Favorite Wes Anderson Movie


Favorite Wes Anderson Movie?
0 votes
Bottle Rocket
4 votes
6 votes
Royal Tenenbaums
0 votes
The Life Aquatic With Steve Zissou
0 votes
The Darjeeling Limited
2 votes
Fantastic Mister Fox
3 votes
Moonrise Kingdom
7 votes
The Grand Budapest Hotel
2 votes
Isle of Dogs
0 votes
The French Dispatch
24 votes. You may not vote on this poll

I have been wondering what your favorite of his movies are. For now, I will go with Isles of Dogs, because when I first saw it, I was impressed that this animated film was so different from other ones that I saw due to how dark it could be. I hate The Royal Tenenbaums, because I was so annoyed and stressed out with the movie. I loved Moonrise Kingdom.

I haven't seen Bottle Rocket, The Darjeeling Limited, or The French Dispatch, but of the rest the only one I can even stand is Isle of Dogs. So I guess that makes it my "favorite."

Grand Budapest Hotel is the best. Fantastic Mr Fox a close second. The French Dispatch is ok but I think Anderson's signature tone, colour pallettes, symmetry and quirkyness are so off the charts in it, that he's in danger of disappearing up his own arse and needs to reign it in a bit. I'd like to see him try something a little different next time as I'm sure he has directing range.

Same response for me as the last time this was asked. Hopefully I'll get round to some more of his in time.

I'm a big fan of Wes Anderson. My top three favourites from him are:

Isle of Dogs
The Darjeeling Limited

All three I rate a 10/10 and are in my all time top 100.

28 days...6 hours...42 minutes...12 seconds
Grand Budapest is his best, but Royal Tenenbaums is my personal favourite.
"A laugh can be a very powerful thing. Why, sometimes in life, it's the only weapon we have."

Suspect's Reviews

\m/ Fade To Black \m/
The Grand Budapest for me. I love that film so much
~In the event of a Zombie Uprising, remember to sever the head or destroy the brain!~

I replied to the poll before watching The French Dispatch, and now I think that is the best Anderson movie

Grand Budapest Hotel is the best. Fantastic Mr Fox a close second. The French Dispatch is ok but I think Anderson's signature tone, colour pallettes, symmetry and quirkyness are so off the charts in it, that he's in danger of disappearing up his own arse and needs to reign it in a bit. I'd like to see him try something a little different next time as I'm sure he has directing range.
Full disclosure, I attempted to watch The French Dispatch yesterday and turned it off after about 20 minutes. I found it confusing and it was putting me to sleep. First time this has ever happened with a Wes Anderson movie.

Full disclosure, I attempted to watch The French Dispatch yesterday and turned it off after about 20 minutes. I found it confusing and it was putting me to sleep. First time this has ever happened with a Wes Anderson movie.
How often has that ever happened? You watch a lot of stuff.

FD didn’t have any of the charm or heart that his other dollhouse movies seem to. The more movies he makes like this, the more it amplifies how good Rushmore and Tenebaums are. It’s like that RDJ quote from Tropic Thunder and Anderson seems to be there.

Believe it or not, it's probably at least once a month that I put on a movie, find myself bored to the point of nodding off, turn the movie off and put on something else. I turned off Gravity four times before watching it from beginning to end and loving it...ditto The Social Network. I've also tried to watch Interstellar three times and haven't been able to get through it.