R.I.P. Charlton Heston


Just heard that Charlton Heston passed away earlier today at the age of 84. The world has lost a wonderful actor, civil rights leader, husband, father, and grandfather. Heston was married for a remarkable 64 years to his wife Lydia.

Here's the statement released by his family:

To his loving friends, colleagues and fans, we appreciate your heartfelt prayers and support. Charlton Heston was seen by the world as larger than life. He was known for his chiseled jaw, broad shoulders and resonating voice, and, of course, for the roles he played. Indeed, he committed himself to every role with passion, and pursued every cause with unmatched enthusiasm and integrity.

We knew him as an adoring husband, a kind and devoted father, and a gentle grandfather, with an infectious sense of humor. He served these far greater roles with tremendous faith, courage and dignity. He loved deeply, and he was deeply loved.

No one could ask for a fuller life than his. No man could have given more to his family, to his profession, and to his country. In his own words, "I have lived such a wonderful life! I've lived enough for two people."

Will your system be alright, when you dream of home tonight?
I just heard.... I am very sorry to hear..... he was a damn fine actor
I used to be addicted to crystal meth, now I'm just addicted to Breaking Bad.
Originally Posted by Yoda
If I were buying a laser gun I'd definitely take the XF-3800 before I took the "Pew Pew Pew Fun Gun."

The Adventure Starts Here!
Oh dear, we haven't had the TV on yet today and I hadn't seen any news sites, so this is how I found out. Very bummed, although I knew that he had Alzheimer's, of course.

Rest in peace, Chuck, whom I always picture riding along the beach on a horse with Nova behind him.

I don't know why only the "actor in him" should Rest in Peace. Everyone who dies is someone we disagree with on something, often on something quite fundamental. "RIP" in no way implies a total endorsement of all the man stood for, and therefore does not need to be qualified by listing disagreements.

Will your system be alright, when you dream of home tonight?
Don't worry, people we can eat him now..

okay I'm sorry I had to make a Soylent Green referance

I don't know why only the "actor in him" should Rest in Peace. Everyone who dies is someone we disagree with on something, often on something quite fundamental. "RIP" in no way implies a total endorsement of all the man stood for, and therefore does not need to be qualified by listing disagreements.
I just wanted to say that I respected his achievements as an actor but I disagreed majorly with his views on guns. I don't see any problem with talking about someones bad points as well as their good points in an RIP thread. I respect more the obituaries that talk about people on a real life level rather than putting them on some kind of pedestal.

I just wanted to say that I respected his achievements as an actor but I disagreed majorly with his views on guns. I don't see any problem with talking about someones bad points as well as their good points in an RIP thread. I respect more the obituaries that talk about people on a real life level rather than putting them on some kind of pedestal.
Perhaps I misunderstood, but the wording was "RIP to the actor in him." Doesn't this imply "but not to the man as a whole"?

I have no problem with obituaries that talk about a person's life honestly, and I've never really cared for the process of idealization that sometimes takes place when someone passes on, either. But I don't see how any of that applies here. I'm simply expressing surprise (and admittedly, a little distaste) for the idea that we should withhold or temper the simplest of dignities from anyone we differ with ideologically. To wish that someone may "Rest in Peace" means just that; it does not imply any all-encompassing blessing or approval. If it did, we'd never say it of anyone, because no two people ever agree completely.

I think it does actually.
Why? It means "Rest In Peace." It is nothing more than a base show of respect for another human's life. Thus, it's unobjectionable unless you believe that the deceased was a reprehensible person. Or if you're so fervent in your disagrement that even a person's passing is seen as an opportunity to advance or discredit a cause.

Of course, you very well may think that opposing gun control makes one reprehensible, and if so there isn't much point in continuing this conversation. Suffice to say, most people take a decidedly more tolerant, less divisive approach to the ideas and people they disagree with...and I'm thankful for that.

Well I certainly wouldn't go into a thread commemorating the death of Fred Phelps wishing him to rest in peace. I realize that may not be very Christian, but there you have it.
Heston was a borderline case. You can't blame people who admired his art and strongly disagreed with his other activities and views for expressing that.