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That's hilarious. How is this a thing, though? Now you can team up, or was this just a fun side-thing you guys did?
It's just something people did to mess around. They all hop in voice chat on Discord. It's definitely not a real game mode or anything.

there's a frog in my snake oil

No Man's Sky - worth playing at this point? Have things improved since launch?
A tentative yes for it's current 50% sale price, ay

The reason for the tentative is, what it's strong at now is the survival side, but more for the crazy settings and proc gen animals than the actual loot/crafting or peril subtleties. (Essentially, The Long Dark has ruined all survival games, and you have been more ruined than most )

Also... It's still an indie game. Despite all the hype, that's what it is. So there's techno-fuzz bespeckling the eccentric planetary surfaces as you approach, and the NPC 'story' dialogue is mainly Cthulian 'choose your own adventure' stuff. Essentially the mechanics don't always feel like they've been taken all the way, so grind is deployed, and just makes it feel more that way. But there are some fun big and small breadcrumbs spread out across this improbably large playspace. And you can just chill on one planet if you want anyway, as they've nailed a vibe throughout somehow. The flip side of the indie coin is that they could enjoy being eccentric

So ultimately, yeah, there's some fun in there

(Plus when the VR / multiplayer expansion comes out you can hear me be terrified by absolutely everything. While rocket-packing around wildly. You'll love that )
Virtual Reality chatter on a movie site? Got endless amounts of it here. Reviews over here

there's a frog in my snake oil
Star Citizen: What A Wonka
It's all true, yay

3.6 is now 'live' to the test servers. Which means the most glamorous bugs in the world are back.

PS: Click this link and you will die...

A system of cells interlinked
I guess I will pull the trigger, even if The Long Dark has probably ruined me as far as survival stuff is concerned. All that gallivanting around in space to explore random planets looks pretty cool. I take it survival mode is the way to go?
“It takes considerable knowledge just to realize the extent of your own ignorance.” ― Thomas Sowell

there's a frog in my snake oil
I guess I will pull the trigger, even if The Long Dark has probably ruined me as far as survival stuff is concerned. All that gallivanting around in space to explore random planets looks pretty cool. I take it survival mode is the way to go?
Yeah I reckon go straight there. You tend to whack things up to 10 anyway, so might as well jump straight in

(Not sure how it starts now, but in the past the spawn could vary wildly. Like sometimes a sheer hell planet other times a minor barren paradise. So don't be afraid to re-roll if you find yourself swimming in acid rain perpetually . Some of the tougher starts were kinda fun though, once you've figured out the basics.)

A system of cells interlinked
Yeah I reckon go straight there. You tend to whack things up to 10 anyway, so might as well jump straight in

(Not sure how it starts now, but in the past the spawn could vary wildly. Like sometimes a sheer hell planet other times a minor barren paradise. So don't be afraid to re-roll if you find yourself swimming in acid rain perpetually . Some of the tougher starts were kinda fun though, once you've figured out the basics.)
Sounds good! I will give it a shot, and if I keep biting the acid rain bullet, I will fire up a mode that is a bit more tutorial-like to learn the ropes, and then fire up the death mode afterward.

Thanks for the hints!

The People's Republic of Clogher
Honestly? I think survival mode is poor.

It's a chill game, and having a forced difficulty spike ruins the experience for me.
"Critics are like eunuchs in a harem; they know how the Tatty 100 is done, they've seen it done every day, but they're unable to do it themselves." - Brendan Behan

there's a frog in my snake oil
Honestly? I think survival mode is poor.

It's a chill game, and having a forced difficulty spike ruins the experience for me.
I'm guessing Seds would prefer the 'panting to get to a cave' scenario over the 'walking sim' lean, but true both have their plus sides (and their 'what are we designing this game to be again?' drawbacks ). I ended leaning that way anyway. Found it gave the game focus for me.

The People's Republic of Clogher
I've seen people go straight to survival mode, land on an unhelpful planet and put the game down for good.

The view of someone who generally hates survival games:

It's not an action game (or if it is, it's not a good one) so the more you do to minimise the mechanic, the more you can just get lost in the exploration.

Mods help. Especially those which get rid of timers and restrictions entirely.

The People's Republic of Clogher
Years ago, I got a couple of games for Christmas, Last Guardian being one of them.

Still not played it.

Next up is probably Detroit, which I saw going cheaply. I'm not even going to buy stuff like Judgement and Bloodstained until I clear a bit of my backlog.
I knew this would come back to haunt me. Always figured that Detroit would end up as a PS+ title, but a couple of days after I bought it?

I'm glad the disc was super cheap as it's now worthless to trade.

A system of cells interlinked
I've seen people go straight to survival mode, land on an unhelpful planet and put the game down for good.
Yea, this happened, all except the last part.

I was plopped down smack dab in the middle an acid rain storm and ran around flailing to find shelter as I quickly attempted to absorb the menu system and crafting mechanics. Found a cave system just in time!

I definitely prefer the whole "Space is extremely hostile to humans" idea, and I have enjoyed the urgency so far. A few hours in and I am off that planet and on to the next, which now has me building a base while I am gobbling up sodium to keep my rad shields up. In retrospect I do kind of wish I would have stuck around on the acid planet a bit longer to catalog all the species etc, but I was sort of following the missions along, and that progression brought me up to space pretty much as soon as I had completed repairs on my ship.

Fun stuff so far! Definitely glad I grabbed the game.

The People's Republic of Clogher
Yea, this happened, all except the last part.

I was plopped down smack dab in the middle an acid rain storm and ran around flailing to find shelter as I quickly attempted to absorb the menu system and crafting mechanics. Found a cave system just in time!

I definitely prefer the whole "Space is extremely hostile to humans" idea, and I have enjoyed the urgency so far. A few hours in and I am off that planet and on to the next, which now has me building a base while I am gobbling up sodium to keep my rad shields up. In retrospect I do kind of wish I would have stuck around on the acid planet a bit longer to catalog all the species etc, but I was sort of following the missions along, and that progression brought me up to space pretty much as soon as I had completed repairs on my ship.

Fun stuff so far! Definitely glad I grabbed the game.
Nice one.

You'll reach a point pretty soon where resource gathering gets more and more unimportant. You can just buy the stuff you need for blueprints etc.

Just make sure you've upgraded your scanner - You'll get loads more money for cataloging creatures and plants.

Currently playing A Plague Tale - Innocence. Don't know how far I'm into it, but can easily recommend this to people who like some linear story driven games and are tired of countless open worlds and forced game systems. Just straight pure adventure. Really enjoying it.

The only problem with Detroit is the walking simulator is broken.

The People's Republic of Clogher
Caved in and bought Castlevania *checks notes* Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night!

If you liked the 2D Castlevanias at all, then you'll love this.

It looks gorgeous, has a fantastic score and plays just like Symphony of the Night (which is free on Games With Gold this month, btw).

It is a special thing.

This happened.

Game of the year!

Let us know what the quote on the save couch is.