Blade Runner 2049


I literally came back to this forum to moan about the teaser and this remake. Why there is this stupid trend to attach a ****** sequel or remake to every single great film??
Don't get me wrong, the director is okay, the Arrival was pretty decent but there is no way that it will be on the same level as the original was. The funny thing is that even ''visuals-wise'' the original is breathtaking, 21st century technology is not enough to match that. Just leave the classics alone
"Anything less than immortality is a complete waste of time."

Teaser looks promising. Still not convinced this will come close the the original for me, even with the people involved. Will definitely watch it, though.
Cobpyth's Movie Log ~ 2019

Sorry if I'm rude but I'm right
This surely has the visuals of the first one, but the question is will it also have its atmosphere?
Look, I'm not judging you - after all, I'm posting here myself, but maybe, just maybe, if you spent less time here and more time watching films, maybe, and I stress, maybe your taste would be of some value. Just a thought, ya know.

The Goz provides all the atmosphere you need.

There is nothing wrong with saying this could be good. From what I saw, I don't have anything to gripe about. If it doesn't work for you, feel free to try my my Star Wars philosphy.

"There are only 3."

Then invoke your selective amnesia and cradle yourself in its warm embrace.

I'll watch this but i'm not exactly looking forward to it, for different reasons than everyone else though. Blade Runner is extremely well made so i understand why so many love it but i really don't like it much and i've given it three chances. Then i'm really not a fan of Villeneuve so far.

The sequel books to Do Androids Dream Of Electric Sheep? were written years ago but by different authors, and the new movie is said to be based on those.
Interesting to see how close to the books this is tbh.

I'm in the same boat as most though in that I'll watch it, but I'm not holding too much hope.
Villeneuve is a decent director, and Scott is at least attached to the production rather than having a totally random crew attached who just want to remake the original and blanket it all in CGI.

I am still not thrilled that this is a movie that was made, but I will say this they seem to have the best director for the job here. He really nailed the atmosphere in the teaser, but still the "Deckard is human" thing still bugs me.

Will wait for the actual trailer before I decide if I will see this.

This might just do nobody any good.
We'll see. Hoyte van Hoytema (best name ever) could come close with Dunkirk.

It will confirm kill all the gret ambiguity feel (eventho' got to thx ridley long b4 that). But as denis and deakin on board, count me in.

The Adventure Starts Here!
I'm just assuming this is being made because Harrison Ford has some sort of studio contract somewhere to make sequels to all his old, iconic movies.

there's a frog in my snake oil
The only bright light I see is that Villeneuve demonstrated he can really sustain a tone in both Sicario and Arrival.

That said...
  • Curse of the belated sequel
  • Curse of the Harrison Ford in the belated sequel
  • Why?
  • The unicorn better be old too
Virtual Reality chatter on a movie site? Got endless amounts of it here. Reviews over here

I like Villenueve and I'm not bothered by the fact they are doing a sequel to Blade Runner, but I didn't think that teaser was much good actually.

Survivor 5s #2 Bitch
I really wasn't thrilled when I found out this was being made, and I'm just as indifferent now. Like CR said, it looks like it's trying to be bigger and better than the original, instead of complementing it. Then Rutger Hauer and Sean Young aren't returning which is a bit of a bummer, because I thought they totally outshone Harrison Ford, although their return wouldn't make any sense anyway.
I always thought Deckard was human though, and the screenwriter affirmed it was meant to be ambiguous in the original, so I'm glad that's being followed up.

Overall, I'm not fully on board yet, but we'll see. It has made me want to watch the original really badly again!

Trouble with a capital "T"
CiCi, do yourself a favor and check out the original theatrical release of Blade Runner. The Final Cut Blade Runner is much different with the tweaking that Ridley Scott did.

In the Beginning...
Since Scott has gone on record that Deckard was a replicant, and with both the Director's Cut and The Final Cut supporting this, it's a real head-scratcher seeing Deckard return.
I'm not a huge fan of Blade Runner, but I've seen the film a few times. The suggestion that Deckard is a replicant is something that's been irking me a bit, especially since the trailer dropped, so I was hoping to get some other responses.

The significance of Roy Batty's final moments, for me, has always been that a machine (Batty) is able to feel and articulate the impermanence and preciousness of life more ably than a human (Deckard) could. Through this exchange, Deckard comes to realize the "robotic" nature of his own existence, and he begins to see the blurred lines between being human and being a machine. Deckard finding Rachael asleep in the final scene blurs those lines even further, and for me, the two leaving together punctuates one of Blade Runner's primary themes: in the beginning, man and machine are alien to each other, and at odds; in the end, they are one and the same.

If Deckard is a replicant, then, Blade Runner feels somehow less inspired to me, and not nearly as resonant. Because if Deckard is truly a replicant, then the divide between man and machine is perpetuated, not bridged, and the two central characters become mere fugitives and not representatives of a new future.

Also, Deckard-as-replicant feels like a trope, a cheap "gotcha" surprise that adds only complication to the film, not complexity. And it cuts sharply into the burden of disbelief. I can buy the character of Rachael, a new replicant created by Dr. Tyrell who lives entirely under the Tyrell Corporation without knowledge of her origin. What I can't buy is the idea that Deckard is actually some new kind of replicant, but somehow still able to operate as a seasoned Blade Runner. Who created him and why? Who has knowledge of it? How is he able to exist in society without being detected? Does he know he's a replicant?

The questions abound, and they're all more frustrating than intriguing. I just feel that if Deckard is a replicant, that leaves a gaping hole of explanation. And what's the resonance supposed to be? People aren't what they seem? We're perhaps more artificial than we would like to believe? I don't know that that's supported by the rest of the film.

I'm dying to hear some other thoughts, so please discuss!

Trouble with a capital "T"
Excellent post Sleezy! I like your reasoning's on why Deckard as a human makes Blade Runner less interesting, less dynamic and turns it into a cheap trope trick.

Ever since that trailer for the new Blade Runner, those who had been silent about their belief that Deckard was a human have started to speak up. The Deckard is a replicant idea has become almost like a religion and to speak out and call it false is like being a heretic in the dark ages.

There are three different ways we can look at the Deckard question:

From in universe, as if Blade Runner was real, that's what most people talk about.

From a production stand point, what the script writer, director and actors originally intended.

And from looking at the writing/story telling from a narrative fiction.

I've spent a lot of time thinking about this and the answer is Deckard is a human.

Ridely Scott reworked Blade Runner for a new DVD release by making it a faster cut, removing some scenes and adding in others, thus making a ton of money for himself by giving fans their fan fiction that Deckard was a replicant.

The original Theatrical Cut is cannon, anything after that is just a bloody remix, which might look good, but it's an afterthought. ...that's something Scott does to a lot of his movies, rehash them for $$$.

Scott wasn't the executive producer on the original Blade Runner, so he didn't have final say and even if he originally had wanted Deckard as a human, he was out voted by the producers, writers and Harrison Ford, and so the original film does not show Deckard as a replicant.