The MoFo Top 100 Animated Films - The Countdown

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42. How the Grinch Stole Christmas - Voting Stats

Total Points: 148
Part of a Numeric Tie? No.
12 Votes: 1st Place (25 pts.), 4th Place (22 pts.), 6th Place (20 pts.), 8th Place (18 pts), 9th Place (17 pts.), 11th Place (15 pts.), 15th Place (11 pts.), 16th Place (10 pts.), 21st Place (5 pts.), Two 24th Place (2 pts. each), 25th Place (1 pt.)

* * *

41. Waking Life - Voting Stats

Total Points: 149
Part of a Numeric Tie? No.
13 Votes: 3rd Place (23 pts.), Two 4th Place (22 pts. each), 6th Place (20 pts.), 10th Place (16 pts.), 13th Place (13 pts.), 16th Place (10 pts.), Two 20th Place (6 pts. each), Two 23rd Place (3 pts. each), 24th Place (2 pts.)

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40. Frozen - Voting Stats

Total Points: 153
Part of a Numeric Tie? No.
10 Votes: 1st Place (25 pts.), 3rd Place (23 pts.), 7th Place (19 pts.), 9th Place (17 pts.), Two 12th Place (14 pts. each), 15th Place (11 pts.), 17th Place (9 pts.), 18th Place (8 pts.), 19th Place (7 pts.), 21st Place (5 pts.), 25th Place (1 pt.)

* * *

39. Howl's Moving Castle - Voting Stats

Total Points: 154
Part of a Numeric Tie? No.
16 Votes: 2nd Place (24 pts.), 3rd Place (23 pts.), 7th Place (19 pts.), Two 10th Place (16 pts. each), 11th Place (15 pts.), 12th Place (14 pts.), 19th Place (7 pts.), 21st Place (5 pts.), Four 23rd Place (3 pts. each), Three 25th Place (1 pt. each)

I can live with Frozen here.

It didn't make my list, but it's pretty good. I admit to being a little letdown after all the effusive praise I'd heard about it. Maybe it didn't have a chance in that context. My operating theory is that part of the praise has to do with the fact that it breaks a lot of the "Disney Princess" cliches, and that people are just so grateful for characters like this where the romantic angle is secondary to something else. Which I can understand, but as always, there's a difference between a great film and a capital-I Important one.

Anyway, good movie. Probably deserves a spot on the list, but probably not one much higher than this, so I think this is a good outcome.

Surprised Frozen's so low, seeing as everyone outside the forum is obsessed with it. I think its decent but overrated, so I'm glad to see it around here.

Howl's Moving Castle is decent, I think it's ambitious but very messy, so I don't consider it top tier Miyazaki.

I had Waking Life at #3, and I only just saw it before I submitted my list, you might think it's a little premature but I was blown away by it.

Waking Life
(Richard Linklater, 2001)

"Which is the most universal human characteristic: fear, or laziness?"

I can completely understand how someone would not enjoy this. However, and hopefully all film lovers will be able to relate here, every once in a while a film comes along and you watch it thinking it was made just for you. Recently I have been thinking a lot about where I am in my life, I am a university student who doesn't really enjoy his course and kind of wish I picked something that I enjoyed a little more, I want to be able to go out and do something in my life, to contribute something great, I'm constantly thinking of things but no that there are certain restraints, limitations in life, whether physical or in social terms, that mean I can not.

I think being at an important point in my life has lead to me dreaming more. I never really noticed it until a couple of weeks ago, but I have been dreaming a lot recently. And not just dreaming either, lucid dreaming. The first lucid dream I remember was probably when I was about four years ago now, so when I was probably fifteen, and I have them every now and again. I never paid much attention to them or never thought much about them, but in the last year, especially in the last few months I seem to be having a lot of them. I have been doing a lot of research about them as I find them completely fascinating, and even tried to control them. I seem to notice that a lot of them take place after long nights out when I have been drinking or doing other drugs. I remember last year when I was in my university accommodation I had this really long lucid dream, it was more like a nightmare, I kept peeling back the layers and trying to get out but I couldn't, and as I kept trying I had to keep reminding myself I was in a dream as you would fall back and forget this, but at the same time I knew exactly where I was in real life and it was like I was stuck there.

