Sausage Party (Adults Only) - A Seth Rogan Film


Norton got a voice in it. Count me in
''Haters are my favourite. I've built an empire with the bricks they've thrown at me... Keep On Hating''
- CM Punk

"""" Hulk Smashhhh."""
Looks quite funny. I'll probably give it a go when its released on dvd.
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"Banshee is the greatest thing ever. "

Sorry if I'm rude but I'm right
Contains lots of swearing, be warned...
I can give one idea for free: There's a bunch of guys from Africa who write on various forums and claim they will give people money for screenplay ideas. Eventually they defraud these poor people and then either they got themselves some money or got busted for fraud.

There's another idea I came up with and giving away completely for free (no strings attached!):

There's a pancake king who has to sacrifice other pancakes - his brothers and minions to tremendous beasts called humans. People simply devour pancakes not being aware of their feelings of fear and sadness when they lose their beloved ones in beasts' stomachs. Only one ma.... pancake can put an end to this and it's Jimmy Crumpet. Along with two companions of his misery - Hash Brown and Peanut Butter-Jelly they roam the perilous kitchen looking for salvation. But will they succeed? Will the evil forks, knives and other cutlery kill our heroes and most importantly will they escape through kitchen window or will their departure be one through men's gullets? The movie would be called Viva La Pancakes and the ending would be most of them gettin' eaten by humans, but Crumpet squeezing through the window hole and finding himself outside, running around with slow-mo and soppy music playing... until a dog appears and eats him. There's no escape for pancakes. We're gonna eat 'em all. Of course, you have to add "No pancakes were hurt during making this film" or else you will have some Pancake Rights Activists on your heads.

I don't want any fee for this idea, but if you want to use it just put my nickname in the credits and add a kinky scene to your movie like, I don't know, a pancake and Peanut Butter-Jelly having their way, like Butter-Jelly smearing all over pancake. That would be kinky and yummy at the same time.
******* thieves.


During the trailers before Finding Dory in cinemas, they showed the 18 rated uncut trailer for this film.

Many children were disturbed, and many adults were angry.


I have to return some videotapes...
Saw this movie and I really enjoyed it. The ending is strange, at least from the cut I saw, but it's one of my favorite comedies in years.
It's only after we've lost everything that we're free to do anything.


During the trailers before Finding Dory in cinemas, they showed the 18 rated uncut trailer for this film.

Many children were disturbed, and many adults were angry.

That reminds me of the 'Bountiful penis' scene from The Simpsons Movie.

There is one thing I don't get though!!! What do homosexuals, blacks, and native americans have in common with non-perishables? What's the link there??

If I had a steak, I would f**k it!
I'm probably the only person on the Internet who would say this movie is overrated. And I generally enjoy Seth Rogen's stuff. I thought the trailer looked funny with how it starts by looking like a kids' movie, but it's actually adult. Unfortunately, it turns out that concept is basically the entire movie, with them just trying to see how far they can push it. Actual humor was minimal, I thought.

And don't tell me I don't get the symbolism. How could anyone not get it? It's so in your face, it's impossible to miss. But symbolic does not automatically equal clever.

I wanted to like it, but it just tried too hard with everything it did (both with raunchy comedy and "allegory") to be able to recommend it to anyone.

Welcome to the human race...
There is one thing I don't get though!!! What do homosexuals, blacks, and native americans have in common with non-perishables? What's the link there??
There's a type of non-perishable candy known as a Twinkie. "Twink" is slang for a certain type of gay man. Hence, the Twinkie is characterised as an effeminate gay man. Grits have a long association with being used by black people, hence why the box of grits is characterised as black. As for the whiskey - not being American, I couldn't totally say. "Firewater" is slang for whiskey and it sounds like a Native American term so...I guess? These jokes aren't very good.

I'm probably the only person on the Internet who would say this movie is overrated. And I generally enjoy Seth Rogen's stuff. I thought the trailer looked funny with how it starts by looking like a kids' movie, but it's actually adult. Unfortunately, it turns out that concept is basically the entire movie, with them just trying to see how far they can push it. Actual humor was minimal, I thought.

And don't tell me I don't get the symbolism. How could anyone not get it? It's so in your face, it's impossible to miss. But symbolic does not automatically equal clever.

I wanted to like it, but it just tried too hard with everything it did (both with raunchy comedy and "allegory") to be able to recommend it to anyone.
You'll get no argument from me. It's my current pick for worst movie of the year.
I really just want you all angry and confused the whole time.
Iro's Top 100 Movies v3.0

Rogen... it's Rogen...

Please fix it, my eyes hurt when seeing it. My freaking OCD roundhouse kicks me in the face every damn time I merely glance at it...

Sausage Party, worst movie of the year?

I would nominate that a thousand times over. Also...

and many more. I actually thought Sausage Party was alright.