The MoFo Top 100 of the 2010s Countdown

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A system of cells interlinked
Here are a few questions:

1. What director do you think will be represented the most?

2. What year do you think will appear on this list the most?

3. What film do you think will be at #1? HINT: It's Mall Cop 2
I will take a shot...



The Social Network

omg, I forgot Ex Machina.

I should be locked in a compound by a sneaky AI chick!
“It takes considerable knowledge just to realize the extent of your own ignorance.” ― Thomas Sowell

My ballot breakdown..

2010 x2
2011 x4
2012 x2
2013 x2
2014 x5
2015 x4
2016 x2
2017 x1
2018 x1
2019 x2

Drama x5
Sci-Fi x4
Mystery x3
Adventure x2
Action x2
Crime x2
Comic Book Based x1
Thriller x1
Comedy x1
Fantasy x1
Martial Arts x1
Romance x1
Horror x1
By countries:

South Korea

Seen these one pointers:

Revenge (2017)

The Purge: Election Year (2016)

21 Jump Street (2012)

Iron Man 2 (2010)

Tucker and Dale vs Evil (2010)

Nude Nuns With Big Guns (2010)

The only one I considered for my ballot was Tucker and Dale and I'm a little surprised it was a one pointer.

Here are a few questions:

1. What director do you think will be represented the most?

2. What year do you think will appear on this list the most?

3. What film do you think will be at #1? HINT: It's Mall Cop 2
1. Gotta give it to Neuvy. That's what I call Denis Villeneuve. He asked me to stop.
2. 2015, which I think is a very strong year for movies in general.
3. We all know it's going to be The Oogieloves in the Big Balloon Adventure, but I think Moonlight has a good chance.

I will take a shot...



The Social Network

omg, I forgot Ex Machina.

I should be locked in a compound by a sneaky AI chick!

Villeneuve, 2014, Whiplash

Trouble with a capital "T"
Here are a few questions:

1. What director do you think will be represented the most?

2. What year do you think will appear on this list the most?

3. What film do you think will be at #1? HINT: It's Mall Cop 2
1 A director I don't like
2 2016
3 A movie I don't like

Trouble with a capital "T"
Cake was my 1 Pointer and I believe it's a solid movie that deserved to make the countdown.

Cake (2014)

Jennifer wants her cake but will she eat it too? Or does she prefer a vodka cocktail with a pill chaser?

All it took for me to like Jennifer Aniston was to scrub the glamor off her pretty face, throw on a half dozen gnarly scars and plop her down in a drama like Cake!

Sure, I liked Jennifer on Friends, who didn't? But somehow I always thought of her as a light comedic actress suited for roles like Office Space. As soon as Cake started I could see more than just those applique scars on her face. I seen a brilliant actress who just needed to find the right role in the right movie to shine. Cake is that movie.

Jennifer plays Claire, a sarcastic but likable wreck of a woman. Her car was smashed and so was her body, but the worst damage was from a personal lost. She's in chronic pain both physically and mentally. She's enrolled in a chronic pain group where she becomes fascinated with a woman who committed suicide. The film follows her as she comes to grips with her own desperate problems.

Cake feels like a look into the world of a real person, with real problems. It's simple, yet effective. We can't help but like her, but she doesn't seem to deserve any sympathy. Cake is a fine example of indie film making, it's never over the top and stays true to itself.

Jennifer Aniston deserved an Academy nomination for her performance. Sadly she didn't get one.

Victim of The Night
Not rhat I've seen it, but how did Tucker and Dale vs. Evil only get one vote?
Hey, I really enjoyed the movie but I couldn't fit it on the list.

Also, I got 23 upvotes when I signed in today. I must be really popular around here
In all seriousness, I dunno what your current rep total is, but it's probably going to, like, triple during the next couple of months.

Sorry if I'm rude but I'm right
Bliss (2019) is my favorite of the one-pointers I have seen.

Bliss is an audiovisual feast that's sure to please fans of Panos Cosmatos. The film follows Dezzy, a struggling artist played by Dora Madison, as she descends into a world of drugs and violence in her pursuit of artistic inspiration.

The film is unapologetically vulgar, with its shocking visuals and unsettling scenes of drug abuse and violence. Dezzy's descent into a world of chaos is reminiscent of the work of Panos Cosmatos, with its dark and surreal atmosphere. Very much like in the case of Cosmatos' films, what makes Bliss stand out is the sheer intensity of its visuals.

The cinematography and lighting are used to great effect to create a feeling of transcendence. The music adds to the feeling of unease and creates an eerie atmosphere. Bliss is an orgone-oozing and almost metaphysical film - the best vulgar shit one can think up.

I didn't vote for it.
Look, I'm not judging you - after all, I'm posting here myself, but maybe, just maybe, if you spent less time here and more time watching films, maybe, and I stress, maybe your taste would be of some value. Just a thought, ya know.

Anton Chekov's The Duel was my one-pointer. I'll admit to some bias up front, as the writer/producer was someone I spent a couple years with in a Derekh Torah class (for those not in the know, this is a class for studying the history and practice of Judaism), and who, in spite(?) of being by far the wealthiest person I've ever met, is lovely and down-to-earth. Also, a big fan of Chekov, hence this movie, which was in the theaters for about 5 seconds when it was released.

It is genuinely quite good, though perhaps better if you are already a fan of Chekov and if you don't mind a langorous pace, with a top-notch cast of mostly Irish/English (lot of recognizable faces).

Society ennobler, last seen in Medici's Florence
My one-pointer:

Ága (2018)

A touching and sad story about one of the last families trying to follow the traditions of a becoming extinct northern ethnicity (Yakuts in the far north-east).

EU co-production led by the Bulgarian director and screenwriter Milko Lazarov.
Very strong story, not much talking, superb beautiful cinematography.
"Population don't imitate art, population imitate bad television." W.A.
"You can't depend on your eyes when your imagination is out of focus." M.T.

2022 Mofo Fantasy Football Champ
I think Villeneuve will probably dominate this list I would agree. I think Chazelle will bag 3. Same with Scorsese.

2016 is the year that seems most dominant to me and I think it's a popular one.

As for number 1? I'll go Social Network