I knew this film had a lot of philosophical stuff from the posts of you guys recently, and after the first fifteen minutes I began to found it a bit less interesting. The peak of my interest in terms of that stuff was definitely the Julie Delpy and Ethan Hawke scene. I have many times thought exactly what Julie Delpy's character says, about how life is just you relieving your memories. You are already dead, it is inevitable and you are now watching your memories back through your eyes, you are even reliving moments like this when you predict that you are going to relive them.

What I did not know, and this links back in to my first two paragraphs, that this movie was so focused on lucid dreams and the connection between reality, dreams and the way your body and brain works. I knew it was about dreams, of course, but not lucid dreams and not that it would go in to so much detail. I found the film absolutely fascinating and relatable in the weirdest ways possible. I feel like I have experienced many similar moments or thoughts in my life or in my dreams.

I do not think I have anything else to say really in regards to why I loved it so much, the animation style was fresh and totally fitted the content of the movie, I can not imagine the possibilities of the dream world being captured in any other way. An incredibly inspiring film that makes me want to go out and do something great with my life, it might sound silly, but it is one hundred percent true. Needless to say this will be at the top end of my animation list, and I really hope that some other people like me watch it and love it.

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
Howl's was a fun watch. I really like that world.

Frozen was pretty good with some great moments.

Waking Life is amazingly written but ultimately didn't have more for me than that. Way too much to digest in individual scenes, let alone as a whole.

Grinch is classic and I love it. I decided not to go with shorts for my list though. They feel like something different to me.

Nice set of four but none made my list.

How the Grinch Stole Christmas has been on my ballot since I made up a preliminary list well before all this became official. I can't recall a Grinch-less Christmas. I watch it at least once every year and it was a big reason why I wanted shorts included in the countdown. I had it at #21.

I didn't like Frozen at all and I think its newness is largely attributable to its placement here. Redo this list in a couple of years and I think you'll find it falling pretty far.

My List
6. Surf's Up (#99)
8. Over the Hedge (Near Miss)
9. Chicken Run (#51)
10. Charlotte's Web (#57)
11. Despicable Me (#61)
16. The Emperor's New Groove (#80)
21. How the Grinch Stole Christmas (#42)
22. Lilo & Stitch (#83)
24. Bambi (#50)

Grinch is classic and I love it. I decided not to go with shorts for my list though. They feel like something different to me.
It's funny you should say that - I agree that the difference between something like The Illusionist and something like Duck Amuck is quite apparent, but I don't see that with How the Grinch Stole Christmas. It feels totally complete to me and I've always thought of it as a feature. I was never aware that it only ran half an hour until I looked up its IMDb page when the discussion for this list started.

I think it's cool how 4 very different movies showed up on the same day.

I haven't seen The Grinch in years, but it's a childhood favorite that I used to watch every year, so it squeezed onto my list.

Frozen, Waking Life, and Howl's Moving Castle are all very well done, but I didn't like any of them.

My list-

7. Animal Farm
11. The Plague Dogs
16. The Wind Rises
18. Charlotte's Web
19. Kung Fu Panda
20. A Town Called Panic
21. Fantastic Planet
24. The Adventures of Prince Achmed (Near miss)
25. How the Grinch Stole Christmas

I like the live action Grinch movie with Carrey more than the cartoon, eat me.

I meant it in a tongue in-cheek light, should've added a emoticon for reassurance. sorry

Thursday Next's Avatar
I never could get the hang of Thursdays.
Well I like Frozen and it was in my top 10.

I'll admit that if I didn't have a small child who really, really, really loves it, I might have just watched it once and thought nothing more of it, but having watched it approximately 8 billion times (and watched the videos of the songs even more than that) my appreciation for it has only grown.

