October Horror Challenge V2


Theres no commitment to finish the whole challenge. It's really just for fun but you can still kind of play along and see how far you get.
Trust The Process

Wanna Date? Got Any Money?
I've been busy with work, but I've had some extra time off this week and can now post my progress. I'm going to include the list and also the movies I've watched for it, underneath I will throw in a couple reviews, I'll post reviews for the rest later tonight/tomorrow.

Home Invasion:
Creature Feature:
Banned: Begotten
Rewatch a Favourite:
Found Footage:
Body Horror:
Anthologies (2 or 3): The House That Dripped Blood
From the Year you were born:
This Decade:
Two Horror Sequels: Cult of Chucky, Rings
Highest Rated:
Hammer Horror:
Supernatural:The Devil's Candy
Three different Countries:

Begotten (1990) (Category - Banned)

First and foremost this is very avant-garde and purposefully grueling watch. The film is supposedly a retelling of Genesis with the robed, self mutilating figure representing god. The subject matter while enthralling at first gives way to annoyance at the high contrast and shaky camera work. Mind you I did enjoy it and am able to appreciate it for being a monument to discomfort.

The House That Dripped Blood (1970) (Category - Anthology)

So much fun, yet so riotously cheesy. It's got this Hammer Horror meets 70's comedy feeling to it, none of the plot lines are overly complicated and are borrowed from pulp works such as "Weird Tales". The over arching plot centers around a house and the malevolent and mysterious happenings which occur within and outside it's old walls. All of the segments are pretty quality but the standout is definitely "Waxworks" featuring the late great Peter Cushing.
Buy a bag, go home in a box.

I've been busy with work, but I've had some extra time off this week and can now post my progress. I'm going to include the list and also the movies I've watched for it, underneath I will throw in a couple reviews, I'll post reviews for the rest later tonight/tomorrow.

Home Invasion:
Creature Feature:
Banned: Begotten
Rewatch a Favourite:
Found Footage:
Body Horror:
Anthologies (2 or 3): The House That Dripped Blood
From the Year you were born:
This Decade:
Two Horror Sequels: Cult of Chucky, Rings
Highest Rated:
Hammer Horror:
Supernatural:The Devil's Candy
Three different Countries:

Begotten (1990) (Category - Banned)

First and foremost this is very avant-garde and purposefully grueling watch. The film is supposedly a retelling of Genesis with the robed, self mutilating figure representing god. The subject matter while enthralling at first gives way to annoyance at the high contrast and shaky camera work. Mind you I did enjoy it and am able to appreciate it for being a monument to discomfort.

The House That Dripped Blood (1970) (Category - Anthology)

So much fun, yet so riotously cheesy. It's got this Hammer Horror meets 70's comedy feeling to it, none of the plot lines are overly complicated and are borrowed from pulp works such as "Weird Tales". The over arching plot centers around a house and the malevolent and mysterious happenings which occur within and outside it's old walls. All of the segments are pretty quality but the standout is definitely "Waxworks" featuring the late great Peter Cushing.
My fave segment too. Anything with the great Cush and Christopher Lee lifts it from the mundane. Also enjoyed the Lee segment where his young daughter practices witchcraft on him.. .I only saw HTDB recently so do not need to rewatch. Would appreciate a comment on any of my previews if not a bother to you.

Trouble with a capital "T"
Director Jack Clayton.
Cast: Deborah Kerr, Megs Jenkins, Pamela Franklin.

One of my all time fave Brit films is the 1961 Gothic supernatural chiller The Innocents. Based on the novel The Turn Of the Screw by Henry James the film tells the story of a young English governess who is employed to tutor brother/sister orphans who live at a remote country mansion with their housekeeper.
Shortly after the governess arrives she begins seeing ghostly visions of a man and a woman in various parts of the estate. Thus starts a battle for good over evil as the ghosts of the former valet and governess try to possess the children.
This is one of few films that literally send chills thru me. It did when I first saw it decades ago and when I watched it for the umpteenth time a couple of months ago. That to me is the true indicator of the worth of a horror film.
I could not recommend this movie more if what you enjoy in a horror film is an engrossing mystery, chills and an atmopheric gothic theme. And without one drop of blood. I give this 5 out of 5.
The Innocents is amazing! I've only seen it once, I should catch it again. Have you seen any other movie productions of the story?....The Turn Of the Screw, there's like 8 other movies all based on the original novel. I seen one of them, but can't remember which one it was.

The Innocents has been reviewed 4 times here at Mofo, including myself. I gave it a
and so did one other reviewer. The other two gave it a very respectable

You can access reviews from the Movie link on top of the page or here's a link:

I said this about it
It's a Gothic story, with either a psychological twist or a supernatural one. The film cleverly allows the viewer to ultimately decide if the ghost are real or a figment of the young governesses imagination. The Innocents has more in common with films like Rebecca (1940) or Wuthering Heights (1939) than it does with other early 1960s horror films.

