The Movie Forums Top 100 Comedies Countdown

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idiocary would be a pleasant suprise

Why Not:
Shaun of the Dead
White Chicks
Yeah, there's no body mutilation in it

87 points, 5 lists
Kung Fu Hustle

Stephen Chow, 2004


Stephen Chow, Yuen Wah, Yuen Qiu, Lam Tze-chung


87 points, 8 lists
Black Dynamite

Scott Sanders, 2009


Michael Jai White, Arsenio Hall, Tommy Davidson, Kevin Chapman


Welcome to the human race...
No votes. I've seen Kung Fu Hustle a couple of times and generally liked it, though I don't consider it a major favourite - have been thinking about revisiting it, though. I put Dolemite as my one-pointer and it's basically the Airport to Black Dynamite's Airplane!, which I also think is a pretty fun movie even though it's a little hard to parody something that's already so patently ridiculous.
I really just want you all angry and confused the whole time.
Iro's Top 100 Movies v3.0

Have seen so far: 20 - Kung Fu Hustle - The movie was alright saw this movie a long time ago and don't remember much of it.

Have not seen so far: 16

I have not seen Black Dynamite
Moviefan1988's Favorite Movies<br />

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Trivia: Kung-fu Hustle_ Bruce Lee tribute. When the landlady is seated between the boss and his assistant, she faces the boss, and mimics the gestures that Bruce Lee used while facing a crime boss in "Return of the Dragon" She wags her finger at him, then closes both fists, then just the right (while knuckles cracking can be heard), she jerks her head up, and the boss nods he understands. then she thumbs her nose, exactly like Bruce Lee.

I saw Kung Fu Hustle a few times in my younger days but haven’t revisited it since. Never really liked it all that much I just remember it being pretty wacky and therefore decent entertainment.

I haven’t seen Black Dynamite but I would like to some day.

1. ??? (1971)
2. ??? (1999)
3. Black Dynamite (2009)
4. ??? (1985)
5. Austin Powers: International Man of Mystery (1997)
6. ??? (1998)
7. ??? (1975)
8. ??? (2013)
9. ??? (2010)
10. ??? (2006)

Another one of mine. I kinda rushed my ballot, I think it could have been in a better order, but Black Dynamite definitely belongs on it.

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"Well, at least your intentions behind the UTTERLY DEVASTATING FAULTS IN YOUR LOGIC are good." - Captain Steel

Catching up here:

Ed Wood, I agree is Tim Burton's best film. I felt Johnny Depp did just as fine a job as Martin Landau. I cracked up every time Depp as Wood would be watching the film or the filming and just grinning and saying how brilliant the scene or the film was. Martin Landau totally deserved the Oscar but I had a little bit of a problem with the script making Lugosi such a jerk at times (yes, I know he had a drug problem) and complaining and cussing. Even though he was an addict, I've read and heard too many stories about what a gentleman he was even with the addiction. So, I take Landau's look and feel of Lugosi as spot-on, but not the temperament. But all-in-all, I loved the movie and am very glad to see it make the list.

Mean Girls Really fun stuff, with all four Mean Girls played by talented actresses and future stars. Rachel McAdams is incredibly beautiful and incredibly convincingly mean in this role. But still, damn! Amanda Seyfried, another beautiful gal, and playing dumb as a post very convincingly. Of the three though, I think I love Lacey Chabert the best. Like the video that @MovieFan1988 posted, where she keeps saying "that's so fetch" and McAdams going off on her, resulting in Chabert reading her very thinly veiled take on Julius Caesar/Regina. Her acting was so fine there and I laugh every time I see that scene. I also think special mention should go to then-future star Lizzy Caplan as Janis Ian. My single favorite exchange is when some jock goes by Janis and this exchange takes place:
Student: "Nice wig, Janis. What's it made of?"
Janis: "Your mom's chest hair!" That kills me every time.
I'm not a huge fan of Tina Fey in general, but I thought she did a brilliant job writing this movie.

Kung Fu Hustle is a totally wheels-off Looney Tunes type of Kung Fu movie that's in my DVD collection. I love this movie so much, especially the landlady. Hysterical.

Black Dynamite I have yet to see this but I want to. I love the 70s "Blaxploitation" films and have seen quite a few of them, so I know I'm going to like this movie.

None of the newest four made my list.
Status quo: #8. Stripes #90 on the official list.
"Miss Jean Louise, Mr. Arthur Radley."

This is Kung Fu Hustle's first appearance on a MoFo list. Black Dynamite was #97 on the MoFo Top 100 of the Millennium, though it missed the Top 100 of the 2000s.
"Film is a disease. When it infects your bloodstream it takes over as the number one hormone. It bosses the enzymes, directs the pineal gland, plays Iago to your psyche. As with heroin, the antidote to Film is more Film." - Frank Capra

I watched Black Dynamite shortly before turning in my ballot and I liked it a lot.

Haven't seen Kung Fu Hustle, don't think I'd like it.

Haven't seen either. Never heard of "Black Dynamite".

Eleven films so far that are 2000 or newer. This does not bode well for my ballot, I only have four.

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
Y’all some genre loving mofos. Haven’t seen either of these and will probably skip them for the time being.

Haven’t seen either of these

Black Dynamite
Kung Fu Hustle

Never heard of either film.

Society ennobler, last seen in Medici's Florence
Black Dynamite
Kung Fu Hustle

Never heard of either film.
Same here.
"Population don't imitate art, population imitate bad television." W.A.
"You can't depend on your eyes when your imagination is out of focus." M.T.

Wow, so many people have never heard of these. Genuinely surprised.

Black Dynamite is tremendous. I love that it works as a straight send-up of blaxploitation films, but that it works almost just as well as a comedy if you have very little experience with them. Obviously you'll get the most out of it if you understand the conventions of the genre better, but even just understanding the kinds of things it's doing is enough to make for a very, very funny movie. Just know that almost every weird little thing you see is very deliberate.

Really can't recommend this one enough.

I watched Black Dynamite several years ago on honeykid's recommendation, but I haven't watched it since and my memories of it are far too vague to have given it a vote. I haven't seen Kung Fu Hustle.

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