a new computer in a few months anyways. My current one just needs to hold on a bit longer.
Originally Posted by ynwtf
Careful tho. Zombieputer may attack.
I Googled Zombieputer to see if it was a real thing.
Careful tho. Zombieputer may attack.
Actually, it came back on, so yay!
It was on its last legs for a while though.
I think my computer just died
I want a clown playing an accordion at MY funeral. And i hope it rains.
i wanna be know as the non-serious funny guy when i die. but just the right amount. not the kind where they’re like “they were so funny. and that’s why they died in that boating accident.”
I think I got tired of all the other shows I loved getting killed. And the show about zombies just wouldn’t die. I have watched most of the spin offs, tho. Zombie genre has never been stronger, and I’m so over it.