Deborah Kerr is well suited to play the young governess hired to care for two young children at a 19th century British country estate. She seems like a proper British governess, cloistered and responsible, yet with a pensive more hidden side.

The cinematography of The Innocents is sublime. Each scene is composed like a work of art. The lighting is beautiful. The special effects and optical effects are remarkable. The story itself is intelligent and thought provoking, giving the viewer the chance to finalize the meaning of the story for themselves.
Spookie, so do you think the ghost were real or imaged or?

The Innocents is amazing! I've only seen it once, I should catch it again. Have you seen any other movie productions of the story?....The Turn Of the Screw, there's like 8 other movies all based on the original novel. I seen one of them, but can't remember which one it was.

The Innocents has been reviewed 4 times here at Mofo, including myself. I gave it a
and so did one other reviewer. The other two gave it a very respectable

You can access reviews from the Movie link on top of the page or here's a link:

I said this about it

Spookie, so do you think the ghost were real or imaged or?
No worries mate ( sound like an Aussie) Orson. I am stealing your thunder. Was not aware you had already reviewed The Innocents. Yes it is only one adaptataion of Turn of the Screw...but the best by a country mile in my view. I think..no know I have seen every other adaptation that has been on film or television. Some better than others. There was a new one I had not seen until earlier this year. Check it out Orson. Titled Presence of Mind.. has Harvey Keitel of all people in it. As for whether the ghosts were real or imagined. You said this yourself. That is what makes this special. It is left up to the viewer's imagination. One could say that Miss Giddens was imagining the whole thing. I have to say I believe the ghosts are real. You?

28 days...6 hours...42 minutes...12 seconds

Horror Anthology

The film is being sold as a vision of horror from four female directors, as if that is suppose to justify something important. Ina reality, the film is a sad excuse for horror and robbed me of my time. The four stories are not scary, gross or interesting. I'll only reference the first two in this short review.

In the first short titled The Box, a young boy asks a man on a train if he could look inside the man's red box. He lifts the lid and the kid looks in, looks terrified and then proceeds to never eat again. He tells his sister a secret, then she never eats again, he tells his father a secret, he never eats again. The family looks emaciated and eventually die. Spooky? We never find out what was in the box, the kid says nothing was there. That makes them not want to eat? To whither away and become nothing? Unclear and dumb.

The second one is about a birthday party where a mother finds her dead husband in his office, then instead of calling the cops or freaking out, she decides to hide him. Then puts him in a panda outfit and makes him sit at the birthday dinner table with little kids? What?

For a film that tries to boast women as having unique visions for horror, this falls completely flat. Skip this anthology and find something that has something better to deliver.
"A laugh can be a very powerful thing. Why, sometimes in life, it's the only weapon we have."

Suspect's Reviews

28 days...6 hours...42 minutes...12 seconds
Romero: Night of the Living Dead
Carpenter: Christine
Craven: The Serpent & the Rainbow
Hooper: The Funhouse
Castle: 13 Ghosts
Fulci: Zombi
Argento: Suspiria
Home Invasion: Funny Games
Creature Feature: Back Country
Slasher: Black Christmas
Zombie: City of the Living Dead
Vampire: Near Dark
Comedy/Horror: Patchwork
Banned: The Texas Chainsaw Massacre
Silent: Cabinet of Dr. Caligari
Rewatch a Favourite: Cabin in the Woods
Found Footage: As Above So Below
Body Horror: BUG
Anthologies: XX / VHS 2
From the Year you were born: Hellraiser
This Decade: Gerald's Game
Two Horror Sequels: Cult of Chucky / Rings
Highest Rated: Repulsion
Hammer Horror: The Woman in Black
Universal: The Invisible Man
Supernatural: The VVitch
Three different Countries: Train to Busan / The Wailing / Let The Right One In

Trouble with a capital "T"
... As for whether the ghosts were real or imagined. You said this yourself. That is what makes this special. It is left up to the viewer's imagination. One could say that Miss Giddens was imagining the whole thing. I have to say I believe the ghosts are real. You?
I kind of think her fear at learning a very shocking truth caused her to freak out and do what she did. Which I can't say as it would spoil the ending, but you know what I mean

Welcome to the human race...
I'm just going to repost my progress here. Blue marks the unseen, red marks the seen.

