The Shoutbox
my argument is essentially the following: Elon is not a collective good.

is it good for space travel? yes.

it it good for humanity? debatable.
Originally Posted by John McClane
Originally Posted by Sedai
4th time is the charm, I guess.

Starship launch + splashdown is a success!

the shot of the engine plumes as it's hauling ass is easily one of the coolest things we humans have built. of course, it's Elon so the whole thing is squarely mid.

"Coolest thing ever...mid..."

Alrighty, then!
Is Song of the South a musical? Asking for a friend.....
Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory is a musical! Thank the maker.
Repo Man: the Musical!
Southpark was a musical.
The sun is warm, like a baked po-ta-tah!!
Would muppets be fair game cor a musical countdown? Emmet Otter?
Originally Posted by Sedai
4th time is the charm, I guess.

Starship launch + splashdown is a success!

the shot of the engine plumes as it's hauling ass is easily one of the coolest things we humans have built. of course, it's Elon so the whole thing is squarely mid.