The Shoutbox
Last day to get your Mofie votes in. Hurry hurry hurry.
Originally Posted by Sedai
So it seems! Good morning!
Good morning to you too (it is now 10:06 a.m. local time)
Originally Posted by The Rodent
On the leaderboard?
Originally Posted by The Rodent
Maybe to get
Originally Posted by The Rodent
Is posting lots of shouts
Originally Posted by The Rodent
I see that Iro
Originally Posted by Yoda
Seconded. Motion passed.

When I was younger I liked winter and the snow a lot more. These days I totally get why people want to move into warmer climes. I'm quite literally counting the days until spring and can't wait to be on the other side of all this stuff.
I think that the snow had more purpose when I was young. I could play in it and it would get me out of school. Now I have to drive in it and I do NOT like that. Also, Pete the cat is infuriated that he has to use the litter box, but he refuses to go outside when there is snow on.
I've started ripping my DVDs to hard drive.

To get rid of copy protection I've got to rip the discs with DVDFab (half an hour each) then convert them to MP4 with Handbrake (another half hour).

c1000 DVDs? 41.6 days.

"There are no prophets, only profits"
-Matt Selout (silent French "T")
-30 here in canada with the wind factor.
Horizontal rain here or, in Irish terms, 'pleasant'. Lambing season has started as well, so I don't want any more cold weather.

It was -7C on Boxing Day.