It's a fun, well made film, with strong characters (and, importantly, strong female characters) but what really sets it apart is the songs. Although I don't expect the musical-haters of the forum to appreciate this, Frozen is just a damn good musical. Christophe Beck (perhaps best known for his work on Buffy the Vampire Slayer) has crafted a brilliant score as well.

I don't think it has got more points just for being new at all. It's become a kind of instant cult classic. How many other films can you think of that have fancy-dress sing-a-long screenings? (I can only think of two). And while all the three year olds with their cuddly Olafs and Elsa capes may grow out of it, I think its place in film history will only be secured as time passes.

Frozen was my number one and I am very glad it showed up at all! I know outside the forum it is a smash it, but I thought I would be the only schmuck here to vote for it. Anyway I love the story, the sound track (same guys who wrote The Book of Mormon), the way it plays havoc with traditional fairy tale and Disney tropes, the characters, and it was the movie where I rediscovered my love for Disney. And it was my second favorite film from last year.

Did not vote for the Grinch but very happy it showed up too.

1. Frozen
4. Sleeping Beauty
5. Heavy Metal
11. Fantastic Planet
13. Bevis and Butthead Do America
21. Bambi
23. The Lady and the Tramp

How the Grinch Stole Christmas is my #1!

It can be, like, a metaphor of this animation countdown. I am casting Sexy Celebrity as the Grinch, even though he's actually not been as dramatic as he is for the decade countdowns . Sexy's always sketpical of countdowns and questions the excitement of waiting on movies like Paprika, 5 Centimeters Per Second, and The Wind Rises.

Every MoFo down in MoFoville liked Animation a lot, but Sexy Celebrity, who lived just north of MoFoville - did not! Sexy hated Animation - the whole Animation season. Now, please don't ask why; no one quite knows the reason... Staring down from his cave, with a sour Sexy smirk, at the warm, lighted windows below in their little MoFo town.

'I must stop this *whole* thing! Why, for fifty-three years I've put up with it now. I must stop the Animation countdown from coming... but how?'

Then he got an idea. An awful idea. The Sexy got a wonderful, *awful* idea!

Sexy went and stole EVERY animation movie from EVERY MoFo down in MoFoville's house!!!

EVEN GUAPORENSE'S 898,024,834,889,723,104 ANIMÉ MOVIES!!!!!

They're finding out now that no Animation is coming! They're just waking up! I know just what they'll do! Their mouths will hang open a minute or two, Then the MoFos down in MoFoville will all cry BooHoo! That's a noise, grinned the Sexy Celebrity, That I simply MUST hear! So he paused. And the Sexy put his hand to his ear. And he did hear a sound rising over the snow. It started in low. Then it started to grow. Led by none other than Guaporense!!!!!

And what happened, then? Well, in MoFoville they say - that the Sexy's small heart grew three sizes that day. And then - the true meaning of Animation came through, and the Sexy found the strength of *ten* Sexy's, plus two!

He brought everything back, even Guapo's 898,024,834,889,723,104 animé movies, all the food for the feast. And he, he himself, the Sexy Celebrity - carved the roast beast

Woo Hoo! Animation!! The End!!!

Chappie doesn't like the real world
My 1 pointer would have been Rikki Tikki Tavi.
I freakin' love Rikki Tikki Tavi! It didn't make my list because I decided to go with only feature length movies (with one exception) but it's brillant.

Bright light. Bright light. Uh oh.
I'd give all four of those
, and I actually think they're relatively even.

My picks so far:

2. Dumbo (#48)
5. "Bolero"/Evolution/Allegro non Troppo (#77)
12. The Hunchback of Notre Dame (#70)
13. Duck Amuck (#55)
15. The Adventures of Prince Achmed (#110)
16. Vincent (1982) (#109)
It's what you learn after you know it all that counts. - John Wooden
My IMDb page

How the Grinch Stole Christmas has been on my ballot since I made up a preliminary list
Well, of course it was -- you're the star.

... Staring down from his cave, with a sour Sexy smirk, at the warm, lighted windows below in their little MoFo town.

'I must stop this *whole* thing! Why, for fifty-three years I've put up with it now.
Fifty-three years? I'm only 31 years old.