The Shoutbox
Originally Posted by doubledenim
Don’t feel bad. I made the mistake of watching the first episode of Ted Lasso.
FWIW I thought Ted Lasso was very mediocre for the first few episodes and it got a lot better. S1 and S2 are very good. S3 is okay.
Don't listen to MattJohn. There's genuine insight in a lot of it. That said, every show that tries to be genuine about human condition/relationship stuff is going to seem pretentious to someone, so your mileage may vary.
it’s one of those shows that pretends it’s deep but it’s really just written by perpetual 10 year olds
Don’t feel bad. I made the mistake of watching the first episode of Ted Lasso.
Hard to answer, depends on what you don't get about it.

It's simultaneously very silly and very subtle, very grown-up, even if that grown-up stuff will come in a scene immediately after something totally absurd. You probably need to buy into the world a little to get the most out of it, though, since the premise alone is pretty out there.

Personally, I loved it, and there are some really great lines and some great concept episodes down the line, too.
Originally Posted by Yoda
How far into it are you?
Only three episodes in. My ex tried to get me into it. I really trust his recs because this is the guy who gave me Breaking Bad, Mr Robot and The Leftovers, so am trying it on my own, but even so. I keep thinking I need to get into animated film (I can only really do Pixar as of now, and ‘old’ Pixar at that). But I don’t know… it’s just a but much? I love weird and surrealist stuff but I just… don’t get it?
freaking wednesdays
How far into it are you?
Did anyone get through ‘BoJack Horseman’ and enjoyed it? Have I just not evolved for it or something?
Originally Posted by John W Constantine
You're judged more by the films that you don't watch instead of the ones you do watch
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blah...blah...blah.. as matt mcconaughey once said in a commercial sitting in a car he never drove.