Watch one from each of the following Directors:
George Romero The Crazies
John Carpenter Body Bags
Wes Craven A Nightmare on Elm Street
Tobe Hooper to be confirmed
Dario Argento - Opera
Lucio Fulci City of the Living Dead
William Castle to be confirmed
Watch Two Horror Anthologies The ABCs of Death, Tales from the Crypt
Watch a Horror film from the year you were born Night of the Living Dead (1990)
Watch Two Horror Sequels Halloween H20, A Nightmare on Elm Street Part 2: Freddy's Revenge
Watch a Silent Horror Film Häxan
Rewatch a Favourite Army of Darkness
Watch a Comedy Horror Wolfcop
Watch a horror film from three different countries The Wailing (South Korea), Eyes Without a Face (France), Krysar (Czech Republic)
Watch any Slasher Film A Nightmare on Elm Street 3: Dream Warriors
A Movie From This Decade Gerald's Game
Watch any Hammer Horror Film Asylum
Watch a Universal Horror Film Dracula
Watch a Film that has been banned in a Country The Texas Chain Saw Massacre
Watch a film from the following sub-genres
Zombie Train to Busan
Body Horror Spring
Home Invasion You're Next
Creature Feature Black Water
Supernatural - Inferno
Found Footage Afflicted
Vampire Vampyr (1932)
Watch the highest rated Horror film you haven't seen: It (2017)
I really just want you all angry and confused the whole time.
Iro's Top 100 Movies v3.0

I kind of think her fear at learning a very shocking truth caused her to freak out and do what she did. Which I can't say as it would spoil the ending, but you know what I mean
Shocking truth..meaning?

Begotten (1990) (Category - Banned)

First and foremost this is very avant-garde and purposefully grueling watch. The film is supposedly a retelling of Genesis with the robed, self mutilating figure representing god. The subject matter while enthralling at first gives way to annoyance at the high contrast and shaky camera work. Mind you I did enjoy it and am able to appreciate it for being a monument to discomfort.
That sounds really interesting.

I watched part of The Psychic. It was really boring and the acting horribly wooden. All of Fulci's movie's look so bad. I don't know which of his movies I'm going to try to endure. I wish he wasn't on this list.

Welcome to the human race...
I suggest The Beyond. It's got a supernatural bent that lends a welcome layer of texture to the usual zombie shenanigans.

Sadly I may actually just end up watching The Beyond. Maybe I can get some enjoyment out of its so bad it's good aspect. I'm just holding out that at least one of his movies is better than this:

Tetsuo: The Iron Man

Written and Directed by: Shinya Tsukamoto

This movie gave me widely mixed feelings. A lot of the sets are full of junkyard heaps of metal, machinery, and electronic parts that remind me of abstract found-object art. Sometimes it just looks like wires, cables, and chunks of rusted car parts thrown in a pile, other times it looks much more intentionally placed and creatively designed though still quite abstract. Everything about this movie has this duality between talented art and clumsy lazy b-movie mediocrity. The cinematography sometimes has unconventional angles well framed and capturing the activity in an eclectic style, and other times it just seems pointed in the general direction of the action by someone with Parkinsons. They use a fair amount of stop-motion, and it clashes awkwardly with the normal scenes. Some of the acting is quite good, but often it's wooden and cheesy as if they used amateur actors and didn't coach them. In one scene a guy is hunched over and making some kind of noise between a sadistic scream and a frantic wail. His screaming has no emotion in it, and his awkward movements remind me of a Power Rangers villain. Actually now that I mention it, yeah, a lot of it has that Power Rangers vibe. You know how they always jump out in frog stance and swirl their arms while wriggling their fingers and making noises that would only sound menacing to a six-year-old? I just don't even know how to feel about this movie. It had some really interesting merits, but the whole experience was soured by the bad elements. I wanted to like it. Some scenes were excellent. But unfortunately I found myself bored for at least half the movie, and cringing for about a third of it. The plot was so convoluted I had no idea what was going on. I read the synopsis after watching it, and I could not see how that was the actual plot.

Category: Watch a film from three different countries (Japan)

A system of cells interlinked
Hooper: The Texas Chainsaw Massacre
Home Invasion:
Creature Feature: An American Werewolf in London
Comedy/Horror: The Cabin in the Woods
Rewatch a Favourite: Pet Sematary
Found Footage: The Tunnel
Body Horror:
Anthologies (2 or 3):
From the Year you were born:
This Decade:
Two Horror Sequels: Paranormal Activity 3, Paranormal Activity 4
Highest Rated:
Hammer Horror:
Supernatural: It
Three different Countries:

Forgot I saw It last week!
“It takes considerable knowledge just to realize the extent of your own ignorance.” ― Thomas Sowell

“I was cured, all right!”

Begotten (1990) (Category - Banned)

First and foremost this is very avant-garde and purposefully grueling watch. The film is supposedly a retelling of Genesis with the robed, self mutilating figure representing god. The subject matter while enthralling at first gives way to annoyance at the high contrast and shaky camera work. Mind you I did enjoy it and am able to appreciate it for being a monument to discomfort.
Watched this 7 or 8 years ago. Very strange film this one.
I watched because of this cover:

One of my favorites bands ever! and this EP is awesome!!!!

Considering how that spider scene is from The Beyond, I'm really not sure what to tell you.
That the scene is from The Beyond is the point. If The Beyond is his best work I'll watch it, but I'm not looking forward to it.

Watched this 7 or 8 years ago. Very strange film this one.
I watched because of this cover:

One of my favorites bands ever! and this EP is awesome!!!!
Bet you like Bloodbath too.
You're an enigma, cat_sidhe.