The Movie Forums Top 100 Comedies Countdown

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i had five Woody Allen films on my list, but I did not include Annie Hall.
I didn't either. AH was a classic, and I enjoyed it, but I preferred Manhattan. I'm a Woody Allen fan, but none of his films made my top 25.

Also, readying my "Ghostbusters isn't funny" response, which is certainly on the verge of coming into play.
I don't consider Ghostbusters to be riotously funny, but I think a lot of its impact comes from the way the irreverent interplay between the leads undercuts the grandeur of the proceedings. It's a lesson that most of the movies it inspired seem to have missed completely.

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
I like Annie Hall, but it's another movie that I think of more as an enjoyable movie to watch, rather than a comedy that makes me laugh. (Although I can easily relate to Annie calling Alvy to come over in the middle of the night to kill a spider.)

For some unknown reason, I thought David Spade starred in Office Space, and I don't like him, so I had been avoiding the movie for many years. But while I was looking for movies to watch for this countdown, I came across this movie, and read through the cast list. I was surprised to find out that not only wasn't David Spade even in the movie, but it had a very good cast, so I decided to watch it for this countdown.

Even though it didn't make my list, I was very pleasantly surprised at how much I enjoyed the movie.
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I truly like Annie Hall a lot, but my favorite Woody Allen film is Hannah and Her Sisters and I consider that more of a touching drama with humor, so I didn't vote for AH. Plus, I still have a bit of a grudge against AH for winning Best Picture over Star Wars in 1978. Star Wars was a game-changer in cinema and should have won. But, c'est la vie. Sorry, Woody!

I love Office Space and have seen it a couple of times and have the DVD. But it's been a while since I've watched it. I thought Gary Cole was the best thing in the movie but everyone did a fine job. I guess I should break it out soon and watch it again...Yeahhh....

My list:
#4.The In-Laws
#9.The Blues Brothers
#11.Arsenic and Old Lace
#13.Raising Arizona
#14.Animal House
#18.Dirty Rotten Scoundrels
"Miss Jean Louise, Mr. Arthur Radley."

In case I miss repeating myself for a given day, my guesses will remain, "unnamed ballot entry #2," and Ghostbusters until they either show up or I say otherwise.

Ghostbusters and Galaxy Quest?
"Film is a disease. When it infects your bloodstream it takes over as the number one hormone. It bosses the enzymes, directs the pineal gland, plays Iago to your psyche. As with heroin, the antidote to Film is more Film." - Frank Capra

A system of cells interlinked
Both The Blues Brothers and Office Space were on my list, at #19 and #14, respectively. I have loved The Blues Brothers ever since an adult with questionable judgment took my 9 year-old self to see it back in 1980. At that time, i loved the zany antics and the car chases, only later coming to appreciate some of the more adult-oriented jokes and the music. Also: It had Princess Leia in it, so I was hooked.

Office Space is endlessly quotable, post-modern subtext slinging fun, and I dislike postmodernism. Fun stuff!
“It takes considerable knowledge just to realize the extent of your own ignorance.” ― Thomas Sowell

Ghostbusters and Galaxy Quest?
You really think Galaxy Quest has a chance at this point?
Check out my podcast: The Movie Loot!

No, but I didn't think Office Space did either and you yourself just said you are expecting another "surprise".

So no, but yes. We will know shortly.
Nah, I already lost hope

Anyway, it was a serious question, based on your knowledge of past countdowns. How did Galaxy Quest perform previously?

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Also I really don't understand The Blues Brothers love. It's just an average movie and honestly, I don't really remember laughing at all. Sorry Cricket

Short tech note, some of the earlier ranks are gonna look wonky for a bit until I can sit down and fix/relabel a bunch of stuff. Trying to find a way to do this that won't take forever/be totally manual, so kindly take the exact rankings up until these last few with a grain of salt, as most will shift slightly before we confirm the final list.

Also I really don't understand The Blues Brothers love. It's just an average movie and honestly, I don't really remember laughing at all. Sorry Cricket
It's ok, I've said before that I think it's a lot about attitude that you either jive with or don't.