The Shoutbox
Not fb photo albums or videos it seems. I tried posting a photo of one of my boy furries but it didnt seem to like it.
Originally Posted by Yoda
Originally Posted by cat_sidhe
Yup! It's one of my two furry babies. I often get that look. In my face.
Nice. Post some more photos in the Pets thread if you get a chance! We have some pretty similar looking cats, it seems.
Will do! Which imaging uploading site is the preferred one for these boards?
SEND ME YOUR TOP MOFOS LISTS! Deadline is midnight pacific time tomorrow night. If you'd like to vote but would rather not have your name added to the voters list, just make a note in your PM that you'd like to be anonymous. Regardless, I won't share your ballot with anyone. Nobody needs to know who you voted for except you and me.
Oh, Hoi An in Vietnam.
It is pretty silky. Thanks sedai. I thought of you and your bride earlier when I saw a travel page on fb list places for a romantic getaway. I cant seem to link fb on here but from memory it was morocco (new poster here from morocco), turkey, BA, Greenland and a few more currently escaping my goldfish brain.
Smooth as silk for me currently - I will drop a message here if it starts to act up on my end.
it's back to being a freight train now, yodels. Lasted for about 30 minutes or maybe an hour. It's all good. Let's just blame the weather down here. it was not really a big deal because I would flit around emails, fb and imdb. I was just curious if it was happenning to others over there or just here.
It could be our CDN. That'll hang for no reason sometimes, though it's always very temporary.

We have a dedicated server, so unless I push the wrong button (which, uh, has happened a few times), it's almost never that. Thankfully.
Running smooth again now. The techno wizard is still asleep here so I'll ask when he gets up to check the router and traffic flow. Thanks Yodels. Just seemed strange it wasnt happening anywhere else. Pages would take a minute or two to load when usually this place is pretty fast. imdb is usually the one I have stalling like that. Might just be THE HEAT!!! sorry for yelling. It's driving me insane.
Originally Posted by cat_sidhe
Yup! It's one of my two furry babies. I often get that look. In my face.
Nice. Post some more photos in the Pets thread if you get a chance! We have some pretty similar looking cats, it seems.
Originally Posted by Dani8
Has this board suddenly slowed down? Taking quite a long time to load all of a sudden. Could be my computer having a spack at the heat but it's not happening on imdb or fb.
Server's purring like a kitten, so if there's any issue I can't detect it now, at least. Still an issue?