The Shoutbox
And also the song is made of iron.
Originally Posted by Sexy Celebrity
Alanis Morissette.
There was this whole thing where people claimed the lines in that song weren't really examples of irony. Morissette countered that that fact made the song itself ironic. I remember someone saying that it didn't...but she's right, actually, it does. It makes the song's content contrary to what might have been reasonably expected.
Originally Posted by Miss Vicky
It's like goldy and bronzy, only it's made of iron
Originally Posted by Powdered Water
Define irony.
It's like goldy and bronzy, only it's made of iron
Define irony.
Originally Posted by weeman
Con Air never ceases to amaze me. Everybody, "He's got the whooooole world, in his hands..."
Oh god.

I rewatched that movie recently and had that song stuck in my head FOR DAYS. It was torture.
Originally Posted by donniedarko
Originally Posted by gandalf26
Ahhhhhh first World problems eh! Who needs em
Third world countries
Laser accuracy
Con Air never ceases to amaze me. Everybody, "He's got the whooooole world, in his hands..."
Originally Posted by gandalf26
Ahhhhhh first World problems eh! Who needs em
Third world countries
Ahhhhhh first World problems eh! Who needs em
Never start getting too excited about stuff you do. Because then you start caring and wanting it to be awesome and next thing you know you're spending 20 minutes trying to decide which shade of red for a simple Close Menu icon looks the best on all devices.