Suggestions for future countdowns


Trouble with a capital "T"
Part of my thinking is that people will inevitably fight over qualifications when they're not well-defined, so it might be a lot to fight over the choice and its implementation. Which is why I like the idea of time-based lists being the "default," since at worst you're only fighting about that one thing. It's my experience that very few people get upset over doing decade lists, too, even if they're not their first choice. They're unobjectionable. Genre-lists, some people just sit out entirely, either because they don't like the genre, haven't seen enough of it, or maybe just don't like the rulings.

Anyway, I'll participate in any of them. Just noting that I think time-based lists are kind of "safe" relative to others.
You use to say you liked a genre countdown in between the decades one.

Can I ask a question? Has Holden Pike already talked to you privately about hosting a decades countdown next? I kind of get a feeling that's the case.

You use to say you liked a genre countdown in between the decades one.
In general, I do; the subtle distinction here is that I prefer a genre countdown, but would generally prefer there be a clear choice for what that genre is. And that distinction is new, just something I've been thinking about while running the refresh list.

Can I ask a question? Has Holden Pike already talked to you privately about hosting a decades countdown next? I kind of get a feeling that's the case.
Nope, not at all.

And for the record, I would never be lobbied and make up my mind like that privately and then try to nudge the debate on this publicly as if I were a neutral observer.

What do people think about doing a poll to decide which type of list, first, and then a poll to decide the specific list? That might help more people get what they want to some degree, since otherwise we'll have maybe half a dozen options and it's almost guaranteed the "winner" will be something fewer than half the people chose. Plurality might be fairest, but it also means most people don't get their first option.

Or we could go nuts and try ranked choice voting.

Film Noir, Comedy, War countdowns or most any other genre countdown CAN be done simply by using IMDBs genre tags. Not perfect but no countdown ever is...AND at least it's fair as a movie is eligible for the countdown if it's IMDB genre tag matches the genre countdown being done. If it doesn't have a tag it's not allowed.

That is by far the most fair way for a genre countdown to be done.
I go over to Letterbox, they have Jaws listed as horror. I look at Rottentomatoes and they list it as Horror. I look at MetaCritic and they list it as horror.

Why are we picking IMDb when every other site seems to be in agreement? It just feels....odd to me. Maybe pick 3 sites to reference and if 2/3 of them are in agreement, use that consensus? I don't know. I don't want to get into another debate about this but it always seems to raise issues.
Agree with both of you. There's no way to fairly define eligible films in a genre countdown other than to trust an external source, otherwise there's too many arguments. But just IMDb seems too limited.

I like the idea of creating a sort of committee of trusted sources (perhaps the 3 TUS mentioned - Letterboxd, Metacritic and Rotten Tomatoes plus IMDb) and if the genre tag appears on any one of those sites, it's eligible for that list. That way the only debate we need to have is about which source websites to include on the panel, rather than over each individual film and whether it fits in whatever genre.

Trouble with a capital "T"
I'm on a 5 minute work break and typing fast so if these points have already been made, just ignore me

What do people think about doing a poll to decide which type of list, first, and then a poll to decide the specific list?
I think that sounds good, but I can't quite wrap my head around how that would work? Can you give an example of how the two polls would be done?

Or we could go nuts and try ranked choice voting.
Like how the ballot points are calculated for a countdown? Yeah that could be interesting, I like that idea and it's not been done before which is another plus.

Agree with both of you. There's no way to fairly define eligible films in a genre countdown other than to trust an external source, otherwise there's too many arguments. But just IMDb seems too limited.
I just threw out IMDB for the source of genre tags as that's what we done before. Actually in the Horror countdown I suggested using a conglomeration of IMDB Rotten Tomatoes and Wiki. Though now I don't think Wiki would be the best for a third source.

I think that sounds good, but I can't quite wrap my head around how that would work? Can you give an example of how the two polls would be done?
First poll: decade or genre? Second poll: which decade/genre? Allows people to have influence on the second choice even if the vote for something that didn't win in the first choice.

Like how the ballot points are calculated for a countdown? Yeah that could be interesting, I like that idea and it's not been done before which is another plus.
There are a few ways to do it. Weighting like the ballots themselves can work, though usually Ranked Choice, as it's done in some actual elections and is currently done in the Oscars, IIRC, means ranking your choices, seeing if any film has a majority, and if not removing the lowest-scoring one and moving things up appropriately, and doing that until one of them has a majority, not just a plurality, of the first-place votes.

What do people think about doing a poll to decide which type of list, first, and then a poll to decide the specific list? That might help more people get what they want to some degree, since otherwise we'll have maybe half a dozen options and it's almost guaranteed the "winner" will be something fewer than half the people chose. Plurality might be fairest, but it also means most people don't get their first option.

Or we could go nuts and try ranked choice voting.
I would just continue doing the decade stuff, we really need a 2000's-2009 list and also a 2010s one. A genre one would be good but like it's been said on here, those types of threads only fuel arguments because you'll get people saying what's a action or comedy movie and what's not.

Since we already have a poll where the all time movies won the poll, it seems like the 2000's are next in line, if you want to play it safe and make a new poll to see if we get different results by all means.
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Can I ask a question? Has Holden Pike already talked to you privately about hosting a decades countdown next? I kind of get a feeling that's the case.
We only do what Q urges us to do.

Everything isn't a conspiracy, Man.
"Film is a disease. When it infects your bloodstream it takes over as the number one hormone. It bosses the enzymes, directs the pineal gland, plays Iago to your psyche. As with heroin, the antidote to Film is more Film." - Frank Capra

The trick is not minding
On a more serious note, I’ll be voting for a proper top 100 Musical countdown. The only list we have up is top 50, and that doesn’t cut it. There are far more films worthy enough to make a Top 100.
Usually, from what has been explained, it goes Decade then genre, iirc.

On a more serious note, I’ll be voting for a proper top 100 Musical countdown. The only list we have up is top 50, and that doesn’t cut it. There are far more films worthy enough to make a Top 100.
Usually, from what has been explained, it goes Decade then genre, iirc.
I am also voting that way even though I'm not a fan of musicals. There are people here who have been good sports and voted in countdowns like for horror and other stuff that they are not fans of. I think it would be a nice reward for some.

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
Just had an idea... talk in the All Time thread with @seanc about Blade Runner and BR: 2049...

A Sequels List.

Greatest Sequels Of All Time
These kind of ideas and the genres are fun. I would love to see a Noir eventually. The problem is. like superhero and women directors. 100 is just way too many. Even at 50 they feel watered down with the participation we get.

If we start going the genre route, I would like to see lists of 25 with us submitting top tens.

These kind of ideas and the genres are fun. I would love to see a Noir eventually. The problem is. like superhero and women directors. 100 is just way too many. Even at 50 they feel watered down with the participation we get.

If we start going the genre route, I would like to see lists of 25 with us submitting top tens.
Roger Rabbit for the Noir win