Gatsby's Occasional Movie Contemplations

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Master of My Domain
Pretty simple, while I'm not going to be active as other members (like Swan, who's on fire lately ) check in once in a while to see my thoughts on recent as well as classic films.
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Master of My Domain
Arrival (2016) - by Denis Villeneuve

Arrival is unlike any other film I’ve seen in the cinema over the past few years. It talks about topics such as the language, humanity reaction to extraterrestrial beings, our perception of time and space, in that order. It’s as if frequent discussions that take in the modern era have been rolled into one incredible experience. This is filmmaking at it’s finest, inspired by the most important part of philosophy, which is to ask, instead of forcefully trying to find an answer.

The beginning is slow. Amy Adams plays a linguist professor named Louis Banks, who seems to live a life of solitude after losing her daughter. During one of her lectures, the aliens arrive, and panic ensues. Her eyes look out into the blurry sky, and the news broadcasts are hardly bright enough to even wash away a tiny portion of the fog. Eventually, she is recruited into a team that is working on interpreting the alien’s speech. Up to this point, not much happens. A lot chewing and slurping could be heard, and I understand why.

Then she enters one of the twelve alien ships that have landed on Earth, with a new companion named Ian Donnelly, a theoretical physicist (played by Jeremy Renner), and everything changes. Banks and co. enter a small opening on a lift. The lift stops at a point where there is no longer a way to distinguish up from down, and where gravity is irrelevant. From here on it’s a constant path up, to moments so ambitious and yet so resonant. So different from us, and yet so human.

Unlike other science fiction films, Arrival is celebrates the importance of language. Thankfully (because I loathe math), there is absolutely no pseudo scientific mumbo-jumbo, and the objective is clear: expand the aliens’ vocabulary of the English language so that the characters can ask why they have come to Earth. To my surprise, Donnelly the physicist and Banks the linguist get along well in the film. Their chemistry is great, and works out for the surprise reveal that takes place later on, when things start to get mind-blowing.

The B-story, consisting of skeptical worldwide leaders and high-ranking officials, is equally clear in why they decide to go on with certain action. I felt like these are decisions that are reasonable from men of such position, and provide good turning points and conflicts that meet with the main story, giving the film a pace and preventing in from falling into the giant pit where Interstellar got sucked into, much like the black hole McConaughey’s crew was trying to avoid. This is Arrival’s main tour de force - the ability to hook cinephiles with Tarkovsky and Bergman-like imagery while maintaining a compelling mainstream plot.

However, the linear storyline is abandoned during the third act, and Arrival becomes the masterpiece I’ve been looking for. Without spoilers, all I can say that it is thought-provoking, heart-breaking, and phenomenal montages of life as we know and don’t know it. I predict a lot of people to have been thrown off by this sudden change, but what I see is brilliancy. Arrival shifts momentum so fluidly that is reminds me of skilled chess players, who begin an attack on the opposite side during the mid to late game, where the opponent’s pieces are the most vulnerable. We the vulnerable audience are attacked with an immense blow of sound and imagery. Denis Villeneuve is no doubt the Bobby Fischer of filmmaking. Speaking of Mr. Villeneuve, he definitely wins the ‘rising’ director award for 2016, surpassing Chazelle’s La La Land in my opinion. I’ve yet to see Moonlight or Manchester, but this is my pick for the best of film of the year.

After having finished the movie, I rode the bus back home, heart still pounding, and wrote this review in a flash. I haven’t written a full-length review in a long time, and boy was it a lot of fun. Thanks to Raul for having indirectly introduced me to Arrival through his movie long thread.

This will be a great thread to look at occasionally.

Arrival arrives for me in two weeks!
(but substitute about a year or so for two weeks lol)

Master of My Domain
This will be a great thread to look at occasionally.

Arrival arrives for me in two weeks!
Nice, I wanted to watch Arrival sooner but theaters didn't seem too keen on showing it until now. La La Land is huge in Korea though. Represents the Oscar trend.

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
Great review Gatsby. I liked Arrival quite a bit. I will say I expected it to stick with me more than it has. I think that's a testament to me liking the visuals more than the story. I am certainly going to give it another go.

Miss Vicky's Loyal and Willing Slave
Very nice review Gatsby. Unfortunately I didn't love Arrival as much as I was hoping I would. I did like it but it just didn't thrill me like I was hoping and almost expecting it to.

Master of My Domain
Very nice review Gatsby. Unfortunately I didn't love Arrival as much as I was hoping I would. I did like it but it just didn't thrill me like I was hoping and almost expecting it to.
Whoa, the king of reviews himself in my thread. What an honor!

I think Arrival appealed to me because it was a breath of fresh air. Also, IMAX.

Miss Vicky's Loyal and Willing Slave
Whoa, the king of reviews himself in my thread. What an honor!

I think Arrival appealed to me because it was a breath of fresh air. Also, IMAX.
Well it's nice of you to say but I don't think I can really accept the title of 'king of reviews' anymore; been out of the game really the last 2 or 3 years. That said I still have loads and loads of reviews kicking about that I need to get organised and posted.

I admired Arrival for its intelligent and probably quite accurate depiction of an alien visitation, and thought Amy Adams was great, but it just didn't really do it for me on a personal level. Would definitely like to see it again though

28 days...6 hours...42 minutes...12 seconds
Glad you liked the film. Most sic/fi films that deal with such things like to incorporate math a lot and you brought up how you enjoyed Arrival's take on it with language instead. I agree!!!
"A laugh can be a very powerful thing. Why, sometimes in life, it's the only weapon we have."

Suspect's Reviews

I admired Arrival for its intelligent and probably quite accurate depiction of an alien visitation, and thought Amy Adams was great, but it just didn't really do it for me on a personal level. Would definitely like to see it again though
I agree. I also thought certain things in the film were handled rather well and liked them a lot. For example, the concept of language was very intriguing. However, the film as a whole wasn't as great as I anticipated, especially with all the raving reviews. It's not bad, in fact I liked it. It's just that something about it seemed lacking. Perhaps it was its character development, in the way the story unfolded. It felt almost vapid compared to the rest of the film.

2022 Mofo Fantasy Football Champ
Glad you liked Arrival Gatsby. When I first saw it, Arrival was my favorite of the year. It's since been surpassed by La La Land and Manchester by the Aea, but it still sits firmly in third.

Master of My Domain
The Secret Life of Pets (2016) - by Chris Renaud and Yarrow Cheney

Don't have much to say other than this is a cynical, calculated film that is suited for kids or immature adults with the attention of a lone fruit fly. Just shows that Illumination is the barrel's bottom when it comes to these type of films. Wrapped in a flurry of cuteness and mainstream topics, The Secret Life of Pets says nothing new, teaches nothing to kids, and is absurd even for animated film standards. There's a scene where a bunny, voiced by Kevin Hart drives a truck across the Brooklyn bridge. At least in Finding Dory, the octopus was developed as a highly dexterous and clever character, so that we would at least have some suspension of disbelief when he performed similar feats. Pets doesn't even try; this bunny is invincible. Bullsh*t.

Master of My Domain
lone fruit fly...and cat aficionados such as Miss Vicky, There, problem solved.

lone fruit fly...and cat aficionados such as Miss Vicky, There, problem solved.
I mean, don't get me wrong, it wasn't great, but I actually liked it more than Finding Dory (and was far too generous in my rating of the latter). I felt like it knew what it was and wasn't pretending to be something else, so I bought its absurdities much more easily than the similar parts of Dory.