The MoFo Top 100 Film Noir Countdown

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Leave Her to Heaven was my #9. Creepy noir thriller with a subtle build-up. Exquisite color scheme, hair, make-up, wardrobe and interior design. Mesmerizing performances by Gene Tierney and Jeanne Crain. About the picture quality and popping colors, I've always wondered if it's because of the Blu-ray or if it was this good looking on the screen back in 1945? And yes CR, Tierney is definitely in the conversation when discussing ultimate femme fatale portrayals.

Haven't seen The Stranger, yet.

SEEN 31/64

John-Connor's Film-Noir Top 50:  

Color noirs are allowed! They just have to be tagged 'film noir' at IMDB or Wiki per the 1st post rules.

However North by Northwest is not a noir and it's not tagged as such so not eligible. Good movie though.

Just starting to catch up with this thread. While most classic Films Noir are of course filmed in black & white, that is not a prerequisite. Some of the best known color Noirs are Leave Her To Heaven (1945), Niagara (1953), Desert Fury (1947), Black Widow (1954), I Died a Thousand Times (1955) - which is a remake of High Sierra, House of Bamboo (1955), Party Girl (1958), The Unholy Wife (1957), A Kiss Before Dying (1956), Hell on Frisco Bay (1956), and some obscure little flick by the name of Vertigo (1958). There are others, but those are some of the biggies.

North by Northwest, while one of Hitchcock's best, is definitely NOT Film Noir.

Now that Leave Her to Heaven and Niagara have made the list, I suspect that will be it for color Noirs, unless Vertigo - which is more Noir-ish than Noir - made it into the mix. I wouldn't think I Died a Thousand Times will place above High Sierra nor will House of Bamboo be considered a top Sam Fuller. All of the others would have been in the bottom half if they were coming.
"Film is a disease. When it infects your bloodstream it takes over as the number one hormone. It bosses the enzymes, directs the pineal gland, plays Iago to your psyche. As with heroin, the antidote to Film is more Film." - Frank Capra

Now that Leave Her to Heaven and Niagara have made the list, I suspect that will be it for color Noirs, unless Vertigo - which is more Noir-ish than Noir - made it into the mix. I wouldn't think I Died a Thousand Times will place above High Sierra nor will House of Bamboo be considered a top Sam Fuller. All of the others would have been I'm the bottom half if they were coming.

Wasn't there some back and forth after that post where CR basically said Vertigo wasn't eligible? Makes it seem less likely it'd make the countdown.

Trouble with a capital "T"

#36 Gun Crazy (1950)

Director: Joseph H. Lewis
Production: King Brothers Production
Cast: John Dall, Peggy Cummins, Berry Kroeger
137 Points, 15 Lists

'Two disturbed young people release their fascination with guns through a crime spree.'


Trouble with a capital "T"
#35 Rebecca (1940)

Director: Alfred Hitchcock
Production: Selznick International Pictures
Cast: Laurence Olivier, Joan Fontaine, George Sanders
142 Points, 8 Lists

'A self-conscious woman juggles adjusting to her new role as an aristocrat's wife and avoiding being intimidated by his first wife's spectral presence.'


It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
Two from my list today.

Rebecca speaks for itself. Just one of the all time greats of atmosphere. One of those movies that every time I think about it, I can’t wait to watch it again. I don’t even know if I consider it Noir, but it’s fantastic and I knew it would be here. I put it at 9.

Gun Crazy was just a tremendous amount of fun. Love that female lead performance. The story feels fresh and cool. I put it at 23.

Gun Crazy was my #3. First watched in my TCM w/o the dvr option days. It faded a little from my memory after haven't seen it again until a few months ago. Now I'll have a hard time forgetting it.

Rebecca is solid Hitch. I would have liked both to be a little higher up but glad they're here.

A system of cells interlinked
Well, at least I have seen these two

Two very good noirs, and Rebecca just missed my list.
“It takes considerable knowledge just to realize the extent of your own ignorance.” ― Thomas Sowell

It's been a long time since I saw it, so I won't be able to give any decent criticism supporting my opinion, but I didn't care too much for Gun Crazy - at least that's what I'm seeing based on my rating. I gave it a pas but hey it might have been my mood or it might be that it's not as great as the 15 of you who voted for it think it is. Who knows?

Another day, another Hitchcock film that may or may not be a noir depending on who you talk to and what day of the week it is. Ah..close enough. And it's still a very good picture.

