The Movieforums Top 100 War Movies Countdown

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"The Cranes Are Flying" is my favorite Russian movie (not that I like/know too many) and although I love Steve McQueen, I haven't been able to see those long movies he's in. I've tried a few times, couldn't get past the 30 minute mark the three times I tried.

Before I continue, I'm sorry that I messed up a hint again. One of them is still right, though. There was a serious mistake in the file I had concerning the list and upon double checking I had to fix it.

#16 #16
286 points, 21 lists

Oliver Stone, 1986


Tom Berenger, Willem Dafoe, Charlie Sheen, Forest Whitaker

#15 #15
288 points, 20 lists
Inglourious Basterds

Quentin Tarantino, 2009


Brad Pitt, Mélanie Laurent, Christoph Waltz, Eli Roth

1. The Best Years of Our Lives (1946)
2. Jojo Rabbit (2019)
4. To Be or Not To Be (1942)
5. Wings (1927)
6. Inglourious Basterds (2009)
9. The General (1926)
10. Ran (1985)
11. 1917 (2019)
13. The Killing Fields (1984)
14. Grand Illusion (1937)
16. Patton (1970)
19. The Caine Mutiny (1954)
21. Hacksaw Ridge (2016
23. The Great Escape (1963)

Since I messed up the hints today, I'm posting the next two 24 hours ahead. Remember: even if both are already guessed, if you still guess both right afterwards, you'll get two points. Check the scoring rules on the OP for details.



Inglorious Basterds - It was a decent movie, not a favorite of mines though.

Ballot Update

Tropic Thunder is #2 on my ballot
The Deer Hunter is #4 on my ballot
Three Kings is #6 on my ballot
First Blood is #8 on my ballot
Inglorious Basterds is #9 on my ballot
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Basterds was my 9. It’s just everything there is to like about Tarantino. Opening scene in contention for my favorite scene ever.

I watched a bunch of Stone over the past few months and that included a rewatch of Platoon. I think it’s pretty great. I was close to putting it on my list, but ultimately didn’t.

The Ryuk hint was a reference to Willem DaFoe. One point for Cricket.
Excuse me sir. I correctly guessed Inglourious Basterds, two posts after the hint. I’ll be taking my point now thank you.

Two from my ballot! That hasn't happened often, if at all.

Even though I haven't seen Platoon in a while, I've seen it several times and it always left an impression. The way it shows the toll that war takes on your psyche is harrowing, plus it has some great performances from all its main cast: Sheen, Berenger, Dafoe... off the top of my head, I don't think Sheen and Berenger have ever been better. I should probably rewatch it, but as it is, it was my #19.

I'm also a huge fan of Inglourious Basterds. From Tarantino's trademark moments of tense conversations to a flawless performance from Christoph Waltz, the film is full of great stuff. It takes some talent to walk that fine line between tragedy and comedy, and Tarantino does it almost to perfection. Powerful performance from Melanie Laurent and hilarious performance from Brad Pitt as well. If I were to give a very minor nitpick, is that I feel like the film loses me a bit once Shoshanna is out towards the last act, but I love how Waltz keeps it together. It was my #15.

Seen: 38/86
Ballot: 12/25

My ballot:  
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Inglourious Basterds is a really fun and really violent little "what if" revenge fantasy that is an absolute blast to watch. Tarantino can be a little hit or miss for me but I've loved this film since the first time I saw it and ranked it at #5 on my ballot.

Here's what I wrote about it when I rewatched it for the 7th Mofo Hall of Fame:

Inglourious Basterds

As a fan of gratuitous violence and offbeat humor, this movie is right up my alley. But this movie has a lot more to offer than that, namely in the form of palpable tension and dread. The scenes of Christoph Waltz's character offer the most tension, and each time he appears on the screen my heart races a little. He is stunningly great in this movie, but I really enjoyed all of the performances, from Pitt's hilarious Aldo the Apache, to the Bear Jew, to Hitler, to Daniel Bruhl's Frederick Zoeller. Mostly, though, I really enjoy watching Nazis suffer and die.

I've seen Platoon once, years ago. I get why other people like it but it's not my kind of movie and was never in consideration for my ballot. I don't think I've seen anything from the last couple of days.

My Ballot:
1. Waltz With Bashir (#45)
3. Glory (#38)
5. Inglourious Basterds (#15)
6. Tropic Thunder (#84)
7. Jojo Rabbit (#57)
10. Master and Commander: The Far Side of the World (#53)
12. Hotel Rwanda (#91)
13. The General (#64)
25. In the Army Now (One Pointer)

Excuse me sir. I correctly guessed Inglourious Basterds, two posts after the hint. I’ll be taking my point now thank you.

Reread previous posts to find the error. Hint 15 was supposed to be 16 because of an error I made. Basically, at the time you guessed the hint, the hint was for Platoon. In other words, you actually got the hint wrong. Like I said, I apologize for the screwup, but you still got the Platoon hint wrong. Not revealing what the mess-up 16 was, though.

14. The Bridge on the River Kwai
13. All Quiet on the Western Front

Yeah, I'm just reusing these guesses if you haven't noticed yet.

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