MoFo Top 100 Horror Movies: The List

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Interesting thought... Carrie makes 45th place on MoFo... and made 46th place on AFI's 100 Years, 100 Thrills.
And it was #36 on the MoFo 1970s list. Clicky HERE.

"Film is a disease. When it infects your bloodstream it takes over as the number one hormone. It bosses the enzymes, directs the pineal gland, plays Iago to your psyche. As with heroin, the antidote to Film is more Film." - Frank Capra

It's the number 1 Stephen King movie on RT's Stephen King list. Though most people would choose Shining or Shawshank. Mine's the 2017 It.l, to repeat myself.

The nature of my comments on Gremlins can be accurately gauged in connection to posts such as this

Jaws doesn't even count as a horror movie, so there is silly for you before the thing even started.
And this

What kind of non-Gremlins ***** is this?
Interestingly enough, I actually repped the mark f one, which came right after @cat_sidhe presented a film I regard quite well myself, Friday The 13th (1980).


Interview With The Vampire (1994)
Runtime: 2 Hrs 2 Mins
Production Company: The Geffen Film Company
Distributed by Warner Bros Pictures
Production Budget: $60,000,000
Box Office: $223,700,000
Seven Votes
103 Points (23, 22, 18, 14, 10, 9, 7)
High Voter: @Raven73
Click image for larger version

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The Haunting (1963)
Runtime: 1 Hr 54 Mins
Production Company: Argyle Enterprises
Distributed by Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer
Production Budget: $1,050,00
Box Office: $1,020,000
Ten Votes
104 Points (20, 19, 15, 14, 11, 10, 6, 6, 2, 1)
High Voter: @Hey Fredrick
Click image for larger version

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Welcome to the human race...
Interview with the Vampire...ehh, I guess? Last October I kept asking myself how much a movie really qualified as horror just for involving vampires and this one does kind of drive that home - even then, it seems to drop off hard once

WARNING: "IWTV" spoilers below
Lestat leaves the picture

but I still think I should give it another chance at some point.

The Haunting is a thoroughly respectable old-school horror. I didn't vote for either film anyway.
I really just want you all angry and confused the whole time.
Iro's Top 100 Movies v3.0

I was a pretty big fan of Interview With the Vampire when I was a teenager - both the movie and the book (though not so much the book's sequels), but hadn't watched it much as an adult. I gave it a rewatch for the countdown and still enjoyed myself enough to put it at #12.

Here's what I wrote about it last time I watched it:

Interview with the Vampire (Neil Jordan, 1994)

Date Watched: 01/17/19
Cinema or Home: Home
Reason For Watching: MoFo Horror Countdown redux
Rewatch: Yes.

Holy hell I haven't watched this movie in ages. I remember when it first came out and people were going nuts over it. I wouldn't say I was quite caught up in the hysteria over it but I did love it - because I was thirteen years old and damn Brad Pitt was pretty and Christian Slater was still hot back in those days. It was one of my favorite movies for awhile.

Well I'm just a wee bit older now and just a little less into pretty boys but this was quite a fun watch. Nostalgia, melodrama, gorgeous costumes and sets, and a generous helping of homoeroticism combined to form a piece that is as entertaining as it is ridiculous. I don't love it as much as I did in my teens and no longer consider it a big favorite, but I have no doubt it'll place somewhere on my horror ballot.

My Ballot:
2) Army of Darkness (#77)
3) Gremlins (#51)
4) The Skin I Live In (#80)
8) Freaks (#55)
12) Interview With the Vampire (#44)
15) Onibaba (#73)
25) Earthlings (1 pointers list)

And this

What kind of non-Gremlins ***** is this?
Interestingly enough, I actually repped the mark f one, which came right after @cat_sidhe presented a film I regard quite well myself, Friday The 13th (1980).

I repped it too, as the 2 camps should be able to have a sense of humour about it at the end of the day. How I feel personally? I don't hate Gremlins as a film. I hate it as a horror film.

Still on a seen everything so far status.

I like Interview with the Vampire. I don't know if it's really a horror film though (but that doesn't matter as it wouldn't be in my top-25 anyways). The book is good too and first two sequels as well. I'm quite sure I haven't seen The Haunting. I guess I should put it on my watchlist.

Seen: 48/58

Carrie's excellent horror, didn't vote for it but easily could have. Got a lot of careers launched, director Brian De Palma's first major knockout hit, early Travolta, sparked interest in horror author Stephen King, and Sissy Spacek was nominated for an Oscar in the title role. Other recents I've seen are Hellraiser (1987), Bram Stoker's Dracula (1992), Nosferatu The Vampyre (1979), and The Haunting (1963), with the favored of the batch being Nosferatu The Vampyre. I'd give the Klaus Kinski one another go round since it's been five years or so.

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28 days...6 hours...42 minutes...12 seconds
Interview is something a need give a good sit down with. I've seen most of it here and there, but never the whole thing.
"A laugh can be a very powerful thing. Why, sometimes in life, it's the only weapon we have."

Suspect's Reviews

I liked Interview with the Vampire plenty but I've only seen it once many years ago. I've never had the urge to watch it again.

The Haunting is good but it doesn't excite me in any way.

Raven73's Avatar
Boldly going.
Well I suppose I should say something about Interview with a vampire since I was the high voter (It was my #3, I think).
It's one of the few movies that takes the vampire perspective, including a reluctant vampire. Unlike more recent series like "Twilight", it stays faithful to the traditional view of the vampire, yet the vampire retains some humanity. It's this struggle between the dark creature and the human that makes it an interesting story. Kirsten Dunst was fantastic as the little girl. There are some truly captivating characters here.

I've seen Interview with the Vampire probably a dozen times, yet this is honestly the first time that I've noticed the title is actually Interview with the Vampire, and not Interview with a Vampire, which is what I've been calling it this entire time.

Sort of in a similar vein, I used to always get The Haunting mixed up with The House on Haunted Hill. A couple of Halloweens ago I decided to rewatch both of them to finally get them straight, yet for some reason I keep thinking that Vincent Price was also in The Haunting. I definitely like this version of The Haunting way more than the 1999 remake, but I prefer the Netflix adaptation.

Seen: 45/58
My List: 6

02. Re-Animator (1985) - #88
07. Cabin in the Woods (2011) - #52
16. Event Horizon (1997) - #49
17. The Wailing (2016) - #69
18. It Follows (2014) - #78
20. The Babadook (2014) - #63
25. The Void (2016) - DNP/1 Pointers List

Bright light. Bright light. Uh oh.
The Haunting contains some big scares, mostly from the loud noises that go bump in the night. It didn't need the comedy relief, but I've grown to actually like it more as time passes, and it was already good. Julie Harris is especially great at playing a desperate, needy character who has more power than she thinks. Interview with the Vampire is another solid film with lots of homoeroticism and a terrific performance by a young Kirsten Dunst. No points.

It's what you learn after you know it all that counts. - John Wooden
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You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
I watched Interview With The Vampire for this countdown, and I thought it was an interesting movie, but I didn't like it enough for it to make my list.

I'd seen The Haunting (1963) a while back, and I remembered it as a pretty good movie, so I rewatched it for this countdown. I like these types of haunted house movies because I started the movie agreeing with the cynic in the movie, but the eerie feeling and the strange occurrences in the movie were enough to make me a believer by the end of the movie. I liked it enough for it to rank at #20 on my list.

My list so far:
3) Wait Until Dark (1967)
4) The Invisible Man (1933)
5) A Quiet Place (2018)
15) Gremlins (1984)
20) The Haunting (1963)
25) Jekyll & Hyde: The Musical (TV Movie - 2001)
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