On a side note, I really like how GulfportDoc refers to movies as pictures in reviews. It's actually quite legit (and a bit studio classy) if you think about it - awards use "Picture" and the studios do. Universal Pictures, Paramount get it. I'm in the business but I imagine it's used a lot. I just get tired of saying film or movie all the time.Thought I'd try it on there. Don't want to be seen as an imitator but what the heck!
"Don't be so gloomy. After all it's not that awful. Like the fella says, in Italy for 30 years under the Borgias they had warfare, terror, murder, and bloodshed, but they produced Michelangelo, Leonardo da Vinci, and the Renaissance. In Switzerland they had brotherly love - they had 500 years of democracy and peace, and what did that produce? The cuckoo clock."

2 for 2. Gun Crazy is my #7 pick. Director Joseph H. Lewis stages a bank robbery scene that wouldn't look out of place in any modern day thriller. I don't know if this qualifies as a hidden gem but it certainly surprised and impressed me.

Rebecca is another film that ended up surprising but also delighting me. I knew Hitchcock had directed it but for the longest time I had it pegged as more of a romance type of film. I couldn't have been more wrong. Now it's right up there as one of my favorite Hitchcock films which is saying quite a lot.

37 seen of the 66 listed so far.

2 for 2 seen, but only one made it into my ballot.

Rebecca is Top 10 Hitchcock. Well acted, neatly directed. I might share something I wrote back when I first saw it (2017), But as well made as it is, and as much as I love it, I have a couple other Hitchcock films on my ballot that I like a lot more.

Gun Crazy is a very gritty, very raw film. It was actually one of Dr. Richard Edwards' Top 5 noir films when we did an episode on Film Noir on the podcast. That's why I caught up with it and liked it a whole lot (waaay better than Bonnie & Clyde ). Here's my review of it, and a brief excerpt from it:

Aside from that, the camerawork from Lewis, especially during the car chases is nothing short of impressive. Moreover when you consider this was a low budget film, with little resources when compared to the big studio productions of the time. All of this adds a certain energy to the film that's maintained until the last scene.
I had it at #20.

SEEN: 16/66

My ballot  
Check out my podcast: The Movie Loot!

Rebecca is my #11! We're getting into 'the good stuff', I see.

I've also seen Gun Crazy, but it didn't make my list. It was good, but not top tier to me.

Seen 9 of 66.

Interesting that Rebecca makes it into #35 with almost half the ballots than its predecessor, Gun Crazy. That means that whoever voted for Rebecca voted reeeeally high. It also has one of the highest IMDb ratings at 8.1.

Two more films from my list have shown up now. I had The Stranger at #25, and considering the fact that I nominated Rebecca in the 15th Hall of Fame, it's probably no surprise that I had it high on my list here as well at #7.


Dir. Alfred Hitchcock
Starring: Laurence Olivier, Joan Fontaine, Judith Anderson

Rebecca is a film that inhabits multiple genres during different parts of its story. It takes its time setting up a typical, slightly comedic romantic drama, before subtly working in elements during the second act that gradually transform the film into a psychological thriller, before shifting focus again just before the finale. It could easily have become a mess under a different director, but the various parts blend together really well, with a particularly smooth transition between the first two acts.

Throughout the film, the suspense builds incredibly slowly and organically without relying on blind twists, though the full details surrounding the central mystery are not revealed until it's necessary for the plot to progress. The haunting memory of Rebecca, who presence can always be felt lingering over the Manderley, helps establish a dark atmosphere that complements the story very beautifully. For a character that is never seen, Rebecca leaves a remarkable impression in her wake.

Judith Anderson was great as Mrs. Danvers, the housekeeper who is perhaps slightly too obsessed with the former Mrs. de Winter. She stole every scene she was in, which is quite the accomplishment considering the talented actors she appeared with on screen. While the film was quite a bit more subtle than I remembered it being, I rather enjoyed the pace this time around. It's still not my favourite Hitchcock film, but it is certainly masterfully crafted.
Seen: 22/66

My List: 8
03. Stranger on the Third Floor (1940) - #92
07. Rebecca (1940) - #35
08. Ministry of Fear (1944) - #75
09. The Strange Love of Martha Ivers (1946) - #40
11. This Gun for Hire (1942) - #78
13. Odd Man Out (1947) - #47
19. Phantom Lady (1944) - #69
25. The Stranger (1946) - #38

Gun Crazy was #14 on my ballot. Great characters and it has a handful of great set pieces.

Rebecca is pretty good, but it didn't have a chance at making my ballot.