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Why does Michael Caine look worried?
First erection in decades?
"A laugh can be a very powerful thing. Why, sometimes in life, it's the only weapon we have."

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I Never Sang for my Father (1970)

Really moving film about a relationship between father and son. Has great performances from Gene Hackman and Melvyn Douglas who both earned Oscar nominations. Highly recommended.

Too weird to live, and too rare to die.

The Lego Batman Movie (2017)

A lot of fun. The Lego Movie is one of of my favorite movies from this decade, and while I didn't like this one as much as I did that one, it's still a very good time. The jokes are more frequent, and almost always land. The humor is a lot more in your face than the last one, which worked well considering the portrayal of Batman is so over the top. The movie also loves Batman, so if you're a fan like I am get ready for references, and self satire galore. The animation is also stunning, it's even prettier than the last one. You might never care more for the character more than you do than this one, it does a lot of interesting things with the universe, and might also have the best dynamic between Batman, and The Joker in terms of theatrical releases, they really nailed that one, I wish there was more on display in terms of that relationship, which might be my biggest complaint. Still, when your biggest gripe is you wanted to see more of something you loved, that speaks volumes about the quality of the movie.

All The President's Men (1976)

I couldn't really get into it. I suppose it's a fine visual representation of the events that occur, and I applaud the movie for not trying to make it more "Hollywood" by coming up with more details to give the story more drama, or a more traditional format, but I just don't think it translates well to film, reporting can only be so exciting without any bells and whistles, even if the subject matter they're covering is. It's well researched from what I can tell, but at the end of the film I couldn't tell you a single thing about the two main reporters, which to me is where the film's biggest problem is; it doesn't care about them, it doesn't care about any of the people they're representing. It only cares about getting from A to B. I wish there was a more moments like the deep throat scenes, with the haunting music, and the dark visuals. Something to match the movie's shady nature like those scenes, something to give it more of it's own personal identity. Instead, it just ends up being pretty standard. It's decent, but I couldn't see myself ever watching it again.

I haven't seen this film, but I have seen the scene depicted in the poster. I give this scene a 10/10
yes, absolutely...there are many such scenes that might deserve a 10 out of 10... wish I could say the same about the film in general...
To Suggest Is To Create, To Name Is To Destroy

The Girl On The Train 8/10

I know it didn't do so well with critics but i enjoyed it, it was very trippy and a bit frustrating (in a good way) and it had a "Gone Girl" vibe

Legend in my own mind

Good glimpse into the harsh realities of war and what it does to those who experience it.

Needs more depth to be one of the top war films but a decent watch.

"I don't want to be a product of my environment, I want my environment to be a product of me" (Frank Costello)

Good glimpse into the harsh realities of war and what it does to those who experience it.

Needs more depth to be one of the top war films but a decent watch.

This filmed showed me that Shia Labeouf is a solid actor I thought he killed it in this film. The film overall wasn't anything that special though. My expectations were pretty high back when I went to watch this because I liked the ensemble they got.

Night on the Galactic Railroad (1985)

Not payin' too much attention with some religious theme or symbolism but it was atmospheric at it best. The score by haruomi hosono(Happy End, YMO, etc etc) really set the bar high with not so exceptional-or decent animated work and design. Storyboard-ly, also like how it "edited" tho' there some type of "angle shot" I (always)feel meh.
hope I can see more clear version of these.

Legend in my own mind
This filmed showed me that Shia Labeouf is a solid actor I thought he killed it in this film. The film overall wasn't anything that special though. My expectations were pretty high back when I went to watch this because I liked the ensemble they got.
I was a fan of Labeouf anyway due to Disturbia and Lawless, although he has put in a few duff performances in other films.

Pitt is always good and seems to enjoy playing characters fighting the Nazis.

Agree on the film. It lacked depth, there was no real plot. I did like how I disliked some of the characters and it wasn't just 'American soldiers good - German soldiers bad'

I was a fan of Labeouf anyway due to Disturbia and Lawless, although he has put in a few duff performances in other films.

Pitt is always good and seems to enjoy playing characters fighting the Nazis.

Agree on the film. It lacked depth, there was no real plot. I did like how I disliked some of the characters and it wasn't just 'American soldiers good - German soldiers bad'
I actually really liked Disturbia, was a nice homage to Rear Window, but I didn't think of Shia as one of those guys that could hold their own against actors like Brad Pitt. I didn't watch Lawless until a few years after it had came out and he was good in that but I thought he hit really good emotional moments in Fury that I didn't think he could.

42 - 6.7/10

Welcome to the human race...
T2 Trainspotting -

"All I'm saying, MoFo, is that Sunshine was a blip on an otherwise downward trajectory."
"What about Slumdog Millionaire?"
"I don't rate that at all."
"Despite the Academy Award?"
"That means f*ck-all. It's a feel-good vote."
I really just want you all angry and confused the whole time.
Iro's Top 100 Movies v3.0