The Shoutbox
I'm actually learning about British history right now, well the Tudor and Stuart eras, so I can see why everyone hates everyone.

The British are weird. Here's the British in a Nutshell...

The English hate the Scottish, the Scots hate the English... the Irish hate the English, the English hate the Irish...
Scots hate the Irish yet the Irish have no real preference either way for the Scots...

The Welsh hate all of the above yet none of them really pay any attention to the Welsh so they don't really matter in the scheme of things.
Originally Posted by The Rodent
Brits don't like the French...
That's it! Rodent made the list.
Brits don't like the French...
Aren't you a Brit, Rodent? You should be on our side!

I know, I'm just grilling Harry
Originally Posted by The Rodent
How could you tell... your accents are exactly the same.
You do know that there isn't a single "American" accent right?

American accents vary wildly from one region to the next. I've never been to Canada and haven't known many Canadians, but I imagine there are variations among their accents as well.
I have to admit though... Harry Lime's English is extremely good for a Frenchy.
You were in Quebec? Well, that's why.
Maybe you should have spoken French in an American accent.
Originally Posted by Harry Lime
Originally Posted by Sexy Celebrity
When I went to Canada years ago, everyone there was rude.
That's because we knew you were American.
How could you tell... your accents are exactly the same.