Note from Yoda's Wife


Hello all,

This is Yoda's wife. Yoda was bit by a dog on the hand today. He was in the ER and needs to go to a specialist tomorrow. Cautiously optimistic there will be no long-term damage, but he might not be on much for a few days, at least. Just wanted to let you guys know. He looks forward to a slew of bug reports when he gets back, I'm sure.

@Sedai @Loner @Tacitus

Just the thought of possible permanent damage is scary. Hopefully that's not the case. It's a strange coincidence because I was bit on the hand today as well. I didn't get the actual bite on film but I did get the attack-

Best to Yoda on a fast recovery!

Dog bites can be particularly bad to the hands & feet - I got bit by my neighbor's (at the time) German Shepard on the foot - he was only trying to steal my slipper (which he did), but in the process clamped down pretty hard on my foot. Even though the skin wasn't broken, the way the teeth compressed the tissue & bones messed up my foot for a good couple years - felt like all the bones got rearranged. But I recovered.

Just the thought of possible permanent damage is scary. Hopefully that's not the case. It's a strange coincidence because I was bit on the hand today as well. I didn't get the actual bite on film but I did get the attack-

Are those your Poms, cricket?

A lady down the street has 5 dogs and two of them are Poms - they look a lot like the ones in the video.
Cutest dogs ever!

Are those your Poms, cricket?

A lady down the street had 5 dogs and two of them are Poms - they look a lot like the ones in the video.
Cutest dogs ever!
Yep, and my greasy hand.

Best to Yoda on a fast recovery!

Dog bites can be particularly bad to the hands & feet - I got bit by my neighbor's (at the time) German Shepard on the foot - he was only trying to steal my slipper (which he did), but in the process clamped down pretty hard on my foot. Even though the skin wasn't broken, the way the teeth compressed the tissue & bones messed up my foot for a good couple years - felt like all the bones got rearranged. But I recovered.
No what is the worst thing ever... Cat fights and getting involved with one.. I did years ago.. and my hand welled up badly.. at least right after it happened, I washed and peroxided my hand. My doctor said I did the right thing.. Cat Scratch Fever is real! and I could have lost that hand too.

Trouble with a capital "T"
Hello all,

This is Yoda's wife. Yoda was bit by a dog on the hand today. He was in the ER and needs to go to a specialist tomorrow. Cautiously optimistic there will be no long-term damage, but he might not be on much for a few days, at least. Just wanted to let you guys know. He looks forward to a slew of bug reports when he gets back, I'm sure.

@Sedai @Loner @Tacitus
Keep a close eye on Chris' hand as being bit by an animal can induce all kinds of bacteria. My brother was bit by a cat and his finger swelled up horribly. It can be dangerous, but I'm sure Chris will be alright. If his finger starts troubling him or looks swollen or weird, don't hesitate to drag him back into the doctor!

All good people are asleep and dreaming.
Hello all,

This is Yoda's wife. Yoda was bit by a dog on the hand today. He was in the ER and needs to go to a specialist tomorrow. Cautiously optimistic there will be no long-term damage, but he might not be on much for a few days, at least. Just wanted to let you guys know. He looks forward to a slew of bug reports when he gets back, I'm sure.

@Sedai @Loner @Tacitus
I got your message. Hope everything will be okay.

Man, that sucks. I hope Yoda is recovered soon.

To those talking about the damage cat bites do:

The risk of bacterial infection from a dog bite is much lower than from a cat bite. Dog bites are dangerous because of the risk of tissue and nerve damage. Infection is certainly a risk, but not nearly as much so as in cat bites. The mouths of cats harbor much more bacteria than dogs, so a puncture wound from a cat bite is pretty much guaranteed to get infected if antibiotics aren't started immediately.

You’re the disease, and I’m the cure.
That sucks man, hope Yoda recovers, he makes this site more enjoyable each time I am here. I got bit myself once, hurts like heck.
“I really have to feel that I could make a difference in the movie, or I shouldn't be doing it.“
Joe Dante

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.

Sorry to hear about the dog bite. I hope you're not in much pain, and there's no permanent damage.

If I answer a game thread correctly, just skip my turn and continue with the game.

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
Hello all,

This is Yoda's wife. Yoda was bit by a dog on the hand today. He was in the ER and needs to go to a specialist tomorrow. Cautiously optimistic there will be no long-term damage, but he might not be on much for a few days, at least. Just wanted to let you guys know. He looks forward to a slew of bug reports when he gets back, I'm sure.

@IrishSansRed, Thank you for letting us know what happened. Just out of curiosity, was it your dog that bit him, or someone else's dog? Do you know what provoked the dog to bite him?

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
Just the thought of possible permanent damage is scary. Hopefully that's not the case. It's a strange coincidence because I was bit on the hand today as well. I didn't get the actual bite on film but I did get the attack-

@cricket, Are you okay? They look like such cute lovable dogs. What caused them to turn on you like that?